The Times Improve Your Bridge Game. Andrew Robson
Tip 9
Do not bid to increase the size of the part-score.
Deal 10
We now turn to responding to a one-of-a-suit opener. The golden rule is that you must respond with six or more points. This is because opener could have up to 19 points, and 19 + 6 = 25 (25 points for game). Pass partner’s opener with six points and you risk missing game.
What happened
North’s hand was unmemorable. But he had too much to pass the 1
East won West’s
What should have happened
Against 3NT, West leads the
Tip 10
Respond to a one-of-a-suit opener with six(+) points.
Deal 11
Say responder has a choice between supporting opener (with four or more cards) or bidding a suit of his own. Which should he do? Unless opener has bid a minor, and responder has a decent major to bid, the answer is always the same: SUPPORT! After all, that is what the bid opener most wants to hear.
What happened
North might have recovered from his failure to support if the opponents hadn’t entered the bidding. But suddenly he was faced with the decision of whether to bid 4
Defending East’s 3
What should have happened
If North had supported immediately, jumping to 3
West leads
Tip 11
Always support partner when you know there is an eight-card major fit. Think: ‘Fit First’.