The Times Improve Your Bridge Game. Andrew Robson

The Times Improve Your Bridge Game - Andrew  Robson

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responder, you must immediately support a Major when you have four(+) cards. The more you bid, the better your hand. Say partner opened 1
and you have four-card support. Use the Responder Line (see below) to determine how many to bid based on your point-count. Note that you should be prepared to upgrade with an interesting shape. For example a singleton is worth about as much as an extra king.

      Pts: 0----5 6-----9 10---12 13----

      Bid: Pass Two Three Four

       What happened

      West led

, and declarer played low in dummy, East winning
K and returning
7 to
Q and
A. There was no need to trump hearts in the dummy, as dummy’s diamonds would provide plenty of winners after trumps were drawn.

      Declarer crossed to

K and then led
2 to
Q, noting West discard. Because he had had the foresight to keep his
A10 finessing position in case of a bad split, he was able to play
4 to
9 and
10, cash
A (felling
J), then begin on diamonds. He cashed
A, then
J, then
4 to
Q. He followed with
K6, bringing his total to ten tricks. Sadly he was languishing in a part-score.

       What should have happened

      Though a 3

bid expresses his point-count, North should have upgraded his hand in the light of his singleton heart and gone straight to 4
. 10 tricks and game made.

      When supporting as responder, use the Responder Line:

      Pts: 0----5 6-----9 10---12 13----

      Bid: Pass Two Three Four

       Deal 13

      ‘How could you pass? I jumped the bidding’, said a surprised North. ‘If you had wanted me to go on to game, you should have bid it yourself!’ replied South coolly. South was right. All supporting bids are ‘Limit Bids’, showing hands of defined strength. Partner is always allowed to pass. Quite simply, the higher the supporting bid, the better the hand.

       What happened

      North’s 3

bid actually showed 10–12 points and invited partner to go on to game with an above-minimum hand (which South did not have). South then proceeded (cruelly but impressively) to show the folly of his partner’s ways by making the absolute maximum number of tricks.

      He won

2 from hand). Next he led
5. He conceded one spade trick, but dummy’s remaining trump took the last trick. 12 tricks!

      Usually it is pointless to trump in the hand with the longer trump length (generally declarer’s). But if you can trump enough times to make it into the shorter length (as here) then it becomes worthwhile. It is a technique known as ‘Dummy Reversal’.

       What should have happened


plus two.

      All supporting bids – even jumps – are non-forcing, so if you know the values for game are present, bid it!

       Deal 14

      When making your initial response to a one-of-a-suit opener, avoid notrumps where possible. Opener has his rebid planned over a suit response, but not necessarily

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