The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty. Николай Камзин

The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty - Николай Камзин

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international monetary and financial relations include the operations of different nature – from payments for goods and services before payment for the provision and maintenance of international loans, transfers of pensions and salaries to sales and purchases of foreign securities and property[53].

      Psychological basis of any human activity is the mechanics of the human psyche, which pushes him to recognize the needs, demands satisfaction, and the person on the basis of their theoretical knowledge and life experience of exploring ways to achieve the goal. This happens through his own motivation, or on the basis of external stimulation, which occurs as a result of burdening the public property needs.

      Given that the efficiency of the closed system inferior to the open, meeting the needs of the entire complex is more expedient to implement jointly, that is to give your needs the element of publicity. At least for a few subjects and on the basis of separate contributions to achieve the result by mutually beneficial structural interdependence[54]. The mechanics of achieving this result is based on the exchange in particular and multifaceted cooperation through the division of labor in general.

      The ability of individual actors – the most stable element of their economic activity, in view of the commodity offered to exchange them, showing them a professional, industry specialization. Thus, already being a prerequisite to commodity exchange or barter. However, a more efficient exchange on the basis of a universal equivalent of a multiple product of each subject in the form of «money that goes with the merchant»[55], whom in modern economic relations serves the monetary unit, money. However, this issue remains unresolved even today in the field of international cooperation and solved in a specific situation or more constant in some sectors of economic cooperation.

      The world and its phenomena are dynamic, if at first glance, it seems otherwise, it is necessary either to change the lens, or just look at a different angle. To maintain the momentum of the dynamics in economic relations, but mostly for her influence on a public entity governed by the calculated ratio of participants. Every sovereign in its territory shall have the power to establish its own unit of account, the currency in which there shall be canceled and liabilities. Part 1[56], Art. 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall establish circulation in the Russian monetary unit of the Russian Federation granted the exclusive right to issue ruble Russian central bank to ban the introduction of other money. External essence of money is being used for correspondence of mutual obligations, to implement the «exchange opportunities»[57], as wrote Carl Menger. The inner essence of the concentration of labor, the expression of what they are in the form of purchasing power, the «price of money»[58] as refined J.A. Schumpeter.

      Performing a logical ascent from mental image to a man to institutional education, to the sovereign state, and being fixed at an intermediate stage – the world community, promote mutual problem needs economically active subjects remains valid. For «movement is life» and human activities on behalf of the individual, society and the purpose and means of subsistence, as Ludwig von Mises wrote in his book «Human Action. A Treatise on Economics»[59]. Thus, the calculations, as a catalyst for the movement are the object of attention of all participants in community activities and are worthy of a comprehensive study of the scientific community, in particular in the spectrum of the mechanics of their conduct.

      In the legal field, the obligation arising from attempts to satisfy the immediate need, the subject of law contradistinguish contractor generates a chain of activities on the «domino effect» from the counterparty to the counterparty. Continuity, stability, completeness of each act of this activity is important for the international community, in view of universal interconnection and interdependence, in order to avoid a negative result from the «butterfly effect» is able to break out. Assessing the prospects for the future, it would be foolish to give much weight to things, uncertain[60].

      In the material world match the actual set of circumstances under the influence of events and actions previously agreed plan indicates the proper performance of mutual obligation that generates confidence in this subject, and strengthens its intangible asset called reputation. Similarly, in physics, developed a theory that the hypothesis, the assumption by the actual evidence, a single point of coincidence of the hypothesis with the actual reality of nature, becomes a theory, and exists as long as there is no other confirmation of the hypothesis refuted.

      To explain the same set of experimental data can be offered different theories. Check them with the output of these effects, which are available testing experience. The content of these consequences should be different from the content of the data used in constructing the theory. If such effects do not withdraw, then the theory is fundamentally unverifiable[61]. «Nothing comes from nowhere and does not disappear». Describing the practice entrepreneur J.A. Schumpeter coined the term «neue kombinationen»[62]. A person is in principle an employer only if it «carries neue kombinationen» – it ceases to be such when they established the «case» will continue to operate within the circuit. That is, the entrepreneur provides practical innovation. If his idea is successful, the economic actors who have less marked the beginning of a creative appreciate it. According to George A. Akerlof are naturally the first entrepreneurs to become merchants who have skill to determine the quality of inputs and to certify the quality of the finished product[63]. There is a natural introduction of the idea of the inner world of business with the potential employer, and they interpret the innovation, organizing commercial «case». Globalization of economic space allows creative individuals to gain access to information resources around the world and generate any actual ideas. Business entities to choose innovative projects and implement them in any area, from their point of view, the most commercially friendly.

      Production, as is known, is the interaction of various factors[64] for the implementation of any neue kombinationen connection is required, the combination, the coordination of individual factors, not always, or rather even not always located in the possession of a businessman, acting in their subject, whether public, public interest , which also stimulated by the global economic cooperation.

      The form of business determines the legal status of the entrepreneur as the subject of economic relations in the broadest sense, the owner of commercial property, because her choice is an important issue to be addressed before the organization of any commercial project. In the process of implementing a business plan, due to environmental dynamics all subject to change, like the stability of the earlier decision, which varies depending on the circumstances of reality, the entrepreneur changes the shape and way of doing business[65].

      As part of the global economy lasting processes, but rather «the direction and degree of change in national economic life of the set of elements compared to the previous point»[66], called the market conditions are «business processes» global and global crises points and starting end of the previous economic cycle.

      To fully participate in this «game» called the international economic cooperation, however, as to begin a local business from the subject required his personal attachment to its nature depends on its role and the remuneration for their participation. The ultimate party «game», the consumer receives the rent as the excess of demand over the prevailing scale of the classical market, basically this is a false social value lost during the formation of the market and the market value of the accumulated savings in the form of money, an extra element to achieve the equivalent exchange[67].

      A simple model implementation neue kombinationen, at a minimum requires:

      – material resources;


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