Ethnogenesis of the Turkic peoples. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs. Andrey Tikhomirov

Ethnogenesis of the Turkic peoples. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs - Andrey Tikhomirov

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origin with their original meaning: ataman – “appointed”; hat – “hat”; bashlyk – “headline”; esaul – the “chief”; bunchuk – “a long shaft with a ball or a tip, locks of horse hair and tassels”, a sign of power.

      This proves the initial settlement of fugitive serf lands, where Turkic peoples already lived – Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Chuvashs, Turks and others. Nogayka (Nagayka) – from the Turkic people Nogais. Koshevoi is the head of the military command in the Zaporizhzhya Sich (the Sich located “beyond the thresholds”), which was called a cat – from the Turkic language “construction on one axis of buildings facing each other and mirroring each other,” subsequently “military camp”. Sich – from the Türkic language “elected”, Sichovaya Rada (from the glory. “Council”) – the combined arms meeting, the supreme body in the Zaporizhzhya Sich, elected the military foreman (from the glory. “Senior”) and resolved the most important issues.

      Cossacks became mainly fugitive serfs, who fled from their owners – landowners. Cossacks were the main organized force in the peasant wars of the 16—18 centuries. (uprisings led by Razin, Bulavin, Pugachev, etc.). This caused, on the one hand, the desire of the tsarist government to eliminate the Cossack freemen, on the other hand, it was very tempting to contain these armed people as troops to protect the borders, ensuring their maintenance at the expense of those lands that joined the Russian state. Three times in government circles in Russia there was a question about the elimination of the Cossacks. But the tsarist government decided to bribe the Cossacks, giving him land, various privileges and privileges. In the 18th – early 20th centuries Cossacks – a military estate, which could include people of different nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Germans, etc. Tsarism implemented a system of measures to turn the Cossacks into an estate that was in the service of the state to protect it. Cossacks were widely used as punitive and police forces against popular uprisings.

      The origin of modern Azerbaijanis (in Azeri – azərbaycanlılar, can be translated as people living near the Caspian: Xəzər (Caspian, Caspian Sea, goes back to the word “Khazar”) – ancient ethnic groups of the East Caucasus (Albanians, Indians, Caspians and etc.) and penetrated here from the 7th century BC to the 15th century A.D., the Scythians, Cimmerians, Bulgarian-Hun, Khazar, Iranian and Turkic-Mongolian elements.

      Ethnogenesis, the initial stages of the formation of the Chuvash people are among the most interesting, but also very complex scientific problems, which still have many polemical aspects. Today, solid scientific literature has been formed on the origin and ethnic history of the Chuvashs. At different times, the most controversial theories of the origin of the Chuvash were put forward. Some believe that their ancestors are the Khazars, others are the Finno-Ugrians, others are the ancient Avars, fourth are the Volga Bulgars, etc. Nikolaev in the book “The History of the Chuvash Ancestors” writes (p. 23—25): “The inscriptions made in Arabic script on numerous stone gravestones and other monuments left by the Bulgars and Savirs living in the Volga-Kama in the VIII – XV centuries, historians and linguists read in the Chuvash language. It is established that the Bulgarian dialect was the historical predecessor of the modern Chuvash language [Klyashtorny SG, Sultanov TI, p. 54]. Speakers of the Hunnic language, one of the Turkic languages (or rather, Praturkic), it is considered to be Chuvash. Bulgarian tribes: Utigurs, Kutigurs, Onogurs, Saragurs, Savirs, etc., were one of the main components of the Iranian Union.The speakers of the Turkic language, which became the ancestor of the Chuvash language, were pushed out of Asia by Europe as a wave of resettlement of peoples.

      Subsequently, this Turkic-speaking community fell into two languages – Bulgarian and Khazar [Gumilev L.N. Kn. 1, p. 327]. The Türkic language in the modern sense has spread as an international and commonly used (modern Tatar) only in the 11th century thanks to the Kipchaks (Polovtsy). Before this, ethnic groups spoke at home in languages that did not reach us, but knew the ancient Turkic language of the military authorities [Gumilev L.N. Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe, p. 47]. From the language of the Khazar tribe, the word that served as the name of the fortress – Sarkel (Sarig-kil> Sarkil> Sarkel) was preserved. Gumilev L.N. translates this word as “white house”. Turkic, Finno-Ugric and Slavic languages do not know anything similar to this word [Gumilev L.N. From Russia to Russia, p. thirty]. This beautiful fortress was designed and built by Byzantine architects, among other things, from red burnt brick. “Sarkel” is, in general, the Old-Chuvash word and is understood as “a beautiful house.” That is, “rubbish” is not translated literally yellow, just like the Russian “red girl” means not a “red girl”, but a “beautiful girl”. Similarly, in the Chuvash language: saraher does not literally mean “yellow girl”, but is understood as “beautiful girl”, moreover, rather blonde or red, but not brunette. The word sarkel means “beautiful (white) house.” The Chuvash people put in the concept of “home” more than just the word “hut”, because they call the house “pürt”, “surt”, and when they say keel (-kel) they mean their native house, native land, native village, homeland. Thus, the Chuvash people put the same meaning in the word “Sarkel” as the Russians when they say, as in the famous song, “I’m in Russia, I want to go home” or simply “I am going home” ie without being tied to a specific type of object – a house, an apartment, a hut, a palace, a homeland, a courtyard, fenced and with buildings, a native village, or simply ashes. Theophanes the Confessor (VIII century A.D.) refers to the Khazars as Scythians: “This year, Leo Vasileva married Konstantin’s son to the daughter of Hagan, the Scythian ruler, converting her to Christianity and calling her Irina (before her baptism her name was Chichak)” [Chichurov I. S., p. 68;”. Zakiev MZ]. Chichak (check) – in Chuvash means’ flower. ‘This name was also found among the Chuvash in the 20th century.

      Hunno-Bulgarians, Huno-Savirs (as they were called at the end of the ancient period and in the early Middle Ages, Byzantine and other historians – their contemporaries) and the Khazars – branches of the disintegrated Hunish state. Cheshi, Soars (Savirs), Bulgarian tribes that made up the Cheshi tribal union, even before the 7th century BC. lived in the Hunnic Federation of Peoples, which included the Syanbians (the ancient Mongol tribes “Khalkhi”) [Nikolaev V.V.]. The Bulgarian group of Turkic languages was distinguished by rotacism. Later there appeared Turkic “z” -language tribes close to them, that is the earlier sound “p” was replaced by the sound “z”. On the issue of the language spoken by the Huns, Finnish scholars Castren and Ramstedt expressed the opinion that the Hunnic language was common to the ancestors of the Turks and Mongols. Pelho noted that it includes elements of an even more ancient layer [Gumilev L.N. Prince 1, p. 65]. Already modern linguists have proved that the Bulgarian-Saviri (Prachuvash) language is a relic Praturk language with elements of an admixture of East Iranian languages [Mason E.] and which was spoken as early as the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC. e. the nomadic peoples of Asia until other groups of Turkic languages dropped out of it.”

      The formation of the Kazakh nationality took a long period. It began long before the Mongol-Tatar invasion and ended only in the XIV – XV centuries. The basis of the Kazakh people was the most ancient tribes of Kazakhstan: the Uysuns, Kangles, Jalaira, Kipchaks, Naimani, Argyns and others. These tribes had a common territory, were close to each other in the level of development of the economy and culture, and spoke the same language

      They occupied three economic and geographical areas called zhuzes. 1. The tribes that roamed in Semirechye were called Uly-Zhuz (senior zhuz). 2. The tribes that inhabited Central Kazakhstan were called the Ortho-Zhuz (Middle Zhuz). 3. The tribes of Western Kazakhstan were called kishi-zhuz (younger zhuz). The word “zhuz” means “part”, “side”. In the XV – XVI centuries. names of ethnic groups “Uzbeks”, “Kazakhs” appeared in eastern sources. The first Kazakh khanate was about the khanate of Abulkhair – the offspring of Genghis Khan, which occupied a vast territory. At the beginning of the XVIII century in Asia there was a strong state of Dzungaria. His warlike detachments attacked the Kazakh nomads and captured the eastern part of Kazakhstan. This forced the khan of the younger zhuz Abulkhair, who roamed on

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