Ethnogenesis of the Turkic peoples. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs. Andrey Tikhomirov

Ethnogenesis of the Turkic peoples. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs - Andrey Tikhomirov

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on Oriental languages, was sent to the khan headquarters of Abulkhair. The embassy was charged with the obligation to swear Kazakh elders. Abulkhair was strongly supported by the foremen of most of the genera of the younger zhuz. On October 10, 1731, they swore allegiance to Russian citizenship, pledging to remain faithful to it forever, to live in peace with Russian citizens (Bashkirs, Tatars, Kalmyks and Yaik Cossacks) and to ensure the safety of trade caravans passing through the Kazakh steppes.

      The Bashkir ethnos was formed over many centuries, becoming part of the vast Turkic-Ugric ethnic ¬ world. The first written mention of the Bashkirs dates back to 922, although, of course, their history begins long ago before this date. The ambassador of the Arab caliph Ahmed Ibn-Fadlan, having made a trip this year to the Volga Bulgaria, saw and described, based on many observations, the nomadic tribes of the Bashgird, referring them to the Turkic peoples. The medieval life of the Bashkirs of the X – XVI centuries, according to the greatest connoisseur of Bashkir history and ethnography, academician of Bashkiria R. G. Kuzeyev, “must be considered in close connection with the history of the Pechenegs, Oguzes, Volga Bulgars, Kipchaks, Mongols, as well as the history of the Golden Horde and arising on its ruins of feudal khanates.Since the 16th century, when Bashkiria became part of the Russian state, the Bashkirs fell into the sphere of strong and multilateral influence of a completely different world, which is at a higher stage of development. en¬tsy in socio-economic, ethno-cultural and Politi-cal development, which led to significant shifts in is¬toricheskoy the fate of the nation, is the main soder¬zhaniem history Bashkiria next to Russia after prisoedi¬neniya century. “Pursuing nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding, the Bashkirs were located in the mountain-forest and steppe zones of the Southern Urals – south of the river. Kama river basin. White. In the administrative respect, the bulk of the Bashkir population until the 30s of the 18th century was part of the Ufa district and a small part – of Iset province. Bashkiria was divided into four parts – the “roads” – Nogai (south), Kazan (west), Osinskaya (north) and Siberian (east). The southern limit of the Bashkir nomads in the first third of the XVIII century was p. Samara According to P.I. Rychkov, in the middle of the 173s in Samara there was “no Bashkir residency anywhere near.” After the formation of the Orenburg province in 1744, almost the entire territory inhabited by the Bashkirs became a part of it.

      The ancient nomads did not know the stall content of cattle and forage for future use, nor did they know the grass planting. Herds were constantly moved from place to place within the winter and summer pastures. The main means of production of nomads were land (pasture). An important means of production and their main social wealth was livestock – sheep, goats, horses.

      The cavalry of the nomads had great mobility and could, quickly concentrating their forces for attack, unexpectedly invade far into the territory of the countries in order to capture military production. That is why sedentary peoples were forced to build long walls to protect themselves from nomads. The largest of these structures is the Great Wall of China, built mainly in the III century. BC, in ancient Russia – the so-called “Zmiev shafts”. These walls were quite an effective means of protection against nomadic raids, but against large invasions organized by large tribal unions, such walls could not serve as an insurmountable barrier. In the 4th century the most powerful of the tribes that lived on the northern and western borders of China were the Huns, Tibeto-Tangut and Syanbi. It was these tribes that began to invade China. The Huns, a nomadic people, developed in the II – IV centuries. in the Urals from the Turkic-speaking Huns and local Ugrians and Sarmatians. The mass movement of the Huns to the west (from the 70s of the 4th century) gave an impetus to the so-called Great Migration of Nations. Subjugating a number of Germanic and other tribes, they headed a powerful alliance of tribes, which took devastating campaigns in many countries. The greatest power was achieved under Attila. The advance of the Huns to the 3rd west was stopped by their defeat in the Catalan Fields (451). After the death of Attila (453), the union of tribes broke up. Modern Tibetans (self-name – peba), people in China (Tibet and neighboring areas), the Tibetan language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan (Sino-Tibetan) family of languages, Tibetan script dates back to Brahmi, one of the oldest varieties of Indian syllabic writing that arose in III in. BC. Tanguts are the people of the Tibetan-Burmese group (one of the two branches of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages, which includes: Tibetan, Burmese, Kachin and other languages). In the 10th century. created the state of Xi Xia in the north of China. After the defeat of the state by the Mongols assimilated, part of the Tanguts became part of the Tibetans of Qinghai province. The Tangut language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages, a verbal-syllabic hieroglyphic letter was introduced in 1036. The Syanbi are nomadic tribes that stood out from the union of Dong-hu tribes after defeating it in the 3rd century. BC e. hunnu. Wandered mainly in the territory of the modern autonomous region of China – Inner Mongolia.

      In the middle of the 1st century n e. the Huns crossed the Great Wall of China and settled within the Jin Empire, on parts of later Inner Mongolia, as well as parts of the present Shanxi province of China. Gradually, the tribal nobility of the Huns merged with the Chinese nobility and even changed their generic names to Chinese. And in 304, the Huns formed their own state in Northern China and subsequently captured a significant part of the territory of China. In 316, the capital of the empire – Chang’an (Chang’an) passed into the hands of the Huns. The rule of the Hunnic conquerors lasted in Northern China for less than half a century. In 351, under the attacks of the Syanbi, the Hun kingdom, referred to in Chinese historiography as Hou Zhao, ceased to exist. The formation of an alliance of nomads, known as the Juan (Zhojan, Zhuanzhuan), who roamed in the territory of later Mongolia in the second half of the 4th century, dates back to the same time. and at the beginning of the V century. and taking possession of a vast space from the mountains of the Tien Shan and Karashar (in modern Xinjiang) in the west to the Great Chinese moan and the Khingan ridge in the east. According to most researchers, the main tribes of the Zhuzhans were Mongol-speaking, but they subjugated a number of Turkic tribes, which also participated in this alliance. Zhuzhansky association in the V century. was more united than the previous associations of nomads. The head of the Juan Juan took the title of Hagan. This title of head of state among the ancient Turkic peoples (Pechenegs, Khazars), which was also worn by princes and leaders of other peoples, in particular the Eastern Slavs, Mongols, dates back to the Hebrew word “kogen”, that is, priest (Heb 8: 2), from the root “Kogan” – perform sacred service, offer sacrifices and smoke in the temple. The priest in the Old Testament is the mediator between the people and God (Lev 1:12).

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