Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
pollution; kankyō-hogo 環境保護 environmental protection
Kankyō-shō n 環境省 Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
kanmatsu n 巻末 end of a book
kanmi n 甘味 sweetness: kanmi-ryō 甘味料 sweetening
kanna n かんな・カンナ plane (tool)
kannai n 館内 inside the building: kannai-hōsō 館内放送 announcements in the building: kannai-tsuā 館内ツアー guided tour of the building
kannen n 観念 1. idea (Platonism) (= idea イデア) 2. concept, conception 3. giving up 4. meditation (Buddhism): ~ shimásu 観念します gives up, meditates
kannin n 堪忍 [BOOKISH] patience: ~ shimásu 堪忍します is patient and forgives; ~ shitekudasai 堪忍して下さい Please forgive me.
kanningu n カンニング (during examination, test, etc.) cheating: ~ shimásu カンニングします cheats
kanningu-pēpā n カンニングペーパー crib note
kannō n 感応 [BOOKISH] response, participation: ~ shimásu 感応します sympathizes
kannō teki (na) adj 官能的(な) sensual, erotic
kannúki n かんぬき bolt (of door)
kánnushi n 神主 priest (Shinto)
káno-jo pron 彼女 she/her; girlfriend, mistress
kanō (na) adj 可能(な) possible: kanō-sei 可能性 possibility
kanpa n カンパ fund-raising campaign (comes from the Russian “kampaniya”): ~ shimásu カンパします contributes to the fundraising campaign
kanpai n 乾杯 a toast, “bottoms up”: ~ shimásu 乾杯します toasts: Kanpai! 乾杯 Cheers!
kanpai n 完敗 complete defeat: ~ shimásu 完敗します is completely beaten
kanpán n 甲板 deck (of ship)
kanpan n 乾パン hardtack
kanpeki (na) adj 完璧(な) perfectness, perfect
kanpi n 官費 government expense, government expenditure
kanpō n 官報 gazette
kanpō (yaku) n 漢方(薬) Chinese medicine
kanpu n 還付 refund: kanpu-kin 還付金 tax refund
kanpū n 寒風 cold wind
kanpū n 完封 shut-out: kanpū-jiai 完封試合 shutout game
kanpuku n 感服 → kanshin 関心
kanpyō´ n カンピョウ dried gourd strips, dried ground shavings
kanrán-seki n 観覧席 grandstand (seats)
kanren n 関連 relevance (= kankei 関係): (… ni) ~ shimásu (…に)関連します is relevant (to), is connected (with)
kánri n 管理 control (= kontorōru コントロール)
kanri-nin n 管理人 custodian, janitor, manager, landlord (rental manager)
kanri-sha n 管理者 administrator
kanroku n 貫禄 presence (= igen 威厳): ~ ga arimásu 貫禄があります has a presence
kansai-chihō n 関西地方 The Kansai area of Japan (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Shiga, Hyogo, Wakayama prefecture etc.)
kansatsu n 観察 watching, observation
kansatsú-sha n 観察者 observer
kansatsu n 監察 [BOOKISH] inspection
kansatsú-kan n 監察官 inspector
kansatsu n 鑑札 [BOOKISH] license (tag)
kansatsu shimásu (suru) v 観察します(する) observes, watches
kansatsu shimásu (suru) v 監察します(する) inspects
kansei n 完成 completion, perfection: ~ shimásu 完成します completes, perfects
kansetsu n 関節 joint (of two bones): (shu)shi-kansetsu (手)指関節 knuckle: soku-kansetsu 足関節 ankle (= ashikubi 足首): kansetsu-en 関節炎 arthritis
kansetsu (no) adj 間接(の) indirect: kansetsu-kisu 間接キス indirect kiss
kansetsu(-teki) ni adj 間接(的)に indirectly
kánsha n 感謝 thanks, gratitude: ~ shimásu 感謝します appreciates, thanks
kansha-sai n 感謝祭 Thanksgiving
kan-shimásu (-súru) v 関します(する) relates (to), concerns, is connected (with): … ni kánshite …に関して concerning, with respect to …
kanshin n 関心 concern, interest (= kyōmi 興味): ~ ga arimásu 関心があります is interested in
kanshin n 感心 admiration (= kanpuku 感服, kantan 感嘆): ~ shimásu 感心します admires, is impressed
kanshō n 干渉 interference, meddling: ~ shimásu 干渉します interferes; ~ shinai de kudasai 干渉しないで下さい Please stay away from me.
kanshō n 鑑賞 [BOOKISH] appreciation (art, work, music)
kanshō n 観賞 [BOOKISH] admiration, enjoyment: kanshō-shokubutsu 観賞植物 ornamental plant
kansoku n 観測 observation; opinion (= íken 意見): hoshi no ~ 星の観測 observation of the stars: ~ shimásu 観測します observes
kansō n 感想 impression: dokusho kansō-bun 読書感想文 book report (at school)
kansō n 乾燥 dryness: ~ shimásu 乾燥します dries (something), It is dry weather.
kansō-ki n 乾燥機 dryer (washing machine)
kansōgei-kai n 歓送迎会 welcome and farewell party
kantai n 歓待 [BOOKISH] welcome (= kangei 歓迎): ~ shimásu 歓待します welcomes
kantan n 感嘆 → kanshin 関心
kantan (na) adj 簡単(な) easy, simple, brief
kantei n 鑑定 [BOOKISH] judgment: ~ shimásu 鑑定します judges, authenticates
kantei n 官邸 [BOOKISH] official residence: shushō-kantei 首相官邸 official residence of the prime minister
kanten n カンテン・寒天 gelatin from tengusa seaweed
kantō-chihō n 関東地方 the Kantō area of Japan (Tokyō, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Yamanashi prefecture) → shutó-ken 首都圏
kantoku n 監督 supervision; supervisor, overseer, manager, director: ~ shimásu 監督します supervises, oversees, manages (a team), directs (a film)
eiga-kantoku n 映画監督 film director
kantō´shi n 間投詞 interjection
kanzei n 関税 customs duty (tariff)
kanzen n 完全 perfection, completeness: kanzen na… 完全な… perfect…: kanzen ni 完全に completely