Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
keikan n 警官 [BOOKISH] policeman, (police) officer (= keisatsu-kan 警察官): keikan-tai 警官隊 a contingent of policemen
keiken n 経験 experience: ~ shimásu 経験します experiences, undergoes
shokumu-keiken n 職務経験 job experience
keiki n 景気 business conditions, prosperity, boom: keiki-taisaku 景気対策 economy-boosting measure(s): ~ ga ii 景気がいい Business is good.
kéiki n 契機 [BOOKISH] opportunity
kéiki n 刑期 prison term: ~ o oemásu 刑期を終えます serves out one’s sentence
kei(ryō)ki n 計(量)器 meter (device)
kéiko n 稽古(o-kéiko お稽古) exercise, practice, drill (= naraigoto 習い事)
keikō n 傾向 [BOOKISH] tendency, trend
keikō n 経口 [BOOKISH] oral: keikō-hinínyaku 経口避妊薬 oral contraceptive (= piru ピル)
keikoku n 警告 [BOOKISH] warning: keikoku-hyōji 警告表示 alarm display: ~ shimásu 警告します warns
keikō-tō n 蛍光灯 fluorescent light
keimú-sho n 刑務所 jail, prison
keireki n 経歴 [BOOKISH] career (history)
keirin n 競輪 [BOOKISH] bicycle race: keirin-jō 競輪場 bicycle racetrack
keirō n 敬老 respect for the aged
Keirō-no-hí n 敬老の日 Respect-forthe-Aged Day (Third Monday of September)
keiryaku n 計略 [BOOKISH] plot, scheme, trick, strategy: ~ o nerimásu 計略を練ります engineers a plot
keiryō-kappu n 計量カップ measuring cup
keisan n 計算 calculation, computation: ~ shimásu 計算します calculates, computes
keisán-ki n 計算機 calculator
keisatsu n 警察 police: keisatsu-shó 警察署 police station; keisatsu-kan 警察官 policeman, (police) officer (= keikan 警官)
keishiki n 形式 form, formality
keishoku n 軽食 snack, light foods
keisotsu (na) adj 軽率(な) hasty, rash
keitai n 形態 pattern, shape
keitai 1. adj 携帯 portable 2. n 携帯 cell-phone, mobile (tele)phone (= keitai-denwa 携帯電話) 3. v ~ shimásu 携帯します carries, takes along
keitai-denwa n 携帯電話 cell-phone, mobile (tele)phone (= keitai 携帯)
keiteki n 警笛 [BOOKISH] horn (of car) (= kuráku-shon クラクション)
keito n 毛糸 wool; yarn: ~ no tama 毛糸の玉, keito-dama 毛糸玉 ball of wool/yarn
keiyaku n 契約 contract, agreement: ~ shimásu 契約します, ~ o kawashi-másu 契約を交わします contracts, signs (up)
keiyaku-sho n 契約書 contract sheet
keiyō´shi n 形容詞 adjective
… kéiyu (de/no) adv, adj …経由(で/ の) by (way of) …, via …: keiyu-bin 経由便 indirect flight
kéizai n 経済 economics, finance
keizái-gaku n 経済学 (science of) economics
keizai-teki (na) adj 経済的(な) economical
Keizai-Sangyō-shō n 経済産業省 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
kē´ki n ケーキ cake: (ichigo no) shōto-kēki (イチゴ[苺]の)ショートケーキ sponge cake (with strawberry and whipped cream) (very popular shortcake arranged for Japanese)
kekka n 結果 result, effect; as a result (consequence)
kekkaku n 結核 tuberculosis
kekkan n 欠陥 defect, deficiency
kekkan n 血管 blood vessel
kekkō n 欠航 [BOOKISH] cancelled flight; “flight cancelled”
kékkō (na) adj 結構(な) 1. splendid, excellent 2. fairly well; enough: Kékkō desu 結構です. No, thank you.
kekkon n 結婚 marriage (= konin 婚姻): ( … to) ~ shimásu (…と)結婚します marries
kekkón-shiki n 結婚式 wedding
kekkyokú n, adv 結局 after all, in the long run
kemono n けもの・ケモノ・獣 = kedamono けだもの・ケダモノ・獣 (animal; beast)
kemúi, kemutai adj 煙い, 煙たい smoky
kemuri n 煙 smoke
kemushi n ケムシ・毛虫 caterpillar
kén n 県 a Japanese prefecture (like a state), …´-ken …県: Chiba´-ken 千葉県 Chiba prefecture
kén n 剣 (double-edged) sword
…´-ken suffix …軒 (counts houses, small buildings and shops)
…´-ken suffix …券 ticket: nyūjō-ken 入場券 admission ticket
kenbái-ki n 券売機 ticket vending machine
kenbi-kyō n 顕微鏡 microscope
kenbutsu n 見物 sightseeing: ~ shimásu 見物します sees the sights
kenbutsu-nin n 見物人 bystander
kénchi n 見地 [BOOKISH] viewpoint
kenchiku n 建築 construction; architecture
kenchiku-ka n 建築家 architect
kénchō n 県庁 the prefectural government (office)
kéndō n 剣道 the art of fencing (with bamboo swords)
ken’etsu n 検閲 [BOOKISH] censor(ship)
kengaku n 見学 study by observation, field study/trip/work
kénji n 検事 (public) prosecutor
kenjū n 拳銃 pistol
kenka n けんか・喧嘩 quarrel, argument: ~ shimásu けんか[喧嘩]します quarrels, argues
kenkō n 健康 health: kenkō-shókuhin 健康食品 health food(s); kenkō-hoken 健康保険 health insurance; kenkō-shindan 健康診断 health check, medical examination
kenkō (na) adj 健康(な) healthy
Kenkoku-kínen-no-hi n 建国記念の日 National Foundation Day (11 February)
kenkyo (na) adj 謙虚(な) humble (modest)
kenkyū n 研究 research, study: ~ shi-másu 研究します studies, researches
kenkyū-jo n 研究所 research institute, laboratory
kenmei (na) adj 賢明(な) wise
kénpō n 憲法 constitution: Kenpō-kinénbi 憲法記念日 Constitution (Memorial) Day (3 May)
kénri n 権利 right (privilege)