Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary, 2nd Edition. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary, 2nd Edition - Samuel E. Martin

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      -gō suffix 号: (magazine issues) …-gatsugō … 月号; (train numbers) …-gō´sha 号車; (room numbers) …-gōshitsu … 号室

      gobō n ゴボウ・牛蒡 burdock (root)

      go-busata n ご無沙汰: Go-busata shite orimásu ご無沙汰しております I have been neglectful (in keeping in touch with you).

      gochagocha (shita) adj ごちゃごちゃ(した) messy, jumble: gochagocha shita heya ごちゃご ちゃした部屋 messy room

      gochamaze adj ごちゃ混ぜ jumble (= gotamaze ごたまぜ)

      góchō n 伍長 (army) corporal

      gōdō n 合同 combination, union, fusion; congruence: ~ shimásu 合同します they combine, unite, join (forces); gōdō no 合同の combined, united, joint

      gofuku n 呉服 yard/dry goods; (traditional Japanese clothing) kimono: gofuku-ya 呉服屋 dry goods store; kimono shop

      Gó-gatsu n 五月・ 5 月 May

      gógo n 午後 afternoon, p.m.

      góhan n ご飯 (cooked) rice; meal, dinner (= shokuji 食事); food

      go-hyakú n 五百・ 500 five hundred

      gō´i n 合意 agreement

      gōin (na) adj 強引(な) forcible, highhanded: gōin ni 強引に forcibly, highhandedly

      go-ishi n 碁石 a Go stone (piece)

      go-jū´ n 五十・ fifty 50

      go-jū´on n 五十音 the Japanese kana syllabary

      gō´ka (na) adj 豪華(な) luxurious, deluxe: gō’ka na shokuji 豪華な食事 delicious cuisine

      gōkai (na) adj 豪快(な) dynamic: gōkai na nomippuri 豪快な飲みっぷり dynamic way of drinking (alcohol)

      gō´ka-kenran adj 豪華絢爛 absolutely gorgeous: gō´ka-kenran ni iwaimásu 豪華絢爛に祝います celebrates with pomp and splendor

      gōkaku n 合格 passing (an exam): (shiken ni) gōkaku shimásu (試験に)合格します passes (an exam)

      gōkan n 強姦 rape: ~ shimásu 強姦します rapes

      gōkei n 合計 total (sum): ~ shimásu 合計します totals (up)

      goke (-san) n 後家(さん) widow

      gokiburi n ゴキブリ cockroach

      góku adv 極 very, exceedingly

      gōkyū n 号泣 crying bitterly, crying out: ~ shimásu 号泣します wails

      goma n ゴマ・胡麻 sesame (seeds): goma o surimásu ゴマをすります grinds sesame; flatters

      goma-súri n ごますり flattery

      gomakashimásu, gomakásu v ごまかします, ごまかす deceives, cheats, misrepresents; tsurisen o gomakashimásu 釣り銭をごまかします shortchanges

      go-mán n 五万・ 50,000 fifty thousand

      gōman (na) adj 傲慢(な) haughty, arrogant

      gomen interj ごめん: Gomen nasái. ごめんなさ い. Excuse me. (= sumimásen すみません); Gomen kudasái. ごめん下さい. 1. Hello, anybody home? 2. Excuse me for interrupting.

      gomí n ゴミ trash, rubbish, garbage, house refuse, (house) dust

      gomí-bako n ゴミ箱 trash box, garbage can, dustbin

      gomi-búkuro n ゴミ袋 garbage bag

      gomi-sutebá n ゴミ捨て場 garbage dump

      gomí-ya n ゴミ屋 trash/garbage collector (= gomi kaishū gyō-sha ゴミ回収業者 ashmen)

      gomoku-chāhan n 五目チャーハン Chinese fried rice with a variety of tidbits

      gomoku-nárabe n 五目並べ gobang (a simplified version of the board game Go)

      gomoku-sóba n 五目そば Chinese noodles with a variety of tidbits

      gómu n ゴム rubbe: wa-gomu 輪ゴム rubber band

      gomú-naga(gutsu) n ゴム長(靴) rubber boots

      gondora n ゴンドラ gondola(s)

      gonge n 権化 incarnation, embodiment: … no gonge … の権化 …personified

      gongodōdan (na) adj 言語道断(な) egregious

      gongu n ゴング gong: gobgu o narashimasu ゴングを鳴らします rings a gong

      goraku n 娯楽 entertainment, recreation, amusement

      goraku-shisetsu n 娯楽施設 amusement facility

      goran v ご覧: goran ni narimásu ご覧になります [HONORIFIC] (you) see; goran kudasai ご覧下さい Please look/see. → miru 見る

      gōri n 合理 accordance with reason: gōri-teki (na) 合理的(な) rational, reasonable, sensible

      gōrí-ka n 合理化 rationalization (making it reasonable); streamlining: ~ shimásu 合理化し ます makes it reasonable, rationalizes; streamlines (procedures, …)

      gorin n 五輪 Olympics

      gorira n ゴリラ gorilla

      … góro (ni) suffix, adv … ごろ[頃](に) (at) about (a time)

      goro-ne n ごろ寝 lying dozing, sacking out: ~ shimásu ごろ寝します sacks out

      gorotsuki n ごろつき cheap hoodlum(s)

      gō´ru n ゴール goal (sports): gō´ru kiipā ゴール キーパー goalkeeper

      gōruden-uíiku/wíiku n ゴールデンウイーク/ウ ィーク Golden Week holidays (29 April – 5 May)

      górufā n ゴルファー golfer

      górufu n ゴルフ golf

      gorufu-jō n ゴルフ場 golf course

      gōryū n 合流 merger, confluence: ~ shimásu 合流 します merges, joins; “Gōryū chū´i” “合流注意” Lanes Merge (Ahead), Merge (Lanes)

      gōryū-ten n 合流点 confluence

      gó-sai n 五歳 five years old (= itsutsu 五つ)

      gōsain n ゴーサイン go sign, green light

      go-sén n 五千・ 5,000 five thousand

      … -gō´sha suffix … 号車 train car number …: nan-gō´sha 何号車 what (number) car

      go-shín n 護身 self-defense: goshin-jutyu 護身術 art of self-defense

      gósho n 御所 imperial palace (in Kyoto)

      gotaku n ごたく cant: gotaku o narabemásu ごたくを並べます talks a load of garbage

      gotamaze n ごたまぜ jumble (= gochamaze ごちゃ混ぜ)

      gōtō n 強盗 robber; robbery: gōtō-jiken 強盗事件 robbery

      … gótoku (ni) suffix, adv

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