Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
hameru v はめます, はめる wears (on fingers, hands (ring, gloves, etc.))
hame(ra)remásu, hame(ra)reru v はめ(ら)れます, はめ(ら)れる can wear (on fingers, hands)
hametsu n 破滅 ruin
hamidashimásu, hamidasu v はみ出 します, はみ出す protrudes, runs off the edge, sticks out, goes over
há-mono n 刃物 cutlery, knives
hámu n ハム ham: ~-éggu ハムエッグ ham and eggs; ~-sándo ハムサンド ham sandwich
hán n 半 half (= hanbún 半分): han-… 半 … half a …; …-hán … 半 and a half
hán n 判 a “chop” = a seal (to stamp name) (= hankó 判こ)
hana n 鼻 nose; trunk (of elephant); hana-ji n 鼻血 nosebleed: hana-mizú n 鼻水 snivel, nasal mucus: ~ ga demásu 鼻水が出ます has a runny nose
hana n はな nasal mucus, snivel (= hana-mizú 鼻水): ~ o kamimásu はなをかみます blows one’s nose
haná n 花 flower; flower arrangement; hana-mí n 花見 cherry blossom viewing: ~ o shimásu 花見をします goes to see the cherry blossom; haná-tába n 花束 bouquet; hana-wa n 花輪 wreath (of flower); haná-ya n 花屋 florist, flower shop
hána n はな・端 beginning, outset; edge
hána-bi n 花火 fireworks: ~-taikai 花火大会 big exhibition of fireworks
haná-fuda n 花札 (the game of) flower cards
hanágata n 花形 a star (in a theatrical production): ~-senshu 花形選手 star player
hanahada adv はなはだ extremely
haná-michi n 花道 the runway to the stage (in Kabuki)
hana-múko n 花婿 bridegroom
hanao n 鼻緒 thong (on geta)
hanaremásu, hanaréru v 離れます, 離れる separates, becomes distant, leaves
hanasemásu, hanaséru v 話せます, 話せる can speak
hanashí n 話 talk, story, tale, speech, conversation; something to talk about: ~ o shimásu 話をし ます talks, speaks
hanashi-ái n 話し合い conference, discussion, negotiation
hanashi-aimásu, hanashi-áu v 話し合います, 話し合う talk together, discuss, confer, negotiate
hanashi-ka n 噺家 (a comic) storyteller (= rakugo-ka 落語家)
hanashimásu, hanásu v 話します, 話す speaks, talks
hanashimásu, hanásu v 放します, 放す release, lets loose, lets go, sets free
hanashimásu, hanásu v 離します, 離す separates (something) from, parts with; detaches, disconnects
hanáyaka (na) adj 華やか(な) colorful, showy, gorgeous, glorious, bright
haná-yome n 花嫁 bride
hanbā´gā n ハンバーガー a hamburger
hanbai n 販売 sale; hanbái-ki n 販売機 vending machine; hanbái-daka n 販売高 sales volume; hanbai-in n 販売員 salesperson; hanbai-nin n 販売人 seller, dealer; hanbái-ten n 販売店 sales outlet; hanbai-sokushin n 販売促進 sales promotion (= hansoku 販促); hanbai-kakaku n 販売価格 selling price
hanbei (no) adj 反米(の) anti-American
hanbún n 半分 half
hándán n 判断 judgment
handō n 反動 reaction, repercussion; handō-teki (na) adj 反動的 (な) reactionary; handō-shugisha n 反動主義者 reactionary
handobággu, handobákku n ハンドバッグ, ハンドバック handbag, pocketbook
handoru n ハンドル steering wheel; handle
hane n 羽 feather
hane n 羽根 wing; shuttlecock
hanei n 反映 reflection
hanei n 繁栄 prosperity
hanemásu, hanéru v 跳ねます, 跳ねる jumps, splashes
hanga n 版画 woodblock print
hángā n ハンガー hanger
hangaku n 半額 half price
hangyaku n 反逆 rebellion; hangyákú-sha n 反逆者 rebel
hanhan n 半々 half-and-half
hán’i n 範囲 scope, range, limits: (… no) ~-gai/-nai (…の)範囲外/内 beyond/within the limits (of …)
hanigo n 反意語 antonym
hanikamimásu, hanikámu v はにかみます, はにかむ acts shy, is bashful: hanikami-ya はにかみ屋 shy
hánji n 判事 judge
hánjō n 繁盛 prosperity: shøbai-~ 商売繁盛 flourishing business, boom of business
hánkachi n ハンカチ handkerchief
hankagai n 繁華街 downtown area, shopping and amusement districts
hankan n 反感 antipathy: ~ o kaimásu 反感を買います provokes one’s antipathy
hankei n 半径 radius
hanketsu n 判決 judgment: ~ o kudashimásu 判決を下します adjudges, gives sentence
hankó n はんこ・判子 a “chop” (signature seal, name stamp) (= han 判, in 印, inkan 印鑑)
hankō n 反抗 opposition, resistance: … ni ~ shimásu …に反抗します opposes, resists (= hanpatsu 反発)
hankō n 犯行 crime, perpetration: ~-genba 犯行現場 scene of a crime: ~-seimei 犯行声明 criminal declaration
hankyō n 反響 echo: ~-on 反響音 acoustic echo
hankyōran n 半狂乱 frantic, partial insanity: ~ ni narimásu 半狂乱になります becomes frantic
hankyū n 半休 half day off: ~ o torimásu 半休を取ります takes a half day off
hankyū n 半球 hemisphere
hánmā n ハンマー hammer
hanmei n 判明 coming-out
hanmen n 反面 on the other hand: ~-kyøshi 反面教師 person who serves as an example of how not to be
hanmen (no) adj 半面(の) half-faced
han-nichí n 半日 half a day, a half-day
hannichi (no) adj 反日(の) anti-Japanese
hánnin n 犯人 a criminal, culprit
hannō n 反応 reaction, response
hanpa n 半端 half: ~-mono 半端物 oddments → chūto ~ (na) 中途半端(な)
hanpatsu n 反発 1. repelling 2. repulsion 3. resistance (= hankø 反抗)
hanpén n ハンペン・はんぺん boiled fish cake