Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
hikidashimásu, hikidasu v 引き出します, 引き出す pulls/draws out; withdraws
hiki-fune n 引き(曳き)船[舟] tugboat
hikigane n 引き金 trigger
hiki-haraimásu, hiki-haráu v 引き払い ます, 引き払う checks out (of hotel)
hikiimásu, hikiíru v 率います, 率いる leads, commands
hiki-kaemásu, hiki-káéru v 引き換え ます, 引き換える exchanges, converts
hiki-kaeshimásu, hiki-káésu v 引き返します, 引き返す turns back, returns
hikimásu, hiku v 引きます, 引く pulls (out); draws; drags, tugs; catches; attracts; deducts; looks up a word (in dictionary)
hikimásu, hiku v 轢きます, 轢く runs over (a person)
hikimásu, hiku v 挽きます, 挽く saws
hikimásu, hiku v 弾きます, 弾く plays (a stringed instrument)
hikimásu, hiku v 挽きます, 挽く grinds (into powder)
hikimásu, hiku v 退きます, 退く retires
hikinige n ひき[轢き]逃げ hit and run
hiki-torimásu, hiki-tóru 引き取ります, 引き取る 1. leaves, withdraws, retires 2. takes over, looks after, receives 3. íki o ~ 息を引き取り ます takes/draws one’s last breath, dies
hiki-tsugimásu, hiki-tsúgu v 引き継ぎます, 引き継ぐ takes over, succeeds (in a projection)
hiki-ukemásu, hiki-ukéru v 引き受けます, 引き受ける undertakes, takes charge of, takes responsibility for; guarantees: tegata o ~ 手形を引き受けます accepts a bill (of payment)
hiki-wakemásu, hiki-wakeru 引き分けます, 引き分ける v draws apart; plays to a draw: hikiwake n 引き分け tie, draw
hiki-zan n 引き算 subtraction
hiki-zurimásu, hiki-zuru v 引きずりま す, 引きずる drags
hik-kakimásu, hik-káku v 引っ掻きます, 引っ掻く scratches it
hikki n 筆記 writing down; hikki-tai n 筆記体 running hand, script; hikki-yōgu n 筆記用具 writing instrument
hikkoshi 引っ越し n moving (house); hikkoshi-ya n 引っ越し屋 (house) mover; hikkoshi-torákku n 引っ越しトラック mover’s van
hikkoshimásu, hikkósu v 引っ越します, 引っ越す moves (house)
hikkuri-kaerimásu, hikkuri-káeru v 引っくり返ります, 引っくり返る it tips (over); it upsets
hikkuri-kaeshimásu, hikkuri-káesu v 引っくり返します, 引っくり返す upsets (overturns) it
hikō n 飛行 flying (a plane); hikō-jō n 飛行場 airport (= kükø 空港); hikō´-ki n 飛行機 airplane: ~ ni norimásu 飛行機に乗ります gets on a plane; hikō-yoi n 飛行酔い airsick(ness)
hi-kō´shiki (no) adj 非公式(の) unofficial, informal: ~ kaigi 非公式の会議 informal conference
hikúi adj 低い low, short
hikyō´ (na) adj 卑怯(な) cowardly
hima n 暇 time; leisure, spare time; leave; dismissal (of servant): ~-tsubushi 暇つぶし killing time; hima na adj 暇(な) at leisure, unoccupied, not busy; slow (business)
híme n 姫 (ohíme-sama (お)姫様) princess
himei n 悲鳴 a scream: ~ o agemásu 悲鳴を上げます screams out
himitsu (no) adj 秘密(の) secret, mystery
himo n ひも string, cord, tape, strap, ribbon
hin n 品 elegance, refinement, dignity: ~ ga arimásu 品があります has class
hinagata n ひな形 form; pattern; shape
hina-mátsuri n ひな祭(り) the Dolls Festival (3 March)
hínan n 非難 blame, reproach
hínan n 避難 taking refuge; hinán-sha n 避難者 refugee
hina-níngyō n ひな人形 (festival) dolls
hinerimásu, hinéru v 捻ります, 捻る twists; turns
hiniku n 皮肉 sarcasm: ~ o iimásu 皮肉を言います makes sarcastic remarks; hiniku na adj 皮肉(な) sarcastic, cynical
hinin n 避妊 contraception; hinín-gu n 避妊具 contraceptive (device); hinín-yaku n 避妊薬 contraceptive drug/pill
hinkon n 貧困 poverty; hinkon na adj 貧困(な) needy
hinmín-kutsu/-gai n 貧民窟/街 slum
hinoki butai n 檜舞台 stage of a major (first-class, leading) theater
hinshi n 品詞 part of speech
hinshi n 瀕死 moribundity, near death
hinshitsu n 品質 quality: ~ o hoshøshimásu 品質を保証します guarantees the quality
hinshuku-o-kaimásu (kau) v ひんしゅ くを買います(買う) invites frowns of disgust, is frowned upon
hínto n ヒント hint, reminder
hipparimásu, hippáru v 引っ張ります, 引っ張る pulls, drags, tugs (at), takes, brings
hira-ayamari n 平謝り humble apology: ~ ni ayamarimásu 平謝 りに謝ります makes a humble apology
hirágáná n ひらがな・平仮名 hiragana (the roundish Japanese letters)
hiraki 開き n open and dried fish: sanma no ~ サンマの開き open and dried saury
hirakí-do n 開き戸 hinged door
hirakimásu, hiráku v 開きます, 開く opens up; has/holds (a party)
hirame n ヒラメ・平目 flounder
hiramekimásu, hirameku v ひらめきます, ひらめく comes to one in a flash
hiraoyogi n 平泳ぎ breast-stroke
hira (shain) n 平(社員) rank-and-file employee
hiratai adj 平たい flat (= tiara na 平らな): ~-hana 平たい鼻 flat nose
hirataku adv 平たく flat: ~ iu to/ieba 平たく言うと/言えば put simply
hire n ヒレ・鰭 fin
hire n ヒレ fillet (of pork, etc.)
hirefushimásu, hirefusu v ひれ伏します, ひれ伏す grovels, falls on one’s face
hirei n 比例 proportion
hirimásu, híru v ひります, ひる discharges (excretes) from the body: hé o ~ 屁をひります flatulates, farts
híró-bá n 広場 a square, a place, (public) an