Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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n 漂流 drift

      hyōshi´ n 表紙 cover (book, magazine, etc.)

      hyōshiki n 標識 sign, mark(er): køtsü-~ 交通標識 traffic sign; døro-~ 道路標識 road sign

      hyōshō n 表彰 official commendation: ~-jø 表彰状 certificate of commendation: ~-shiki 表彰式 awarding ceremony

      hyōtán n 瓢箪 gourd: ~ kara koma 瓢箪から駒 produces an un-expected dividend

      hyōten n 評点 evaluation score, grade

      hyōten n 氷点 freezing point

      hyótto-shite adv ひょっとして by any chance, maybe, possibly, could be

      hyō´zan n 氷山 iceberg: ~ no ikkaku 氷山の一角 tip of the iceberg

      hyū´zu n ヒューズ fuse


      i n 胃 = i-búkuro 胃袋 stomach; i-búkuro n 胃袋 [BOOKISH] stomach; i-chō n 胃腸 [BOOKISH] stomach and intestines; i-gan n 胃癌 (medical) stomach cancer; i-káiyō n 胃潰瘍 (medical) (gastric) ulcer

      i-… prefix 医… medicine, medical, doctoring; í-gaku n 医学 medicine, medical science/studies: igaku-sei 医学生 medical student; i-sha n 医者 doctor, physician

      …-i suffix …医 doctor, (= senmón-i 専門医) medical specialist

      …-i suffix … 位 rank, grade

      ian n 慰安 consolation, comfort; recreation

      ibarimásu, ibáru v 威張ります, 威張 る is/acts arrogant, haughty; swaggers

      ibikí n いびき snoring

      ibo n 異母 different mother: ~-kyødai 異母兄弟 half brother(s): ~-shimai 異母姉妹 half sister(s)

      ibuningu-doresu n イブニングドレス evening dress

      ibushimásu, ibusu v いぶします, いぶす smokes, fumigates, fumes

      ibutsu n 異物 exogenous material, foreign body

      ibutsu n 遺物 relics, artifact

      icha v [INFORMAL] いちゃ = ité wa いては

      ichí n 一・ 1 one: ~ ka bachi ka 一か八か all or nothing; ichí-ban (no) adj 一番(の) number one; first; ichí-banme (no) adj 一番目(の) first; ichí-bu n 一部 a part, portion; a copy (of a book); ichí-byō n 一秒 a second (1/60 minute); ichí-dai n 一台 one (machine, vehicle); ichi-danraku n 一段落 one stage; ichi-dó n 一度 one time (= ik-kái 一回, íp-pen 一遍); ichí-do n 一度 one degree; ichi-en n 一円 one yen; ichí-go n 一語 one word; ichí-ji n 一時 ① one o’clock ② ~ (no) 一時(の) at one-time, once, temporary; ichi-jitsú n 一日 one day; someday (= aru hi ある日, ichi-nichí 一日); ichí-mai n 一枚 a sheet; one sheet (flat things); ichí-mei n 一名 [BOOKISH] one person (= hitóri 一人); ichí-nen n 一年 the year 1; one year (= ~-kan 一年間): ~-sei 一年生 first-year student, freshman; ichi-nichí n 一日 one day; ichí-wa n 一羽 one (bird, rabbit); ichí-wari n 一割 ten percent

      íchi n 位置 position, location, situation

      íchi(bá) n 市(場) market, marketplace

      ichi-ban n 一番 most: ~ íi/warui 一番いい/悪い best/worst

      ichibu-shijū n 一部始終 all the details: ~ o katarimásu 一部始終を語ります tells the whole story

      ichidō n 一同 all (who are concerned/present)

      Ichi-gatsú n 一月・ 1 月 January (= Shøgatsú 正月)

      ichigo n いちご・イチゴ・苺 strawberry

      ichigo-ichie n 一期一会 one in a lifetime

      ichii n いちい・イチイ yew

      ichi-ichi adv いちいち one by one, one after another, each time

      ichí-in n 一員 a member

      ichí-in n 一因 a cause

      ichíjiku n イチジク・無花果 fig: ~-no-ki いちじくの木 fig tree

      ichijirushíi adj 著しい [BOOKISH] conspicuous, prominent, remarkable, striking

      ichiji-teki (na) adj 一時的(な) temporary

      ichi-mán n 一万・ 10,000 ten thousand

      ichi-mi n 一味 accomplice: tøzokudan no ~ 盗賊団の一味 member(s) of a robber band

      ichiō adv 一応・いちおう as far as it goes, to some extent, just in case, tentatively

      ichi-rei n 一例 an example

      ichiryū (no) adj 一流(の) first-rate, topflight, elite: ~ kashu 一流の歌手 superb singer

      ichō n イチョウ・銀杏 gingko (tree)

      idai (na) adj 偉大(な) great: ~ hito/jinbutsu 偉大な人(物) great person

      iden n 遺伝 heredity; iden-shi n 遺伝子 gene

      ideorogii n イデオロギー ideology

      í(do) n 井(戸) a well

      ído n 緯度 latitude

      ie interj いえ (= iie いいえ) no

      ié n 家 a house, a home

      ie-dé n 家出 running away from home; iede-nin n 家出人 a runaway

      iemásu, ieru v 言えます, 言える can say/tell

      iemásu, iéru v 癒えます, 癒える heals

      Ierō-pēji n イエローページ Yellow Pages

      Iesu (Kirisuto) n イエス (キリスト) Jesus Christ

      íga n 衣餓 clothes moth

      ígai (na) adj 意外(な) unexpected; ígai ni adv 意外(に) unexpectedly

      (…) ígai suffix (…)以外 outside (of …), except (for) …

      igen n 威厳 dignity: ~ o tamochimásu 威厳を保ちます keep one’s dignity

      ígi n 意義 [BOOKISH] significance, sense, meaning: ~ no aru shigoto 意義のある仕事 meaningful work

      ígi n 異議 [BOOKISH] objection

      Igirisu n イギリス England (= Eikoku 英国): ~-jin イギリス人 an English person

      ígo n 囲碁 the board game Go (= gó 碁)

      ( … ) ígo suffix (…)以後 afterward, from … on (=(…) ikø (…)以降)

      igokochi n 居心地 feeling of staying: ~ ga ii 居心地がいい feels comfortable while staying

      iguana n イグアナ iguana

      igyō n 偉業 great achievement: ~ o nashitogemásu 偉業を成し遂 げます accomplishes a great achievement

      ihan n 違反 violation, offense: kø-tsü-~ 交通違反 traffic violation

      íi adj いい good; OK, right, correct (= yoi 良い): [NEGATIVE] yóku arimasén

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