Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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ii-tsukéru v 言い付けま す, 言い付ける commands, orders; tells on, tattles on

      ii-wake n 言い訳 explanation, excuse: ~ o shinaidekudasai. 言い訳をしないで下さい Please don’t give an excuse.

      ijí n 意地 temper, disposition: ~-waru 意地悪 ill-tempered, mean(-spirited)

      íji n 維持 maintenance, upkeep, support

      ijí-hi n 維持費 upkeep (expense)

      ijime いじめ n teasing, torment

      ijimek-ko n いじめっ子 bully

      ijimemásu, ijimeru v いじめます, いじめる teases, torments

      ijō n 異状/異常 something unusual/wrong (the matter), abnormality: ~-kishø 異常気象 abnormal climate

      ( … ) íjō n, suffix (…)以上 above, over, upwards of; the above; that’s it! (end of message/speech) = thank you (for your attention)

      ijū n 移住 emigration, immigration; ijū-sha n 移住者 emigrant, immigrant (= imin 移民)

      ika n イカ cuttlefish, squid

      ( … ) íka n, suffix (…)以下 below (…), less than …: ~ no tøri desu 以下の通りです as (described) below, as follows

      ikada n 筏 raft

      ikága adv いかが how (about it)? [DEFERENTIAL] (= dø´ どう): chøshi wa ~ desuka? 調子はいかがですか? How’s it going?

      ikagawashíi adj いかがわしい suspicious, questionable, shady: ~ uwasa いかがわしい噂 suspicious rumors

      ika-hodo adj いかほど how many? (= íkura いく[幾]ら); how …? (= dono-gurai (-kurai) どの位)

      ikan n 遺憾 regret

      ikaremásu, ikareru v 行かれます, 行かれる 1. can go 2. [PASSIVE] have them go (to one’s distress); [HONORIFIC] goes (= irasshaimásu いらっしゃいます)

      ikari n 錨 anchor

      ikarí n 怒り anger: ~ o shizumemásu 怒りを静めます calms the anger

      ikasemásu, ikaseru v 行かせます, 行かせる sends (a person); lets (a person) go

      ikashimásu, ikásu v 生かします, 生かす 1. lets/makes it live, brings life to, enlivens; keeps it alive; revives 2. makes the most of, makes good use of

      iké n 池 pond

      ikébana n 生け花 [活花] flower arrangement

      ikemasén, ikenai v いけません, いけ ない 1. it won’t do; you mustn’t; don’t 2. (that’s) too

      ikemásu, ikéru v 生[活]けます, 生 [活]ける arranges (flowers)

      íken n 意見 opinion, idea: go-~ ご意見 (your/someone else’s) opinion [HONORIFIC]

      íken n 違憲 constitutional violation

      iki (na) adj 粋(な) smart, stylish

      íki n 息 breath: ~ o shimásu 息を します breathes; iki-gire n 息切れ shortness of breath: hashitta ato ni ~ ga shimásu 走った後に息切れがします gets out of breath after running; iki-gurushii adj 息苦しい stuffy

      …-iki (no) suffix …行き(の) bound for …

      ikidōrí n 憤り indignation, resentment

      ikidōrimásu, ikidō´ru v 憤ります, 憤る gets indignant, resents

      ikigai n 生き甲斐 something to live for: ~ o kanjimásu 生き甲斐 を感じます feels one’s life is worth living, feels alive

      ikimásu, iku v 行きます, 行く goes

      ikimásu, ikíru v 生きます, 生きる lives

      ikímono n 生き物 living thing(s), animal(s), creature(s)

      ikiói n 勢い energy: ~ yóku 勢いよく energetically

      ikisatsu n いきさつ details, circumstances, complexities; complications

      iki-yasúi adj 行きやすい accessible, easy to get to

      iki-zumarimásu, iki-zumáru v 行き詰ま ります, 行き詰まる gets bogged down

      ik-kai n 一階 one floor/story; first floor, ground floor

      ik-kái (no) n, adj 一回(の) one time, once (= ichi-dó 一度)

      ikkansei n 一貫性 consistency: hanashi ni ~ ga arimásu 話に一貫性があります has consistency in one’s talk

      ík-ken n 一軒 one house/building (counter for buildings)

      ík-ken n 一件 one case/matter

      ík-ki ni adv 一気に with a gulp, with a dash, with a burst

      ík-ko n 一個 one (piece, small object) (= hitótsu ひとつ・一つ)

      ik-ko n 一戸 a house, a household

      ik-kō n 一考 consideration

      ik-kō (ni)… adv 一向(に)… [+ NEGATIVE] not at all, never: ~ ni kamaimasen 一向に構いません I don’t mind at all.

      ik-kyoku n 一曲 a piece of music, a song, a tune

      ik-kyoku n 一局 a game ((i)go (the board game Go) and/or shøgi (Japanese chess))

      ik-kyū n 一級 first class

      ikō n 意向 one’s mind, inclination, intention; one’s views

      ( … ) íkō suffix (…)以降 afterward, from … on (= (…) ígo (…)以後)

      ikoi n 憩い rest and relaxation: ~ no ba(sho) 憩いの場(所) recreation area

      ikoku n 異国 foreign countries; ikoku-jōcho (no) adj 異国情緒(の) exotic

      ikon n 遺恨 grudge

      ikotsu n 遺骨 remains (of person)

      íku-… prefix いく・幾 … = nán-… 何… how many …

      ikudōon (ni) adv 異口同音(に) unanimously

      ikuji n 育児 child care: ~-kyüka 育児休暇 child-care leave

      ikuji-nashi n 意気地なし coward, chicken: ikuji (no/ga) nai 意気地 (の/が)ない is a coward, cowardly

      ikura n イクラ salmon roe (caviar)

      íkura n いくら how much: ~ ka いくらか some, a little; ~ mo いくらも ever so much, [+ NEGATIVE] not very much; ~ de mo いくらでも a lot, as much as you like

      ikusa n 戦 war (= sensø 戦争)

      ikusei n 育成 training, nuture, cultivation

      íkutsu n いくつ how many; how old; ~-ka いくつか several, a number of; ~ mo いくつも ever so many, [+ NEGATIVE] not very many; ~ de mo いくつでも as many as you like

      ímá n 居間 living room (Western-style)

      íma n

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