Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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n 法律 law (legal system); hōritsu-ka n 法律家 jurist

      hōrō n 放浪 wandering

      horobimásu, horobíru v 滅びます, 滅びる perishes

      horoboshimásu, horobósu v 滅ぼします, 滅ぼす destroys

      hōrókú n 焙烙 earthenware pan

      hórun n ホルン horn (music)

      hōsaku n 方策 measures, policy

      hōsaku n 豊作 abundant/rich harvest

      hōseki n 宝石 jewel, gem; hōseki-shō n 宝石商 jeweler, gem dealer

      hosemásu, hoséru v 干せます, 干せる can dry it

      hōshanō n 放射能 radioactivity

      hōshasen n 放射線 (nuclear) radiation

      hoshi n 星 star; hoshi-jírushi n 星印 star (symbol), asterisk (*); hoshi-uranai n 星占い astrology

      hōshi n 奉仕 service; hōshi-katsudō n 奉仕活動 voluntary service, voluntary activity

      hōshi n 胞子 spore(s)

      hoshigarimásu, hoshigáru v 欲しがり ます, 欲しがる wants it

      hoshíi v 欲しい is desired/desirable; desires, wants, would like, wishes

      hoshimásu, hósu v 干します, 干す dries it; airs it

      hōshin n 方針 policy, course (of action), aim (direction)

      hōshin n 疱疹 (medical) herpes

      hōshin n 放心 absent-mindedness: ~ jøtai 放心状態 is lost in abstraction

      hóshi (ta) adj 干し(た) dried; hoshi-mono n 干(し)物 drying washed clothes, dried clothes

      hoshō n 保証 guarantee, warranty: ~´-sho 保証書 letter of guarantee

      hoshō n 補償 compensating; hoshō´-kin 補償金 compensation (money), indemnity

      hōshoku n 飽食 full feeding: ~ no jidai 飽食の時代 age of plenty

      hōshoku n 宝飾 jewelry: ~-hin 宝飾品 jewelry items

      hóshu n 保守 maintenance, upkeep; hoshu-ha n 保守派 conservative wing; hoshu-teki (na) adj 保守的(な) conservative: ~ kangae 保守的な考え conservative thinking/view

      hóshu n 捕手 catcher

      hōshū n 報酬 reward

      hōshutsu n 放出 emission

      hōsō n 放送 broadcasting

      hōsō n 包装 packing, wrapping; hōsō´-butsu n 包装物 package, packet; hōsō´-shi n 包装紙 package, wrapper

      hosói adj 細い slender; narrow; thin

      hōsoku n 法則 rule(s), law(s)

      hosomichi n 細道 lane, path, narrow road

      hosonagái adj 細長い long and slender/narrow

      hossa n 発作 attack, seizure: shinzø-~ 心臓発作 heart attack

      hō´su n ホース hose

      hósutesu n ホステス hostess

      hósuto n ホスト host

      hōtai n 包帯 bandage

      hotaru n ホタル・蛍 lightning bug, firefly: ~-no-hikari ① ホタルの光 gleam of fireflies ②「ほたるの光」 “Auld Lang Syne”

      hotaté-gai n ホタテガイ・帆立貝 scallop(s)

      hōtei n 法廷 law court

      hōteishiki n 方程式 equation

      hōten n 法典 code law

      hóteru n ホテル hotel: ichiryü-~ 一流ホテル first-class hotel

      hōtō n 放蕩 [BOOKISH] debauchery

      hotobashiru v ほとばしる gushes: ~-kanjø ほとばしる感情 outpouring of emotion

      Hotoke(-sámá) n 仏(様) Buddha (= budda 仏陀)

      hotóndo adv ほとんど almost (all), nearly; almost all the time; [+ NEGATIVE verb] hardly (ever), seldom

      hottan n 発端 beginning, onset

      hotte/hōtte oku v ほって/放っておく leaves alone, lets alone

      hotto doggu n ホットドッグ hot dog

      hotto kēki n ホットケーキ pancake

      hótto (na) adj ホット(な) hot: ~ wadai ホットな話題 hot topic

      hotto purēto n ホットプレート hot plate

      hotto rain n ホットライン hotline

      hóttó-shimásu (-suru) v ほっとします(する) breathes a sigh of relief

      hōwa n 飽和 saturation, impregnation; hōwa-jōtai n 飽和状態 saturated state

      hoyō n 保養 rest, recuperation: me no ~ 目の保養 feast for the eyes

      hu… ふ…・フ… → fu…

      hyakka-jíten n 百科事典 encyclopedia

      hyakká-ten n 百貨店 department store (= depåto デパート)

      hyákkanichi n 百か日 a memorial service 100 days after the death

      hyakú n 百・ 100 hundred; hyakú-do n 百度 ① a hundred times (= hyak-kái 百回) ② a hundred degrees; hyakú-doru n 百ドル a hundred dollars: ~-satsu 百ドル札 a hundred-dollar bill; hyaku en-dama n 百円玉 hundred yen coin; hyaku-mán n 百万・ 1,000,000 one million; hyakú-nen n 百年 100 years; a century (= ~-kan 百年間); hyakushō n 百姓 farmer

      hyappatsu-hyakuchū n 百発百中 hitting the mark ten times out of ten

      hyō n 表 table, schedule, list

      hyō´ n ヒョウ・豹 leopard

      hyō´ n ひょう・雹 hail (= arare あられ・霰)

      hyō n 票 vote: ~ o tøjiru 票を投じる votes, casts a vote

      hyōban n 評判 reputation, fame: ~ no 評判の famous, popular: ~ ga warui 評判が悪い have a bad reputation

      hyōdai n 表題・標題 title (of book, article, e-mail…)

      hyō´ga n 氷河 glacier: ~-ki 氷河期 ice age: shüshoku ~-ki 就職氷河期 hard times for college-graduate job seekers

      hyōgén n 表現 expression (words)

      hyōgo n 標語 slogan; motto

      Hyō´go n 兵庫 Hyogo

      hyōgu-ya n 表具屋 paper-hanger/-repairer, picture-framer

      hyōhen n 豹変 sudden change

      hyōhyō to adv ひょうひょうと aloof from the world: ~ shite imásu ひょうひょうとしています is free as the wind

      hyōjō´ n 表情

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