Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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axle: chi-jiku 地軸 earth axis; jiten-jiku 自転軸 (planet’s) rotational axis

      jiman n 自慢 pride, boast

      jímen n 地面 ground (surface)

      jimí (na) adj 地味(な) plain, sober

      jímu n 事務 business, office work; jimu-sho n 事務所 office

      jímu n ジム gym(nasium)

      …´-jín suffix …人 person

      jínbutsu n 人物 personage

      jindō n 人道 1. humanity 2. walkway, pedestrian path

      jingū´ n 神宮 (large) Shinto shrine

      jinin n 人員 personnel

      jínja n 神社 Shinto shrine

      jínji n 人事 personnel/human affairs; jinji-ka n 人事課 personnel (section)

      jínjō adj 尋常 [BOOKISH] usual, normal (= futsü 普通): ~-denai 尋常でない unusual, abnormal

      jinken n 人権 human rights

      jinkō n 人口 population

      jinkō (no) adj 人工(の) artificial

      jinríkí-sha n 人力車 ricksha

      jínrui n 人類 human beings, the human race

      jinsei n 人生 (one’s) life

      jinshu n 人種 race (peoples): ~ sabetsu 人種差別 racial discrimination: ~ no rutsubo 人種のるつぼ melting pot

      ji-nushi n 地主 landowner

      jinzō n 腎臓 kidneys

      jinzō (no) adj 人造(の) artificial, imitation, false (man-made)

      jíppā n ジッパー zipper

      jira-shimásu, jira-su v じらします, じらす irritates someone, tantalizes, teases

      jírojiro mimásu (míru) v じろじろ見ます(見る) stares at

      jísa n 時差 difference in time: ~-boke 時差ぼけ jet lag; ~-shukkin 時差出勤 staggered work hours

      jisan shimásu (suru) v 持参します (する) brings along, takes along

      jisatsu n 自殺 suicide: ~-ganbø 自殺願望 desire of suicide

      jisei n 時勢 (the trend of) the times

      jisei n 時世 the times

      jísetsu n 時節 season; (appropriate) time, occasion, opportunity

      jíshaku n 磁石 magnet

      jishin n 地震 earthquake

      jishin n 磁針 magnetic needle: høi-~ 方位磁針 compass

      -jishin n 自身 oneself; myself (= jibun-~ 自分自身): kare-~ 彼自身 himself

      jísho n 辞書 dictionary

      jishoku n 辞職 resignation (from a position)

      jisoku n 時速 (per hour) speed

      jissai n, adv 実際 actual conditions, reality; in practice; in fact, really

      ji-súberi n 地滑り landslide

      jítai n 事態 situation, state of affairs

      jítai n, adv 自体 1. the thing itself 2. originally

      jítai n 辞退 non-acceptance, refusal

      jitchi n 実地 actuality, (putting to) practice: ~ (no) keiken o tsumimásu 実地(の)経験を積みます gets on-the-job experience(s)

      jiten n 辞典 dictionary (= jísho 辞書): kokugo-~ 国語辞典 Japanese dictionary: eiwa-~ 英和辞典, einichi-~ 英日辞典 English-Japanese dictionary

      jiten n 事典 dictionary, subject book: hyakka-~ 百科事典 encyclopedia

      jitén-sha, jidén-sha n 自転車 bicycle: jitensha-ya 自転車屋 bicycle shop/dealer

      jitsú n 実 truth: ~ ni 実に truly, really, indeed; ~ no 実の true, real; jitsu-butsu n 実物 the real thing; the actual person; jitsu-ryoku n 実力 (real) strength, ability, proficiency; force, power; jitsu-yō n 実用 practical use/application, utility

      jitsugyō n 実業 business, enterprise: ~-ka 実業家 businessperson, businessman

      jitto adv じっと intently, steadily, fixedly (staring); quietly, patiently

      jiyū´ n 自由 freedom, liberty: ~ (na) 自由(な) free; fluent, at ease; ~ ni 自由に freely; fluently; ~-gyø 自由業 freelancing, freelance work; ~-seki 自由席 unreserved seat

      jizen n 慈善 charity

      jō´ n 錠 1. (= jø-mae 錠前) lock 2. (= jøzai 錠剤) pill

      jō adj, n 上 1. (= jøtø (na) 上等(な)) deluxe 2. (= ~-kan 上巻) first volume (of a set of 2 or 3)

      …´-jō suffix …畳 (counts room sizes by tatami mat): hachí-~ (ma) 八畳(間) eight tatami mats (room)

      …´-jō suffix …城 castle (name): Osaka-jø 大阪城 the Osaka-jø castle

      jōbu (na) adj 丈夫(な) sturdy, firm, healthy; safe (= daijøbu 大丈夫)

      jochō n 助長 promotion, furtherance

      jochū n 女中 maid-servant

      jōdán n 冗談 joke: ~ hanbun (ni) 冗談半分(に) half in jest

      jōei n 上映 showing (movie)

      jōen n 上演 performance

      jo-gákusei, joshi gákusei n 女学生, 女子学生 female student

      jōge n 上下 top and bottom, high and row, up and down

      jōgi n 定規 ruler (to measure with)

      jogingu n ジョギング jog(ging)

      jō´go n 漏斗 funnel

      jōhín (na) adj 上品(な) elegant, refined

      jōhō n 情報 information

      jō-kan n 上巻 first volume (of a set of 2 or 3)

      jōkén n 条件 condition, term, stipulation, provision

      jō´ki n 蒸気 steam, vapor

      jokki n ジョッキ jug, (beer) mug

      jōkyaku n 乗客 passenger

      jōkyō n 状況・情況 situation, circumstances, state of affairs

      jo-kyō´ju n 助教授 assistant professor

      jōkyū n 上級 high class, upper class: ~ køsu 上級コース ad-vanced course

      jō-mae n 錠前 lock (= kagi 鍵)

      jomei n [BOOKISH] 除名 excision, excommunication

      jomei n 助命 sparing the life/lives (= kyümei 救命): ~-katsudø 助命活動 rescue work

      jōmén n 上面 top (top side)

      jōmuin n 乗務員 crew: kyakushitsu ~ 客室乗務員 (airplane) flight attendant

      jōnetsu-teki (na) adj 情熱的(な) passionate

      joō´ n 女王 queen

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