Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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      jóshi n 女子 girl, woman: ~-dáisei 女子大生 woman college student; ~-kø´sei 女子高生 female (senior) high school student

      jōshiki n 常識 common sense

      joshō n 序章 introduction section (book)

      joshu n 助手 helper, assistant

      josō n 助走 running up

      josō n 除草 weeding

      josō n 女装 drag: ~ shimásu 女装します is in drag

      josō n 序奏 (music) introduction

      jōsúi-chi n 浄水池 reservoir

      jotai n 除隊 discharge

      jōtai n 状態 condition, situation, state, circumstances

      jōtō (no) adj 上等(の) the best, first-rate, deluxe

      joya n 除夜 New Year’s Eve: ~ no kane 除夜の鐘 the bells on New Year’s Eve

      jōyaku n 条約 treaty, agreement

      jōyō n 常用 common use: ~-kanji 常用漢字 Chinese characters in common use

      jōyō´-sha n 乗用車 passenger car

      jōyō´-sha n 常用者 addict

      joyū n 女優 actress

      jōzai n 錠剤 pill, tablet

      jōzō-sho n 醸造所 brewery

      jōzú (na) adj 上手(な) skilled, clever, good at

      jū´ n 銃 gun: ~-sei 銃声 gunshot(s)

      jū´ n 十・ 10 ten; jū-bai n 十倍 ten times, tenfold; jū-banmé (no) adj 十番目(の) tenth; jū´-do n 十度 ten times (= júk-kai 十回); ten degrees; jū-en-dama n 十円玉 ten-yen coin; jū´-ji n 十時・10時 ten o’clock; jū-má n 十万・ 100,000 a hundred thousand; jū-nána n 十七 ・ 17 seventeen; jū-óku n 十億・ 10億 a thousand million; (U.S.) a billion; jū-shi n 十四・ 14 fourteen (= jü-yon 十四); jū-yok-ka n 十四日 14 days; 14th day (of month); jū-yon n 十四・ 14 fourteen (= jü-shi 十四); ~-nin n 十四人 14 people

      …-jū suffix …じゅう・中 throughout the (entire)…: ichi-nen-~ 一年中 throughout the year: sekai-~ 世界中 all over the world

      jūatsu n 重圧 pressure

      jūbako n 重箱 nested boxes; picnic boxes: ~ no sumi o tsutsukimásu 重箱の隅をつつきます split hairs, nitpicks

      jūbún (na) adj 十分[充分](な) enough, sufficient

      jūdai (na) adj 重大(な) serious (heavy, grave); important: ~-ji 重大事 a matter of importance

      jū´dō n 柔道 judo, jujitsu (an art of weaponless defense)

      Jū-gatsú n 十月・ 10月 October

      jūgeki n 銃撃 gunfight

      jūgun n 従軍 serving in an army

      júgyō n 授業 class instruction, classroom teaching; ~ o okonaimásu 授業を行います teaches (class): ~ o ukemásu 授業を受けます attends a class

      jūgyō n 従業 employment; jūgyō´-in n 従業員 employee

      jūi n 獣医 veterinarian

      Jū-ichi-gatsu n 十一月・ 11月 November

      jū´ji n 十字 a cross (symbol); jūji-ka n 十字架 a cross (wooden); jūjí-ro n 十字路 crossroad(s)

      jū´ji n 従事 engaging in (an activity)

      jūkinzoku n 重金属 heavy metal

      jūketsu n 充血 congestion: me ga ~ shimásu 目が充血します gets red eyes

      juk-kai n 十階 ten floors/stories; tenth floor

      júk-kai n 十回 ten times (= jü´-do 十度)

      júk-ko n 十個 ten (pieces, small objects)

      júku n 塾 a cram/tutoring school; juku-kō(shi) n 塾講(師) tutor(s) in a tutoring school

      jukudoku n 熟読 reading thoroughly

      jukugo n 熟語 idiomatic expression

      jukukō, jukkō n 熟考 serious thought (= jukuryo 熟慮)

      jukunen n 熟年 mature age

      jukuryo n 熟慮 serious thought

      jukushimásu, jukúsú v 熟します, 熟す ripens, gets ripe

      jukusui n 熟睡 sound sleep

      jukutatsu n 熟達 mastery

      Júkyō n 儒教 Confucianism

      jukyū n 需給 supply and demand

      jūmin n 住民 resident: ~ hyø 住民票 residence certificate

      jun n 順 order: jun(ban) ni 順(番)に in order

      jún (na) adj 純(な) pure

      junban n 順番 (place in) order, turn

      júnbi n 準備 preparation(s), ar-rangements

      junchō (na) adj 順調(な) smooth(-ly going)

      Jū-ni-gatsú n 十二月・ 12月 De-cember

      jun-jimásu, jun-jiru v [BOOKISH] 準じ ます, 準じる applies correspondingly (to); is made to accord (with)

      júnjo n 順序 order, sequence

      junkan n 循環 circulation; cycle

      jun-kyō´ju n 準教授 associate professor

      júnsa n 巡査 policeman, patrolman (= omawari-san お巡りさん)

      junshō n 準将 brigadier-general

      junsui (na) adj 純粋(な) pure: ~ na kokoro 純粋な心 pure heart

      jūō n 縦横 vertical and horizontal; jūō-mujin (ni) adv 縦横無尽(に) freely

      júp-pa n 十羽 ten (birds)

      júp-pon n 十本 ten (pencils/bottles, long things)

      júp-pun n 十分 10 minutes

      jū´rai (wa) adv 従来(は) traditionally, up to now, hitherto, previously

      jūryō´ n 重量 weight: ~-age 重量挙げ weight-lifting

      juryō´-shō n 受領証 receipt

      jū´sho n 住所 residence, address

      jushō n 受賞 winning an award; jushō´-sha n 受賞者 winner, awardee

      jus-sai n 十歳 ten years old (= tø とお・十)

      jus-satsu n 十冊 ten copies (books, magazines)

      jū´su n ジュース juice: orenji ~ オレンジジュース orange juice

      jūtai n 渋滞 congestion: ~-jø´kyø 渋滞状況 congested (traffic): ~ shite imásu 渋滞しています is congested (backed up)

      jūtaku n 住宅 residence, house

      jū´tan n じゅうたん・絨毯 rug, carpet (= kå´pétto カーペット)

      jut-tō n 十頭 ten

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