Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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      káiga n 絵画 painting, picture

      káigai n 海外 overseas, abroad: ~-ryokø 海外旅行 overseas travel

      kaigan n 海岸 seashore, coast, beach: ~-sen 海岸線 shoreline, coastline

      kai-gara n 貝殻 shell (of shellfish)

      káigi n 会議 meeting, conference [FORMAL] (= míitingu ミーティング): ~-chü 会議中 in conference, in a meeting; ~-shitsu 会議室 conference room

      káigun n 海軍 navy: ~-kichi 海軍基地 navy base

      kaigyō n 開業 [BOOKISH] opening a business: ~ shimásu 開業します opens a business

      kaihatsu n 開発 [BOOKISH] development; kenkyū-kaihatsu n 研究開発 research and development, R&D

      kaiheitai n 海兵隊 marines, Marine Corps

      kaihi n 会費 membership fee, dues: nen-~ 年会費 annual membership fee

      kaihō n 解放 [BOOKISH] liberation

      kaihō n 開放 [BOOKISH] open: ~ shimásu 開放します opens, leaves open (windows, doors, etc.)

      kaíi adj かいい [INFORMAL] = kayúi かゆい・痒い (itchy)

      kai-in n 会員 member: ~-sei (no) 会員制(の) membership system, members-only

      kaijō n 開場 [BOOKISH] opening (of place/event); ~-jíkan 開場時間 opening time; ~´-shiki 開場式 opening ceremony

      kaijō n 会場 hall

      kaijō (de/no) adv, adj 海上(で/の) on the sea (surface)

      kaijū n 怪獣 monster: ~-eiga 怪獣映画 monster film

      kaika n 開花 flowering

      kaika n 階下 downstairs

      kaikaku n 改革 [BOOKISH] reformation, reinvention

      kaikan n 会館 public hall, building

      kaikan n 開館 [BOOKISH] opening (a hall)

      kaikan n 快感 [BOOKISH] pleasure, pleasant feeling: ~ o ajiwaimásu/oboemásu 快感を味わいます/覚えます feels pleasure

      kaikei n 会計 1. o-~ お会計 accounts; bill, check (= o-kanjø お勘定) 2. accountant (= ~-gá-kari 会計係, ~-shi 会計士)

      kaiken n 会見 [BOOKISH] interview: kisha-~ 記者会見 press conference

      kaiketsu n 解決 [BOOKISH] solution, settlement

      kaiki n 回帰 [BOOKISH] revolution, recurrence, retouring: kita-~-sen 北回帰線 the Tropic of Cancer: minami-~-sen 南回帰線 the Tropic of Capricorn

      kaíko n 解雇 [BOOKISH] dismissal (from employment), discharge

      káiko n 蚕 silkworm

      kaikyaku n 開脚 legs spread (exercise)

      kaikyo n 快挙 remarkable/wonderful achievement: ~ o nashitogemásu 快挙を成し遂げます has great accomplishments

      kaikyō n 海峡 strait(s)

      kaikyō n 回教 Islam (= Isuramu-kyø イスラム教)

      kaikyū n 階級 class, rank: chüryü-~ 中流階級 the middle class

      kaimásu, kau v 買います, 買う buys

      kaimásu, káu v 飼います, 飼う raises, keeps (pets, farm animals, etc.)

      kaimen n 海綿 sponge

      kai-mono n 買い物 shopping

      kaioki n 買い置き 1. things bought in for the future, hoarded things 2. hoarding

      kaiō-sei n 海王星 Neptune

      kairaku n 快楽 pleasure

      kairi n [BOOKISH] 解離 disaggregation, dissociation

      kairi n 海里 nautical mile

      kairyō n [BOOKISH] 改良 improvement, modification

      kairyū n 海流 ocean current

      kaisai n 開催 [BOOKISH] holding, opening (an event)

      kaisan shimásu (suru) v 解散します(する) breaks up, disperses

      kaisatsu n 改札 ticket examining/punching/collecting: ~-guchi 改札口 (ticket) wicket

      kaisei n 改正 [BOOKISH] revision

      kaisei n 快晴 clear and fine weather

      kaiseki (ryōri) n 懐石(料理) an as-sortment of elegant ceremonial-type Japanese foods, Japanese foods in season

      kaisetsu n 解説 explanation, comment; nyü´su ~ ニュース解説 news commentary; kaisétsu-sha n 解説者 commentator

      kaisha n 会社 company, business concern; “the office” (= kígyø 企業): ~-in 会社員 company employee (= sha-in 社員, sararii-man サラリーマン)

      káishaku n 解釈 [BOOKISH] interpretation, explanation, exposition

      kaisho n 楷書 block-style letter (of Japanese): ~-tai 楷書体 printed style/square of writing Chinese characters

      kaisō n 海藻・海草 seaweed

      kaisō n 回送 1. forwarding (mail matter, letter, etc.) 2. deadhead (an empty car, etc.): ~-sha 回送 車 a car out of service, an off-duty taxi; ~-ressha 回送列車 deadhead train

      kaisō n 回想: recollection; kaisō shiin n 回想シーン retrospective scene

      kaisū n 回数 the number of times; kaisū´-ken n 回数券 ticket book (for commuting), coupon ticket

      kaisui n 海水 seawater; kaisui-yoku n 海水浴 sea bathing: ~-yoku o shimásu 海水浴をします has a bath in the sea

      kai-te n 買い手 buyer

      kaitei n 改訂 revision (of documents, books, etc.): ~-ban 改訂版 revised version

      kaitei n 海底 bottom of the sea

      kaiteki (na) adj 快適(な) comfortable, peasant

      kaiten n 回転 revolution, rotation

      kaiten n 開店 opening a shop (for the first time or for the day)

      kaitō n 解答 answer

      kaitō n 回答 reply

      kai-torimásu, kai-tóru v 買い取ります, 買い取る buys up

      kaiun n 開運 fortune, good-luck

      kaiwa n 会話 conversation

      kaizen n 改善 improvement

      kaizoku n 海賊 pirate: ~-ban 海賊版 pirated edition

      káji n 火事 a fire (accidental): Káji da! 火事だ! Fire!

      káji n 舵 helm: ~ o torimásu 舵をとります takes the helm, steers

      káji n 家事 housework: ~-tetsudai 家事手伝い housework helper

      kájiki n カジキ swordfish

      kajirimásu, kajíru v かじります, かじる gnaws, nibbles

      kajō n 過剰 glut, surplus, excess: ~ (no) 過剰(の) superfluous, surplus: ~-hannø 過剰反応

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