Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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n カカシ・案山子 scarecrow

      kakato n 踵 heel: ~ no takai kutsu 踵の高い靴 high-heeled shoes

      kake n 欠け lacking, a lack, wane: tsuki no michi-~ 月の満ち欠け wax and wane of the moon

      kaké n 掛け credit: ~ de kaimásu 掛けで買います buys on credit

      kake-búton n 掛け布団 overquilt, top quilt

      kakegoe n 掛け声 shout of encouragement: ~ o kakemásu 掛け声 をかけます shouts encouragement

      kaké (goto) n 賭け(事) gambling; a bet

      kakehiki n 駆け引き tactics, bargaining: ~ ga umai 駆け引きが上手い is good at bargaining

      kakei n 家計 household budget: ~-bo 家計簿 housekeeping book

      kakei n 家系 one’s family line: ~-zu 家系図 a family tree (= keizu 系図)

      kakéji n 掛け字 = kaké-jiku 掛け軸, scroll (hanging)

      kakemásu, kakéru v 掛けます, 掛ける hangs it; multiplies; begins it: … ni denwa o ~ …に電話を掛けます telephones; énjin o ~ エンジンを掛けます starts (engine)

      kakemásu, kakéru v 欠けます, かける・欠ける lacks it, needs

      kakemásu, kakéru v 賭けます, 賭け る bets

      kakemásu, kakéru v 駆けます, ・駆 ける runs, gallops (human, animal)

      kaké-mono n 掛け物 scroll (hanging) (= kaké-jiku 掛け軸)

      kakera n カケラ・欠片 fragment

      kákete v … ni ~ …にかけて (ex-tending) through, with respect to, as regards

      kake-uri v 掛け売り credit sales (= uri-kake 売り掛け)

      kaké-ya n 賭け屋 bookie

      kaké-zan n 掛け算 multiplication

      kaki n カキ・柿 (fruits) persimmon

      káki n カキ・牡蠣 oyster

      káki n 下記 the following: ~ no tøri 下記の通り as follows, as below

      káki n 花器 flower vase

      káki n 夏期 summer (period/term): ~-kyükå 夏季休暇 summer holiday: ~-orinpikku 夏季オリンピック Olympic Summer Games

      kaki n 火気 [BOOKISH] fire, flame: Kaki-genkin 火気厳禁 No Fire, Flammables

      kakiage n かき揚げ a tangle of tidbits fried as tenpura, fritters

      kaki-atsumemásu, kaki-atsuméru v かき集めます, かき集める rakes (them up)

      kaki-iremásu, kaki-iréru v 書き入れ ます, 書き入れる fills in (information)

      kaki-kaemásu, kaki-kaéru v 書き換えます, 書き換える rewrites

      kaki-kata n 書き方 way of writing; spelling

      kakimásu, káku v 欠きます, 欠く it lacks, it is lacking/wanting

      kakimásu, káku v 書きます, 書く writes

      kakimásu, káku v 描きます, 描く paints, draws: e o ~ 絵を描きます draws a picture (= egakimásu 描きます)

      kakimásu, káku v 掻きます, 掻く scratches: senaka o ~ 背中を掻きます scratches one’s back

      kaki-mawashimásu, kaki-mawasu v かき回します, かき回す stirs

      kaki-naoshimásu, kaki-naósu v 書き直 します, 書き直す rewrites

      kakíne n かき根・垣根 fence

      kakitome (yūbin) n 書留(郵便) registered mail

      kakitori n 書き取り dictation

      kakki n 活気 liveliness, activity

      kakko n 括弧 parenthesis, square bracket, brace

      kakkō n 1. 格好 shape, form, appearance: ~ ga íi 格好がいい = ~ ii かっこいい shapely, cool, stylish 2. ~ (na/no) 格好(な/の) suitable, moderate, reasonable (price)

      kákkō n カッコウ cuckoo

      káko n 過去 the past; kako-kei n 過去形 the past tense; kako-kanryō n 過去完了 the past perfect: ~ kanryø-kei 過去完了形 the past perfect tense

      kakō n 加工 [BOOKISH] processing (industrially treating)

      kakō n 下降 [BOOKISH] descent

      kakō n 河口 estuary

      kakō n 火口 crater (= kurëtå クレ ーター)

      kakō´-gan n 花崗岩 granite

      kakoku n [BOOKISH] 過酷 too severe, harsh: ~ na kankyø 過酷 な環境 harsh environment: ~ na rødø-jøken 過酷な労働条件 harsh working conditions

      …-kákoku suffix …か国・ヶ国・カ国 (counts countries)

      kakomi n 囲み an enclosure, a box: ~-kiji 囲み記事 column, boxed article(s) (= koramu コラム)

      kakomimásu, kakomu v 囲みます, 囲む surrounds (= tori-kakomimásu 取り囲みます)

      kakon n 禍根 the source of trouble, the root of evil: ~ o tachimásu 禍根を断ちます removes the root of an evil

      káku n 角 corner: san-kaku(kei)/san-kakkei 三角(形) triangle; shikakú(kei)/shikakkei 四角(形) square

      káku (do) n 角(度) angle: chok-~ 直角 right angle; ei~ 鋭角 acute angle

      káku n 核 core, heart, stone: chü-~ 中核 (central) core; kaku-heiki n 核兵器 nuclear weapon; káku (no) n 核(の) nucleus, nuclear

      káku(-) prefix 各… each, every; kakú-eki n 各駅 every station: ~-téisha/ressha 各駅停車/列車 local train (which stops at every station); kaku-ron n 各論 each detail: ~ ni hairimásu 各論に入ります gets down into specifics; …káku suffix …覚 sense (five senses): shi-~ 視覚 sense of sight: chø-~ 聴覚 sense of hearing: mi-~ 味覚 sense of taste: shü-~ 嗅覚 sense of smell: shok-~ 触覚 sense of touch

      kakū (no) adj 架空(の) imaginary: ~ no sekai 架空の世界 imaginary world: ~ no jinbutsu 架空の人物 fictional character

      kakudai n 拡大 enlargement

      kakudan (ni/no) adv, adj 格段(に/の) remarkably, remarkable

      kakugen n 格言 maxim, wise saying

      kákugo n 覚悟 resolution, resignation, premeditation: ~ shimásu 覚悟します, ~ o kimemásu 覚悟を決めます is resolved (to do), is prepared for, is resigned to

      kakuheki n 隔壁 [BOOKISH] division wall, partition

      kakuho n 確保 [BOOKISH] securement, saving: seki no ~ 席の確保 grabbing a seat

      kakujitsu n 確実 certainly; ~ (na) 確実(な) certain, reliable, authentic (= tashika na 確かな)

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