Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
(language); Kanbojia-jin n カンボジア人 a Cambodian
kanboku n 潅[灌]木 bush
kanbotsu n 陥没 [BOOKISH] subsidence, cave-in, sinking
kanbyō n 看病 nursing
kanchi n 感知 appreciation, sense
kanchi n 完治 [BOOKISH] complete cure
kanchō n 浣腸 enema
kánchō n 艦長 captain (of warship)
kánchō n 官庁 government office
kanchō n 干潮 ebb, low tide
kandai (na) adj 寛大(な) generous, lenient: ~ na hito 寛大な人 broad-minded person: ~ na kokoro 寛大な心 generous heart, big heart
kandán-kei n 寒暖計 (room) thermometer
kandō n 感動 (strong) emotion, (deep) feeling
kane n 金 1. money 2. metal (= kinzoku 金属)
kane n 鐘 large bell (of church, temple, etc.): joya no ~ 除夜の鐘 the bells on New Year’s Eve
… ka ne interj …かね (mostly male. INFORMAL) = … ka ne/na …かね/かな (I wonder/whether)
kane-bako n 金箱 1. cashbox, money box (= zeni-bako 銭箱) 2. patron, gold mine, moneymaker, cash cow
kanemásu, kanéru v 兼ねます, 兼ね る combines, unites; dually/concurrently serves as
kanemóchí (no) adj 金持ち(の) rich (wealthy)
kan’en n 肝炎 hepatitis
kānēshon n カーネーション carnation(s): haha-no-hi ni okuru ~ 母 の日に贈るカーネーション carnations gifted for Mother’s Day
kanetsu n 加熱 heat, heating; kanetsu-ki n 加熱器 heater
kangáe 考え n thought, idea, opinion
kangaemásu, kangáeru v 考えます, 考える thinks, considers
kangei n 歓迎 welcome (= kantai 歓待); kangei-kai n 歓迎会 reception (welcome party)
kangeki n 感激 (strong) emotion (feeling) (= kandø 感動)
kango n 漢語 Chinese word/vocabulary (in Japanese)
kángo n 看護 nursing (a patient); kangó-shi n 看護師 a nurse
kani n カニ・蟹 crab
kānibaru n カーニバル carnival
kanja n 患者 (medical) patient
kanji n 漢字 a Chinese character (symbol), kanji
kanji n 感じ feeling (= kankaku 感覚): konna-~ (de/no) こんな感じ(で/の) like this: sonna/anna-~ (de/no) そんな/あんな感じ(で/の) like that
kan-jimásu, kan-jiru v 感じます, 感じる feels
kanjō n 感情 emotion
kanjō n 環状 [BOOKISH] loop (shape): ~ (no) 環状(の) ring-shaped, circular; ~-sen 環状線 loop/belt line
kanjō´ n 勘定 bill, check, account; kanjō-gákari 勘定係 cashier
kankaku n 感覚 sense, sensibility, feeling, sensation
kankaku n 間隔 space, interval (of time, space)
kankei n 関係 connection, relationship, interest, concern, relevance: … no ~-sha … の関係者 the people/authorities concerned with …, the … people
kánki n 換気 ventilation: ~-sen 換気扇 ventilator
kankō n 観光 sightseeing, tour: ~-básu 観光バス sightseeing bus; ~-réssha 観光列車 sightseeing train; kankō´-kyaku n 観光客 tourist, sightseer
Kánkoku n 韓国 South Korea; Kankoku-go n 韓国語 Korean (language); Kankokú-jin n 韓国人 a Korean
kankyaku n 観客 audience, spectator
kankyō n 環境 environment: ~-osen 環境汚染 environmental pollution; ~-hogo 環境保護 environmental protection
Kankyō-shō n 環境省 Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
kanmatsu n 巻末 end of a book
kanmi n 甘味 sweetness: ~-ryø 甘味料 sweetening
kanna n かんな・カンナ plane (tool)
kannai (de/ni) adv 管内(で/に) within the jurisdiction
kannai (de/ni) adv 館内(で/に) inside the building: ~-tsuå 館内 ツアー guided tour of the building
kannen n 観念 1. idea (Platonism) 2. concept, conception 3. giving up 4. meditation (Buddhism)
kannin n 堪忍 [BOOKISH] patience: ~ shitekudasai 堪忍して下さい Please forgive me.: ~-bukuro no o ga kireru 堪忍袋の緒が切れる runs out of patience
kanningu n カンニング (during examination, test, etc.) cheating; kanningu-pēpā n カンニングペーパー crib note
kannō n 完納 [BOOKISH] full payment
kannō n 感応 [BOOKISH] response, participation
kannō teki (na) adj 官能的(な) sensual, erotic
kannúki n かんぬき bolt (of door)
kánnushi n 神主 priest (Shinto)
káno-jo pron 彼女 she/her; girlfriend, mistress
kanō (na) adj 可能(な) possible: ~-sei 可能性 possibility
kanpa n カンパ fund-raising campaign
kanpai n 乾杯 a toast, “bottoms up”: Kanpai! 乾杯 Cheers!
kanpai n 完敗 complete defeat
kanpán n 甲板 deck (of ship)
kanpan n 乾パン hardtack
kanpeki (na) n, adj 完璧(な) perfection, perfect
kanpi n 官費 government expense, government expenditure
kanpō n 官報 gazette
kanpō (yaku) n 漢方(薬) Chinese medicine
kanpu n 還付 refund: ~-kin 還付金 tax refund
kanpū n 寒風 cold wind
kanpū n 完封 shut-out: ~-jiai 完封試合 shutout game
kanpuku n 感服 admiration (= kanshin 感心, kantan 感嘆)
kanpyō´ n カンピョウ dried gourd strips, dried ground shavings
kanrán-seki n 観覧席 grandstand (seats)
kanren n 関連 relevance (= kankei 関係): (… ni) ~ shimásu (…に)関連します is relevant (to), is connected (with)
kánri n 管理 control (= kontorøru コントロール); kanri-nin n 管理人 custodian, janitor, manager, landlord (rental manager); kanri-sha n 管理者 administrator
kanroku n 貫禄 presence (= igen 威厳): ~ ga arimásu 貫禄があります has a presence
kansai-chihō n 関西地方 the Kansai area