Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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effect; as a result (consequence): gen’in to ~ 原因と結果 cause and effect

      kekkaku n 結核 tuberculosis

      kekkan n 欠陥 [BOOKISH] defect, deficiency

      kekkan n 血管 blood vessel

      kekkō n 欠航 [BOOKISH] cancelled flight; “flight cancelled”

      kékkō (na) adj 結構(な) 1. splendid, excellent 2. fairly well; enough: Kékkø desu 結構です. No, thank you.

      kekkon n 結婚 marriage (= konin 婚姻): ( … to) ~ shimásu (…と)結婚します marries; kekkón-shiki n 結婚式 wedding

      kekkyokú n, adv 結局 after all, in the long run

      kemono n けもの・ケモノ・獣 = kedamono けだもの・ケダモノ・獣 (animal; beast)

      kemúi, kemutai adj 煙い, 煙たい smoky

      kemuri n 煙 smoke

      kemushi n ケムシ・毛虫 caterpillar

      kén n 県 a Japanese prefecture (like a state), …´-ken …県: Chiba´-ken 千葉県 Chiba prefecture

      kén n 剣 (double-edged) sword

      …´-ken suffix …軒 (counts houses, small buildings and shops)

      …´-ken suffix …券 ticket: nyüjø-~ 入場券 admission ticket

      kenbái-ki n 券売機 ticket vending machine

      kenbi-kyō n 顕微鏡 microscope

      kenbutsu n 見物 sightseeing; kenbutsu-nin n 見物人 bystander

      kénchi n 見地 viewpoint

      kenchiku n 建築 [BOOKISH] construction; architecture; kenchiku-ka n 建築家 architect

      kénchō n 県庁 the prefectural government (office)

      kéndō n 剣道 the art of fencing (with bamboo swords)

      ken’etsu n 検閲 censor(ship)

      kengaku n 見学 study by observation, field study/trip/work

      kénji n 検事 (public) prosecutor

      kenjū n 拳銃 pistol

      kenka n けんか・喧嘩 quarrel, argument

      kenkō n 健康 health: ~-shókuhin 健康食品 health food(s); ~-hoken 健康保険 health insurance; kenkō (na) adj 健康(な) healthy

      kenkyo (na) adj 謙虚(な) humble (modest)

      kenkyū n 研究 research, study; kenkyū-jo n 研究所 research institute, laboratory

      kenmei (na) adj 賢明(な) wise

      kénpō n 憲法 constitution: Kenpø-kinénbi 憲法記念日 Constitution (Memorial) Day (3 May)

      kénri n 権利 right (privilege); kenrí-kin n 権利金 “key money” (to obtain rental lease)

      kenryoku n 権力 power, authority

      kénsa n 検査 inspection, examination, check-up, test

      kensatsu n 検札 [BOOKISH] ticket examining (on board)

      kensetsu n 建設 construction (work) (building)

      kenshō n 検証 vertification

      kentō n 拳闘 boxing (martial art)

      kentō´ n 見当 aim; direction; estimate, guess: ~ ga tsukimásu 見当がつきます gets a rough idea (of it): ~ o tsukemásu 見当 をつけます makes a guess, takes aim

      kentō n 検討 examination, inspection

      …-kéntō suffix …見当 roughly, about, approximately

      ken’yaku n 倹約 economy, thrift, economizing: ~ (na) 倹約(な) thrifty, frugal

      kénzan n 剣山 a frog (pinholder) for flowers

      ke-orimono n 毛織物 woolen goods

      kéredo (-mo) conj けれど(も) however, though, but

      kerimásu, kéru v 蹴ります, 蹴る kicks

      késa n, adv 今朝 this morning

      keshi 消し adj tsuyakeshi (no) つや消し matted; keshi-gomu n 消しゴム (rubber) eraser

      keshi-in n 消印 cancellation mark/stamp

      késhiki n 景色 scenery, view

      keshimásu, kesu v 消します, 消す extinguishes, puts out; turns off; expunges, erases, deletes

      keshō n 化粧(o-keshø お化粧) cosmetics, make-up; keshō-hin n 化粧品 cosmetics; keshō´-shitsu n 化粧室 restroom, bathroom, toilet, lounge

      kessaku n 傑作 masterpiece

      kessan n 決算 settling accounts

      kesseki n 欠席 absence (from school, work); kessékí-sha n 欠席者 absentee

      kesshin n 決心 determination, resolve: (… shiyø to) ~ shimásu (…しようと)決心します resolves (to do)

      kesshite adv 決して [+ NEGATIVE] never

      kesshō n 決勝 finals, title match: jun-~ 準決勝 semifinals

      kē´su n ケース case (a particular instance): ~-bai-~ ケースバイケ ース case by case; case (container)

      keta n けた・ケタ・桁 1. (cross) beam, girder 2. abacus rod, (numerical) column

      ketsu n 1. けつ・尻 buttock 2. けつ the tail end, the last (bottom) (= shiri しり・尻)

      ketsuatsu n 血圧 blood pressure; ketsuatsu-kei n 血圧計 blood-pressure gauge; sphygmomanometer

      ketsúeki n 血液 blood

      ketsumatsu n 結末 outcome

      ketsuron n 結論 conclusion: ~ to shite 結論として in conclusion

      kettei n 決定 determination, decision

      kettén n 欠点 flaw, defect, short-coming

      kewashíi adj 険しい steep, precipitous; severe

      kezurimásu, kezuru v 削ります, 削る sharpens, shaves

      ki n 気 spirit; feeling; mind, heart; ki (ga) adv 気(が): ~ mijikái 気が短い is impatient: ~ omoi 気が重い is depressed; ~ tsukimásu 気が付きます comes to one’s senses; ki ni adj 気に: ~ irimásu 気に入ります appeals to one, is pleasing; ( … ga) ~ narimásu (…が)気になります worries (one); … suru ~ ni narimásu …する気にになります gets in the mood (to do); ki o adv 気を: ~ tsukemásu 気を付けます (is) careful

      ki n 木 tree; wood

      kibarashi n 気晴らし diversion, refresh

      kiben n 詭弁 sophistry

      kibishíi adj 厳しい strict, severe

      kibō n 希望 hope; kibō´-sha n 希望者 candidate, applicant

      kíbun n 気分 feeling, mood

      kicháimásu v [INFORMAL] 来ちゃいます = kite-shimaimásu 来てしまいます (comes)


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