Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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and pleasure

      kidorimásu, kidoru v 気取ります, 気取る・気どる puts on airs: kidotte imásu 気取っています, kidotta … 気取った… affected, stuck-up

      kiemásu, kieru v 消えます, 消える is extinguished, goes out; fades, vanishes

      kigae n 着替え a change of clothing

      kigaemásu, kigáéru v 着替えます, 着替える changes (clothes) [newer form of ki-kaemásu 着替 えます]

      kigaru (na) adj 気軽(な) casual, lighthearted

      kígeki n 喜劇 comedy

      kigen n 機嫌 (state of) health, mood: ~ ga íi 機嫌がいい cheerful; ~ ga warúi 機嫌が悪い unhappy, moody → go-kigen ご機嫌 [HONORIFIC]

      kígen n 期限 term, period; deadline

      kígen n 起源 origin

      kigō n 記号 sign, mark, symbol

      kígu n 器具 implement, fixture, apparatus

      kígyō n 企業 company, business concern; “the office” (= kaisha 会社)

      kihon n 基本 basis, foundation

      kíi n キー key: (computer) kiibødo キーボード keyboard

      kiiro (no) adj 黄色(の) = kiiroi 黄色い yellow

      kí-ito n 生糸 raw silk

      kiji n キジ・雉 pheasant

      kíji n 記事 article, news item, piece, write-up: shinbun-~ 新聞記事 newspaper article

      kíji n 生地 cloth material, fabric

      kíjitsu n [BOOKISH 期日 appointed day; deadline

      kijun n [BOOKISH] 基準 basis, standard

      kíkai n 機会 chance, opportunity, occasion

      kíkai n 機械 machine, machinery, instrument: ~-teki (na) 機械的 (な) mechanical

      kikai n 器械 instrument

      kikai (na) adj 奇怪(な) mysterious, strange

      kikaku n 企画 plan(ning), project: ~-bu 企画部 planning department

      kikaku n 規格 norm, standard: ~-ka 規格化 standardization

      kikán n 期間 term, period

      kikán (no) adj 季刊(の) quarterly: kikán-shi 季刊誌 a quarterly

      kikán n [BOOKISH] 機関 engine; instrument; agency, activity, organization; kinyü-~ 金融機関 financial institution

      kikasemásu, kikaseru v 聞かせます, 聞かせる lets someone hear, tells someone (a story); reads (someone a book); reasons with (a child)

      kiken n 危険 danger, peril: ~ (na) 危険(な) dangerous (= abunaí 危ない)

      kiken n 棄権 abstention

      kíkí n 危機 crisis, critical moment, emergency

      kiki-ashi n 利き足 stronger leg

      kikimásu, kiku v 聞きます, 聞く listens, hears; obeys; asks

      kikimásu, kiku v 効きます, 効く takes effect, is effective, works

      kiki-me n 効き目 effect (effectiveness) (= køyø 効用, kønø 効能): ~ ga arimásu 効き目があります is effective

      kiki-te n 聞き手 hearer, listener

      kiki-ude n 利き腕 stronger hand: migi-kiki 右利き right-hander(s): hidari-kiki 左利き left-hander(s)

      kikkake n きっかけ opportunity, occasion

      kikkari adj きっかり exactly, just

      kikō n 気候 climate

      kikō n [BOOKISH] 機構 system, or-ganization, structure: kokusai-~ 国際機構 international organization

      kikō n [BOOKISH] 紀行 travel

      kikō n [BOOKISH] 寄稿 contribution: ~-kiji 寄稿記事 contributed article

      kikō n [BOOKISH] 奇行 one’s eccentricity

      kikoemásu, kikoeru v 聞こえます, 聞こえる can hear; is heard

      kikoku n 帰国 returning to one’s country (Japan); kikoku-shíjo n 帰国子女 returnees

      kikú n キク・菊 chrysanthemum

      ki-kúrage n 木くらげ・キクラゲ・木耳 tree-ears (an edible fungus)

      kikyū n 気球 balloon: netsu-~ 熱気球 hot-air balloon

      kimae ga íi adj 気前がいい generous

      kimagure adj 気まぐれ fickle, easy to change one’s mood

      kimari n 決まり rule; settlement, arrangement; order; regulation

      kimarimásu, kimaru v 決まります, 決まる is settled, is arranged

      kimásu, kiru v 着ます, 着る wears

      kimásu, kúru v 来ます, 来る comes

      kimé n きめ[木目・肌理] 1. grain, texture 2. smooth (human skin) 3. care: ~-komakai きめ細かい, ~-komayaka (na) きめ細やか (な) meticulous, attentiveness (attentive), tender

      kimemásu, kimeru v 決めます, 決める settles, arranges, decides

      kimi n 君・きみ you [familiar]

      kimi n 黄身 yolk (of egg)

      kimí n 気味 feeling, sensation: ~ ga warúi 気味が悪い nervous, apprehensive, weird (feeling)

      kimídori (iro) n 黄緑(色) yellowish green (color)

      Kimigayo n 君が代 national anthem of Japan

      kimó n きも[肝・胆] 1. liver 2. guts, courage, pluck: ~-dameshi 肝試し test of courage

      kimochi n 気持ち feeling, sensation: ~ ga íi 気持ちがいい it feels good, is comfortable; ~ ga warúi 気持ちが悪い is uncomfortable, is feeling bad/unwell

      ki-mono n 着物 clothes; a (Japanese) kimono

      ki-músume n 生娘 virgin (female), green girl

      ki-muzukashíi n 気難しい fussy, difficult (person)

      kímyō (na) adj 奇妙(な) strange, peculiar

      kín n 金 gold: ~-ka 金貨 gold coin

      -kin suffix 金 money: shikin 資金 fund, capital: shikí-~ 敷金 security deposit (for rental)

      kínai adv 機内 on a plane: ~-shoku 機内食 airplane meal

      kínako n きな粉[黄な粉] soybean meal/flour

      kinben (na) adj 勤勉(な) industrious, hardworking, diligent

      kinchō n 緊張 strain, tension: ~ shite imásu 緊張しています is tense

      kinen n 記念 commemoration; kinen-hin n 記念品 souvenir

      kin’en n 禁煙 smoking prohibited, no smoking: ~-sha 禁煙車 no(n)-smoking car

      kinénbi n 記念日 anniversary

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