Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin
n [BOOKISH] 緊急 urgency, emergency; ~ na 緊急な urgent, critical
kinmákie n [BOOKISH] 金蒔絵 gold lacquer
kínmu n 勤務 duty, service, work; kinmú-saki n 勤務先 place of work/employment
kínniku n 筋肉 muscle: ~-tsü 筋肉痛 muscular pain, myalgia
kinō´ n, adv きのう・昨日 yesterday
kínō n 機能 function
ki-no-dókú na adj 気の毒な pitiful, pitiable
kínoko n キノコ・茸 mushroom
kí-no-mi n 木の実 nuts, tree produce (nuts, fruits, berries)
kinō´ no ban n きのう[昨日]の晩 last night
kinpatsu (no) adj 金髪(の) blond
kinpira n キンピラ・きんぴら・金平 fried burdock root and carrot strips served cold
Kinrō-kánsha no hí n 勤労感謝の日 Labor Thanksgiving Day (23 November)
kínryoku n 筋力 muscle (power)
kinshi n 禁止 prohibition, ban
kinshi n 近視 = kingan 近眼 (nearsighted)
kintámá n 金玉 testicle(s) [INFORMAL]
kínu n 絹 silk
Kin’yō´(bi) n 金曜(日) Friday
kinyū n 記入 entry, filling in of forms
kin’yū n 金融 finance: ~-shíjø 金融市場 the money market
kínzoku n 金属 metal
kioku n 記憶 memory: kiokúryoku 記憶力 memory (capacity), retentiveness
kippári (to) adv きっぱり(と) definitely, firmly, flatly
kippu n 切符 ticket: ~-úriba 切符売り場 ticket office
kirai (na) adj 嫌い(な) disliked
kiraku (na) adj 気楽(な) carefree, comfortable; easygoing
kirashimásu, kirásu v 切らします, 切らす exhausts the supply of, runs out of: … o kiráshite imásu …を切らしています is out of …; shibiré o ~ しびれを切らします loses patience
kiré v きれ・切れ a piece, a cut (of cloth)
kírei (na) adj きれい[綺麗](な) pretty; clean; neat, tidy; nice (-looking), attractive
kiremásu, kiréru v 切れます, 切れる 1. can cut; cuts (well) 2. runs out 3. breaks (off)
kire-mé n 切れ目 a gap, a break, a pause
kirénai v 切れない dull(-edged), blunt
kiri n 霧 fog, mist: ~ ga fukái (koi) 霧が深い(濃い) is foggy
kíri n 錐 a hole-punch, an awl
kirí n きり end; limit; ~ ga nai きりがない endless, no limit (no boundary)
kiri-kabu n 切り株 (tree) stump
kirimásu, kíru v 切ります, 切る cuts; cuts off, disconnects; hangs up (phone)
kirinuki n 切り抜き clipping (from newspaper, etc.)
kirisame n 霧雨 drizzle
Kirisuto n キリスト Christ; Kirisuto-kyō n キリスト教 Christianity
kiritsu n 規律 discipline
kíro n キロ 1. kilogram 2. kilometer 3. kilowatt 4. kiloliter
kiroku n 記録 (historic) record; shin-~ 新記録 a new record (an event)
kíryō n 器量 personal appearance, looks; ability
kisaku (na) adj 気さく(な) not put on airs
kisen n 汽船 steamship
kisen n [BOOKISH] 貴賎 rank
kisétsu n 季節 season: ~-fü 季節風 seasonal wind
kishá n 汽車 (non-electric/steam) train
kishá n 記者 = shinbun-~ 新聞記者 newspaper reporter, journalist
kishí n 岸 shore, bank
kishi-men n きしめん long thin udon
kishitsu n 気質 temperament
kishō n 気象 weather: ~-dai 気象台 weather observatory
kishúkúsha n 寄宿舎 dormitory; boarding house
kisó n 基礎 base, foundation
kisoimásu, kisóu v 競います, 競う competes, vies
kisóku n 規則 rule, regulation
kissa-ten n 喫茶店 a tearoom, a coffee house, a café
kísu n キス kiss
kísu n キス・鱚 sillago (fish)
kita n 北 north: ~-guchi 北口 the north exit/entrance; Kita-Ámerika n 北アメリカ North America; Kita-Chōsén n 北朝鮮 North Korea; kita-yori adj 北寄り northerly: ~ no kaze 北寄りの風 northerly wind
kitaemásu, kitaéru v 鍛えます, 鍛え る forges, tempers; drills, disciplines
kitai n 期待 expectation
kitai n 気体 vapor, a gas
kitaku n 帰宅 returning home
kitanái adj 汚い dirty; untidy, messy
kite v 着て: kite-ikimásu/kimásu 着ていきます/きます wears it there/here → kimásu 着ます
kitei n [BOOKISH] 規定 regulation, rule, stipulation: ~ no … 規定の … regular, stipulated, compulsory
kiteki n 汽笛 whistle (steam)
kiten n 機転 wit: ~ no kiku 機転の利く quick-witted
kitsuen n 喫煙 smoking; kitsuén-sha n 喫煙者 smoker; kitsuén-shitsu(/-seki) n 喫煙室(/席) smoking room (area/zone/seat)
kitsúi adj きつい 1. tight: sukejüru ga ~ (desu) スケジュールがきつい(です) (one’s) schedule is tight; uesuto ga ~ (desu) ウエストがきつい(です) is tight in the waist 2. severe, hard, strict: ~ seikaku きつい性格 strict character
kitsune n キツネ・狐 fox
kitte n 切手 (postage) stamp: ~-chø 切手帳 stamp album
kítto adv きっと surely, doubtless, no doubt, undoubtedly
kiwá n 際 brink, edge
kiwadói adj 際どい delicate, dangerous, ticklish
kiwamarimásu, kiwamáru v 極まります, 極まる comes to an end; gets carried to extremes
kiwamemásu, kiwaméru v 極めます, 極める carries to extremes
kiwamemásu, kiwaméru v 究めます, 究める investigates thoroughly
kiwámete adv 極めて extremely
kiyase adj 着やせ looking thinner in clothes