Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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kawáku v 渇きます, 渇く: nodo ga ~ のどが渇きます gets thirsty

      kawara n 瓦 tile: ~-buki (no) 瓦ぶき(の) tile-roofed

      kawari n 変わり change (in health)

      kawari n 代わり substitute: … no ~ ni … の代わりに instead of

      kawari n かわり a second helping (usually of rice): ~-jiyü (desu) おかわり自由(です) has free refills

      kawarimásu, kawaru v 変わります, 変わる: (… ni) ~ (…に)変わります it changes (into…)

      kawarimásu, kawaru v 代わります, 代わる: (… ni) ~ (…に)代わります it takes the place (of …)

      kawaru-gáwaru adv 代わる代わる・ かわるがわる alternately

      kawase n 為替 a money order: ~-rëto 為替レート currency exchange rates

      kayaku n 火薬 gunpowder

      Kayō´(bi) n 火曜(日) Tuesday

      kayoi 通い adj ~ (no) 通い(の) commuting, live-out (help): ~ no o-tetsudai(-san) 通いのお手伝い(さん) a day helper

      kayoimásu, kayou v 通います, 通う commutes, goes back and forth, goes (regularly)

      kayu n 粥・かゆ rice gruel, porridge

      kayúi adj 痒い itchy

      kázan n 火山 volcano: ~-bai 火山灰 volcanic ash

      kazari 飾り n = ~-mono 飾り物 ornament, decoration

      kazarimásu, kazaru v 飾ります, 飾る decorates

      kazari-mono n 飾り物 ornament, decoration

      kaze n 風 wind

      kaze n かぜ・カゼ・風邪 a cold: ~ o hikimásu かぜをひきます catches (a) cold

      kaze-gúsuri n かぜ薬・風邪薬 medicine for colds

      kazoe-kirenai adj 数え切れない countless, innumerable

      kazoemásu, kazoéru v 数えます, 数える counts

      kázoku n 家族 family: ~-omoi no (hito) 家族思いの(人) family-minded (person)

      kázu n 数 number

      kazu no ko n カズノコ・数の子 herring roe

      ke n 毛 hair; wool; feathers

      …-ke suffix …家 (name of certain) clan, family: Suzuki-~ 鈴木家 Suzuki family

      kē´buru n ケーブル cable: ~-kå ケーブルカー cable car: ~-terebi ケーブルテレビ cable TV

      kecháppu n ケチャップ ketchup

      kéchi (na) adj けち(な) stingy, miser

      kéchinbō, kéchinbo n けちん坊, けちんぼ stingy person, skinflint, miser

      kedamono n けだもの・ケダモノ・ 獣 animal; beast (= kemono)

      kédo conj けど [INFORMAL] though, but (= [FORMAL] kéredo (-mo) けれど(も) however, though, but)

      kegá n けが・ケガ・怪我 injury, mishap: ~ o shimásu 怪我をします gets hurt; ~ o sasemásu 怪我をさせます injures (someone)

      ke-gawa n 毛皮 fur

      kéi n 刑 (criminal) sentence

      …-kei suffix …系 1. type, model: dø-~-shoku 同系色 similar color 2. of …ancestry: ~-zu 系図 genealogy, a family tree (= kakei-zu 家系図)

      keiba n 競馬 horse racing/race; keiba-jō n 競馬場 racetrack

      keibetsu n 軽蔑 contempt, de-spising

      kéibi n 警備 [BOOKISH] security; keibi-in n 警備員 security guard

      keiei n 経営 management, operation

      keiéi-sha n 経営者 manager, operator, proprietor

      keigo n 敬語 honorific (word): ~ o tsukaimásu 敬語を使います uses honorific words

      keihin n 景品 [BOOKISH] giveaway

      keihō n 警報 alarm, alert, warning

      keiji n 繋辞 [BOOKISH] copula, (grammar term) link

      kéiji n 刑事 (police) detective

      keiji n 掲示 bulletin; keiji-ban n 掲示板 bulletin board

      kéijō n 形状 geometry

      keika n 経過 course (of time), progress, development

      keikai n 警戒 [BOOKISH] vigilance, watch, guard; warning, caution

      keikaku n 計画 plan, scheme, program, project (= puran プラ ン): (… no) ~ o tatemásu (…の) 計画を立てます = (…o) ~ shimásu (…を)計画します plans

      keikan n 警官 [BOOKISH] policeman, (police) officer (= keisatsu-kan 警察官): ~-tai 警官隊 a contingent of policemen

      keiken n 経験 experience; shokumu-keiken n 職務経験 job experience

      keiki n 景気 business conditions, prosperity, boom: ~-taisaku 景気対策 economy-boosting measure(s)

      kéiki n 契機 [BOOKISH] opportunity

      kéiki n 刑期 prison term

      kei(ryō)ki n 計(量)器 meter (de-vice)

      kéiko n 稽古 exercise, practice, drill

      keikō n 傾向 [BOOKISH] tendency, trend

      keikō n 経口 [BOOKISH] oral: ~-hinínyaku 経口避妊薬 oral contraceptive (= piru ピル)

      keikoku n 警告 [BOOKISH] warning: ~-hyøji 警告表示 alarm display

      keikō-tō n 蛍光灯 fluorescent light

      keimú-sho n 刑務所 jail, prison

      keireki n 経歴 [BOOKISH] career (history)

      keirin n 競輪 [BOOKISH] bicycle race: ~-jø 競輪場 bicycle racetrack

      keirō n 敬老 [BOOKISH] respect for the aged; Keirō-no-hí n 敬老の日 Respect-for-the-Aged Day (Third Monday of September)

      keiryaku n 計略 [BOOKISH] plot, scheme, trick, strategy

      keiryō-kappu n 計量カップ measuring cup

      keisan n 計算 calculation, computation

      keisán-ki n 計算機 calculator

      keisatsu n 警察 police: ~-shó 警察署 police station; ~-kan 警察官 policeman, (police) officer

      keishiki n 形式 form, formality

      keishoku n 軽食 snack, light foods

      keisotsu (na) adj 軽率(な) hasty, rash

      keitai n 形態 pattern, shape

      keitai 1. adj 携帯 portable 2. n 携 帯 cell-phone, mobile (tele)phone (= keitai-denwa 携帯電話)

      keitai-denwa n 携帯電話 cell-phone, mobile (tele)phone

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