Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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the scourge of war, war 3 v. to draw, to paint (= veõ): hoäi hoaï painting; minh hoaï to illustrate

      hoaï chaêng adv. perhaps, maybe, at most

      hoaï ñoà n. map, plan, blueprint

      hoaï may adv. perhaps, maybe

      hoaï mi n. nightingale

      hoaï phaåm n. painting

      hoaï só n. painter, artist

      hoaùc adj. to be wide open, gaping

      hoaïch v. R to stroke [of pen, brush] (= neùt); R to paint, to draw [up]; truø hoaïch to plan

      hoaïch v. R to earn, to reap

      hoaïch ñònh v. to draw up, to define, to plan

      hoaøi 1 v. to waste: hoaøi cuûa to waste money 2 adj., adv. constantly, continuous, repeatedly

      hoaøi baõo n. ambition, dream, aspiration

      hoaøi caûm n. memory, recollection

      hoaøi coå v. to think of the past, to miss the past

      hoaøi cuûa! intj. What a pity! What a shame!

      hoaøi nghi adj. doubtful, skeptical

      hoaøi nieäm v. to long for

      hoaøi voïng v., n. to hope; hope

      hoaïi adj. spoiled, out of order, damaged: phaù hoaïi to destroy

      hoan adj., n. joyous; cheer, welcome: lieân hoan festival

      hoan hoâ v., intj. to shout hurrah, to applaud; Cheers! Long live!

      hoan hæ v. to be overjoyed

      hoan laïc adj. pleased, overjoyed

      hoan ngheânh v. to welcome

      hoaùn v. to change, to exchange (= ñoåi): giao hoaùn to exchange

      hoaùn caûi v. to change

      hoaùn dòch v. to change, to exchange

      hoaøn 1 n. sphere, pill, pellet 2 adj. completed, perfect: hoaøn toaøn perfect 3 v. to return, to refund (= traû): caûi töû hoaøn sinh to resuscitate, to bring back to life

      hoaøn bò adj. complete, perfect

      hoaøn caûnh n. environment, circumstances, situation, context

      hoaøn caàu n. the world, the earth

      hoaøn haûo adj. excellent, perfect

      hoaøn hoàn v. to recover from shock, to regain consciousness

      hoaøn myõ adj. perfectly beautiful, beautiful, perfect

      hoaøn taát v. to finish, to complete

      hoaøn thaø nh v. to complete, to finish

      hoaøn thieän adj. perfect, excellent

      hoaøn toaøn adj., adv. perfect, perfectly flawless; entirely, completely, fully

      hoaøn tuïc v. [of monk] to return to secular life

      hoaøn vuõ n. the universe

      hoaõn v. to postpone, to defer

      hoaõn binh v. to postpone military action, to delay action

      hoaõn dòch v., n. to defer military service; deferment

      hoaïn 1 n. misfortune, accident: hoaïn naïn bad luck/misfortune; beänh hoaïn sickness, illness 2 v. to castrate: hoaïn quan eunuch

      hoaïn ñoà n. official career, civil service career

      hoaïn loä n. official career

      hoaïn naïn n. misfortune, adversity, distress

      hoang 1 v., adj. spendthrift; extravagant: aên hoang maëc roäng to live expensively 2 adj. [of house] abandoned; [of land] uncultivated; [of child] illegitimate; deserted: chöûa hoang to bear an illegitimate child

      hoang daïi adj. wild

      hoang daâm adj. lustful

      hoang ñaøng adj. dissolute, debauched

      hoang ñaûo n. unexplored island

      hoang ñòa n. wasteland

      hoang ñieàn n. uncultivated field

      hoang ñöôøng adj. fabulous, incredible, extraordinary, fantastic

      hoang mang adj. undecided, confused

      hoang pheá adj. uncultivated

      hoang phí v. to waste, to squander

      hoang taøn adj. devastated, in ruins

      hoang toaøng adj. extravagant

      hoang vaéng adj. deserted

      hoang vu adj. wild

      hoaøng 1 adj. yellow (= vaøng) 2 n. phoenix 3 n. emperor; prince: Nöõ Hoaøng Anh the Queen of England

      hoaøng anh n. oriole

      hoaøng aân n. imperial favor

      hoaøng cung n. imperial palace

      hoaøng baøo n. imperial robe

      hoaøng ñaïo n. zodiac: ngaøy hoaøng ñaïo lucky day, auspicious day

      hoaøng ñeá n. emperor, king

      hoaøng gia n. royal family

      hoaøng giaùp n. doctor’s degree

      Hoaøng Haø n. the Yellow River

      hoaøng haäu n. queen, empress

      hoaøng hoân n. twilight, dusk, sunset

      hoaøng kim n. gold: thôøi ñaïi hoaøng kim the golden age

      hoaøng phaùi n. royal family

      hoaøng phuï n. the emperor’s father

      hoaøng thaùi haäu n. the queen mother

      hoaøng thaùi töû n. the crown prince

      hoaøng thaønh n. imperial city

      hoaøng thaân n. prince

      hoaøng thaát n. imperial family

      hoaøng thieân n. Heaven

      hoaøng thöôïng n. Sire; His Majesty

      hoaøng toäc n. imperial family

      hoaøng trieàu n. the reigning dynasty

      hoaøng töû n. prince

      hoaøng yeán n. canary [bird], serin

      hoaûng v. to be stupefied, to panic, to be awestruck: hoaû ng sôï to panic

      hoaønh n., adj. width, breath; transversal, horizontal (= ngang) [opp. tung]

      hoaønh caùch moâ n. diaphragm [in abdomen]

      hoaønh ñoà n. drawing, draft, [detailed] map [of building]

      hoaønh haønh v. to act in an over-bearing manner, to be aggressively haughty or arrogant

      hoaønh taøi n. great talent

      hoaûnh adj. dry, tearless [of eyes]

      hoaïnh v. to scold, to criticize, to blame: hoaïnh hoeï to find fault with someone’s work

      hoaïnh taøi n. windfall, ill-gotten money

      hoaït adj., n. active, quick; living

      hoaït aûnh n. moving pictures, motion pictures, movies

      hoaït baùt adj. vivaciuos, eloquent, active, brisk

      hoaït ñaàu adj. crooked

      hoaït ñoäng v., n. to be active; activity:

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