Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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1 v. to vomit 2 n. drawer

      hoäc toác adj. very fast, breathless: laøm vieäc hoäc toác cho xong baûn baùo caùo to work without stop in order to finish the report

      hoâi 1 adj., v. smelly; to smell bad, to stink: hoâi nhö cuù to smell like a skunk 2 v. to loot

      hoâi haùm v. to stink

      hoái 1 v. to repent, to regret 2 v. to urge, to press, to push

      hoái caûi v. to show repentance and the desire to change

      hoái ñoaùi n. exchange: sôû hoái ñoaùi exchange office

      hoái haû v. to urge, to press; to be in a hurry

      hoái haän v. to repent, to regret

      hoái loä v. to bribe: aên hoái loä to receive a bribe

      hoái thuùc v. to urge, to push

      hoái xuaát n. exchange rate

      hoài 1 n. moment, time, period; act [of a play], chapter [of a novel tieåu thuyeát]; round: hoài aáy, hoài ñoù at that time; hoài naøy these days 2 v. to return (= veà, traû laïi): hoài aâm to reply

      hoài aâm v. to reply, to respond

      hoài cö v. to come back to one’s home after an evacuation

      hoài ñaùp v. to answer, to reply

      Hoài giaùo n. Islam

      hoài hoäp adj. nervous, anxious

      hoài höông v. to return from abroad

      hoài höu v. to retire [from work]

      hoài kinh v. to come back to the capital

      hoài moân n. dowry

      hoài phuïc v. to recover

      Hoài Quoác n. Pakistan

      hoài sinh v. to restore to life: caûi töû hoài sinh to resuscitate

      hoài taâm v. to regret, to repent

      hoài tænh v. to regain consciousness, to come to normal

      hoài töôûng v. to recall, to reminisce [object preceded by ñeán/tôùi]

      hoäi 1 v. to gather, to meet 2 n. assembly; association, society; fete: ngaøy hoäi festival day 3 n. opportunity, occasion, time

      hoäi aùi höõu n. friendship society

      hoäi buoân n. commercial firm

      hoäi chôï n. fair, show

      hoäi ñaøm v., n. to negotiate; to confer; conference

      hoäi ñoàng n. meeting, council: Hoäi Ñoàng Ñoâ thaønh municipal council; hoäi ñoàng gia toäc family council

      hoäi heø n. festivals, feasts

      hoäi hoaï n. painting

      hoäi hoïp v. to gather, to meet: hoäi hoïp baùo chí press conference

      hoäi kieán v. to see, to interview, to meet officially

      hoäi kín n. secret society

      hoäi nghò n. conference, convention, meeting

      hoäi ngoä v. to meet, to re-unite

      hoäi quaùn n. headquarters [of society], club

      hoäi tröôøng n. conference hall, lecture theater

      hoäi tröôûng n. president, chairman [of society]

      hoäi tuï v. to converge

      hoäi vieân n. member of a society/ club: hoäi vieân hoaït ñoäng active member

      hoäi yù v. to have an exchange of ideas, to consult one’s opinions

      hoâm n. day, afternoon, evening: chieàu hoâm nay this afternoon; ngaøy hoâm nay today; hoâm noï the other day; hoâm kìa three days ago; hoâm sau the next day

      hoân v. to kiss

      hoân leã n. wedding ceremony

      hoân meâ v. to be unconscious, to be in a coma

      hoân nhaân n. marriage

      hoân phoái n. marriage

      hoân phu n. fiance

      hoân thuù n. marriage certificate

      hoân öôùc n. promise of marriage

      hoàn n. soul [of living or dead men] [as opp. to body xaùc]: taâm hoàn soul [of living man]; linh hoàn soul [of dead man]

      hoàn nhieân adj. natural, innocent, spontaneous

      hoån heån adj. panting: thôû hoån heån to be panting

      hoãn adj. impolite, insolent, ill-mannered, rude

      hoãn chieán v. to engage in a dog-fight brawl, to fight free for all

      hoãn ñoän adj. disorderly, chaotic

      hoãn haøo adj. impolite, rude

      hoãn hôïp v., adj. [of committee or commission] to join, to mix; joint, mixed

      hoãn laùo adj. impolite, rude

      hoãn loaïn adj. disorderly, chaotic

      hoãn mang adj. chaotic, misty

      hoãn xöôïc adj. impolite, rude

      hoâng n. hip, haunch

      hoáng haùch adj. [of official] to show one’s power; arrogant

      hoàng 1 adj. rose, pink, rosy 2 n. wild goose 3 n. persimmon CL quaû, traùi

      Hoàng Haûi n. Red Sea

      hoàng haøo adj. rosy, ruddy

      hoàng hoäc adj. panting

      Hoàng Koâng n. Hong Kong

      hoàng laâu n. house of prostitution

      hoàng ngoaïi n. infra-red

      Hoàng Mao n. English(man), British

      hoàng nhan n. beautiful woman

      hoàng phuùc n. great happiness

      Hoàng quaân n. Red Army

      hoàng quaàn n. woman

      Hoàng Thaäp Töï n. Red Cross

      hoàng thuyû n. deluge, flood

      hoàngy n. red robe [cardinal’s]

      hoång adj. hollow, having gaps

      hoäp n. box, carton, case, can: hoäp nöõ trang jewelry case; söõa hoäp canned milk

      hoäp ñeâm n. nightclub

      hoäp queït n. box of matches

      hoát v. to gather, to rake in, to scoop up

      hoát hoaû ng v. to get excited, to panic

      hoät n. (= haït) grain; stone, seed; kernel; drop [of rain möa]

      hoät xoaøn n. diamond

      hô v. to dry over a fire, to heat over a fire

      hô hôù adj. [of girl] to be young, in the glow of juvenile beauty

      hôù v. to pay too much for a piece of merchandise; to blunder

      hôù heânh adj. careless, tactless

      hôø adj. not close, not secure: baïn hôø no close friend

      hôø höõng adj. negligent, indifferent, half-hearted

      hôû adj. opened, uncovered, leaked: aùo hôû vai decollete


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