Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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to hope

      hyù hoaï n. cartoon, caricature

      hyù kòch n. comedy

      hyù tröôøng n. theater

      hyù vieän n. theater

      hyû adj. glad, happy

      hyû tín n. good news [about marriage or childbirth]

      hyùt roâ n. [Fr. hydrogene] hydrogen


      i tôø v. i and t; to have just begun to learn how to read and write

      ì v. to be motionless; to be inert, to be stubborn, to be obstinate

      ì aø ì aïch adv. strenuously

      ì aïch adv. strenuously

      æa v. to go to the bathroom, to empty one’s bowels

      æa chaûy v. to have diarrhea

      æa ñaùi v. to make a mess, to empty one’s bowels

      æa ñuøn v. [of child] to dirty one’s diaper or pants

      ích v. to be profitable, to be useful: höõu ích/coù ích to be useful

      ích kyû adj. selfish

      ích lôïi adj. profitable, useful

      im adj. silent, quiet, still, calm

      im baët v. to become completely silent

      im laëng adj. silent, quiet: Im laëng! Silence please!

      im lìm adj. quiet

      im moàm v. to shut up, to shut one’s mouth

      im nhö tôø adj. very quiet

      im phaêng phaéc adv. absolute noiselessly

      in 1 v. [SV aán] to print: maùy in printing machine, press 2 v. to engrave 3 adj. to be as alike as two peas

      in ít adj. little

      inh adj. noisy, boisterous

      inh oûi adj. noisy, loud, strident

      inh tai adj. deafening

      ình v. to swell

      ít adj. little, small quantity; to be or have little/few; there is little; there are few; to act to a small degree [second verb in series]; to act only rarely [first verb in series]: ít noùi to be taciturn; chuùt ít a little, a few

      ít khi adj., adv. rare; seldom

      ít laâu n. a little while

      ít nhaát adv. at least

      ít nhieàu adj. a little, some, a few

      ít nöõa adj. at least; in a while; more

      ít oûi adj. in a small quantity

      ít ra adj. at least, to say the least

      æu adj. doughy, soggy

      æu xìu adj., n. gloomy; dampened spirits


      ka ki n. khaki, a type of fabric

      ke 1 n. [Fr. quai] quay, dwarf, dock railroad tracks 2 n. [Fr. eùquerre] square ruler

      keù 1 v. to put one’s money with, to make a small side-bet [with a gambler] 2 v. to squeeze in

      keø keø adj. close by, side by side

      keø nheø adj. [of voice] insistent

      keû 1 n. individual, person, man [cf.

      ngöôøi] 2 v. to draw [a line]

      keû caû adj. elder, senior

      keû chôï n. city people; city [old term]

      keû cöôùp n. robber

      keû khoù n. the poor

      keû thuø n. enemy, foe

      keû troäm n. burglar

      keõ n. crack, gap, crevice

      keùc n. parrot

      kem n. [Fr. creme] ice cream; beauty cream: kem ñaùnh giaày shoe polish; kem caây ice-cream on a stick

      keùm adj. [opp. hôn] less [advantageous, profitable, etc.]; weak, fewer, less than: ba giôø keùm naêm five to three [2:55]

      keøm 1 v. to go along with, to guide and guard: ñi keøm to send along 2 v. to enclose

      keøm nheøm adj. bleary-eyed

      keõm n. zinc

      keùn 1 n. cocoon 2 v. to select, to choose (= choïn): keùn caùchoïn canh to pick and choose, choosy

      keøn n. trumpet, bugle, clarinet, saxophone

      keøn cöïa adj. jealous, envious

      keøn keït v. to creak

      keng n. cling clang

      keûng 1 adj. smart, chic 2 n. makeshift gong

      keo 1 n. gelatin, glue 2 n. round [fighting]: vaät nhau ba keo to wrestle three rounds 3 adj. stingy, parsimonious

      keo sôn adj. [of friendship] close, long-lasting: tình baïn keo sôn long-lasting friendship

      keùo 1 n. pair of scissors 2 v. to pull, to drag: keùo côø to hoist the flag

      keùo beø v. to form a gang, to gang up, to form a party

      keùo caùnh v. to form a gang, to gang up, to gather into a faction

      keùo co n. tug of war

      keùo daøi v. to stretch, to lengthen, to drag on/out

      keùo laïi v. to recover, to make up

      keùo leâ v. to trail, to drag

      keûo conj. or else, because, or otherwise, lest

      keïo 1 adj. stingy, tightfisted, close-fisted 2 n. candy

      keïo boâng n. cotton candy

      keïo cao su n. chewing gum

      keùp 1 n. actor, comedian 2 adj. double, twofold; of two thicknesses: aùo keùp lined coat

      keïp v. to press, to squeeze

      keùt n. [Fr. caisse] safe; cashier’s desk; case, carton [of beer, etc.]: keùt saét safe

      keït v. to be caught, to be pinched; to stick

      keâ 1 n. millet 2 n. cock, chicken (= gaø) 3 v. to list, to mention, to declare: keâ khai haøng hoaù mang theo to declare goods 4 v. to wedge up; to put, to arrange [furniture]: keâ baøn gheá trong nhaø to arrange furniture in the house

      keâ cöùu v. to study, to examine [for reference]

      keâ gian v. to declare dishonestly

      keâ khai v. to declare, to list

      keá 1 n. ruse, scheme, stratagem, trick: con ngöôøi nhieàu möu keá to have many tricks up one’s sleeve 2 conj. then, after that

      keá caän adj. neighboring, next, adjacent: keá caän nhaø toâi next to my house

      keá chaân v. to succeed, to replace somebody

      keá hoaïch n. plan, project, strategy

      keá maãu n. stepmother

      keá nghieäp v. to take over [a business]

      keá phuï n. stepfather

      keá thaát n. second wife

      keá thöøa v. to inherit

      keá tieáp v. to continue, to succeed

      keá toaùn n. accountant;

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