Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      keà adj. next, close to

      keå v. to relate, to narrate [a story], to mention, to enumerate, to cite [facts, figures]: khoâng keå not to mention, not to speak of

      keå leå v. to tell stories, to talk on and on

      keä 1 v. to leave alone, to pay no attention to: keä thaây noù to leave him alone 2 n. shelf: keä saùch bookshelf 3 n. Buddhist prayer-book

      keách xuø adj. [of amount] huge, bulky, colossal

      keäch v. to make sure not to do [something], to be afraid of [somebody]

      keäch adj. coarse, rude: queâ keäch, thoâ keäch boorish, unrefined

      keàn n. [Fr. nickel] nickel

      keânh 1 n. (= kinh) canal: keânh Suez the Suez Canal 2 adj. warped, not level

      keânh kieäu v. to put on airs, to give oneself airs, arrogant

      keành v. to lie flat, to sprawl

      keành caøng adj. encumbering, cumbersome

      keát 1 v. to tie in knots; to be bound together: keát baïn to make friends 2 v. to conclude, to wind up

      keát aùn v. to condemn, to convict, to sentence

      keát caáu n. structure, composition

      keát cuïc n. conclusion, final outcome

      keát duyeân v. to get married [vôùi to]

      keát ñoâi v. to get married

      keát hoân v. to get married, to marry

      keát hôïp v. to co-ordinate, to combine

      keát lieãu v. to come to an end, to finish

      keát luaän v., n. to conclude; conclusion

      keát löïc n. cohesion, force of cohesion

      keát naïp v. to admit to

      keát nghóa v. to join a brotherhood; to get married

      keát quaû n. result, outcome

      keát thuùc v. to end, to conclude, to come to an end

      keát tinh v. to crystallize

      keát toaùn v. to draw up a final balance-sheet, to make up accounts

      keát toäi v. to accuse, to charge

      keát tuï v. to conglomerate, to agglomerate

      keát tuûa v. to precipitate; to be precipitated [a substance]

      keâu v. to shout; to call [for], to summon, to order [food]; to complain; to ring, to make noise

      keâu ca v. to complain, to grumble

      keâu cöùu v. to cry for help

      keâu gaøo v. to cry out for, to call upon

      keâu goïi v. to appeal [to], to call [upon]

      keâu la v. to shout, to yell, to scream

      keâu naøi v. to insist, to beseech

      keâu oan v. to base one’s case on unjust suffering, to protest one’s innocence

      keâu van v. to entreat, to implore

      kha khaù adj., adv. better; fairly, rather

      khaù adj. rather good, pretty good; be better; [in health] rather well

      khaù giaû adj. well off, rich

      khaû aùi adj. lovely, lovable

      khaû dó adj. able, possible

      khaû naêng n. ability, capability: khaû naêng laøm vieäc working ability

      khaû nghi adj. suspicious

      khaû oá adj. detestable

      khaû quan adj. good, favorable, satisfactory: keát quaû khaû quan a satisfactory result

      khaùc adj., adv. other, different; else; unlike: hai nöôùc khaùc two other countries; moät choã naøo khaùc somewhere else

      khaùc bieät adj. different: khaùc bieät quan ñieåm different viewpoints

      khaùc thöôøng adj. unusual; extraordinary, exceptional

      khaùc xa adj. completely different, quite different

      khaïc v. to spit: khaïc nhoå to spit

      khaùch n. guest, visitor: khaùch nöôùc ngoaøi foreign visitor; khaùch haøng customer; tieáp khaùch to receive visitors; aên côm khaùch to be invited to din- ner; chính khaùch political figure

      khaùch haøng n. customer

      khaùch khöùa n. guests, visitors

      khaùch qua ñöôøng n. passerby, stranger

      khaùch quan adj. objective: nhaän xeùt khaùch quan objective observation

      khaùch saïn n. hotel

      khaùch saùo adj. formal

      khaùch theå n. object: chuû theå vaø khaùch theå subject and object

      khai 1 v. to declare, to state, to testify: lôøi khai declaration, statement, testimony 2 adj. [of urine] urine-smelling 3 v. to open (= môû), to dredge up: khai tröôøng to re-open school

      khai baùo v. to declare, to inform the authorities

      khai buùt v. to write one’s first essay [on New Year’s day]

      khai chieán v. to declare war

      khai dieãn v. to start the performance

      khai giaûng v. to begin a new academic year

      khai haï v. to start the celebrations

      khai haán v. to start the hostilities

      khai hoa v. to bloom, to blossom

      khai hoaù v. to civilize

      khai hoaû v. to open fire

      khai hoang v. to reclaim waste-land, to cultivate new land

      khai hoäi v. to open a meeting/festival

      khai huyeät v. to dig a grave

      khai khaån v. to clear land, to break new ground

      khai maïc v. [of conference] to open

      khai moû v. to mine

      khai phaù v. to clear land, to discover

      khai quaät v. to exhume, to disinter

      khai quoác v. to found a nation, to build an empire

      khai saùng v. to found

      khai sinh v. to register a birth, to declare a childbirth

      khai thaùc v. to exploit land/ resources

      khai thoâng v. to clear, to free something of obstruction

      khai trieån v. to develop

      khai tröø v. to expel, to purge [a party member]

      khai tröông v. to open a business

      khai tröôøng n. first day of school

      khai töû v. to declare a death

      khaùi luaän n. summary, outline

      khaùi löôïc n. summary

      khaùi nieäm n. general idea, concept, notion

      khaùi quaùt adj. general, generalized

      khaùi quaùt hoaù v. to generalize

      kham v. to endure, to bear, to suffer: baát kham unendurable

      kham khoå adj. [of life]

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