Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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to sign, to conclude [agreement, pact]

      kyù nhaän v. to make out receipt

      kyù quyõ v. to deposit [security money]

      kyù sinh truøng n. parasite

      kyù söï n. memoirs, essays

      kyù thaùc v. to entrust

      kyù tuùc xaù n. boarding school, dormitory

      kyù öùc n. memory

      kyø 1 n. R flag (= côø): quoác kyø national flag 2 n. fixed time or space of time, term: hoïc kyø term, session 3 n. administrative division of Vietnam [under French domination] 4 adj. strange, extraordinary (= la)

      kyø an n. praying for good health

      kyø aûo adj. miraculous

      kyø aùn n. strange case

      kyø coâng n. exploit, marvelous achievement

      kyø cuïc adj. strange, funny, odd

      kyø cuøng adv. to the end

      kyø cöïu adj. old, veteran, experienced: caàu thuû kyø cöïu very old experienced player

      kyø dò adj. strange, odd

      kyø dieäu adj. marvelous, wonderful

      kyø duyeân n. wonderful love

      kyø dö n. the rest: kyø dö khoâng thay ñoåi otherwise no change

      kyø ñaøi n. platform for a ceremony

      kyø haïn n. date, term

      kyø haøo n. village elder

      kyø hình n. odd appearance

      kyø khoâi adj. unusual, very odd

      kyø laï adj. strange, extraordinary

      kyø ngoä n. chance meeting, unexpected meeting

      kyø phuøng ñòch thuû n. adversaries of equal talent

      kyø quaùi adj. strange, odd

      kyø quan n. wonder: baûy kyø quan theá giôùi the seven wonders of the world

      kyø quaëc adj. odd, funny

      kyø taøi n. extraordinary talent

      kyø thaät adv. actually, in reality

      kyø thò v. to discriminate: kyø thò chuûng toäc racial discrimination

      kyø thuù adj. interesting

      kyø thuyû adv. at the beginning

      kyø voïng v. to wish for, to pray for

      kyû luaät n. discipline, codes of conduct: coù tinh thaàn kyû luaät to follow the codes of conduct

      kyû luïc n. record, best performance

      kyû nguyeân n. era: kyõ nguyeân maïng vi tính toaøn caàu Internet era

      kyû nieäm 1 n. to commemorate 2 n. souvenir: cöûa haøng baùn ñoà kyû nieäm a souvenir shop

      kyû yeáu n. proceedings, a summary record of

      kyõ adj. careful: vieäc laøm kyõ careful work

      kyõ caøng adj. (= kyõ löôõng) careful, thorough

      kyõ naêng n. skill

      kyõ ngheä n. industry: kyõ ngheä nheï light industry

      kyõ sö n. engineer: kyõ sö caàu ñöôøng a civil engineer

      kyõ thuaät n. technology; technique: khoa hoïc kyõ thuaät taân tieán modern science and technology


      la 1 n. mule 2 v. to shout, to scream; to scold

      la baøn n. compass

      la caø v. to loiter, to hang around

      la ñaø v. [of branches] to be swaying; to reel, to move unsteadily

      la heùt v. to roar, to scream

      la laøng v. to shout for help

      la lieät adv. everywhere, all over

      la loái v. to yell, to scold [to show one’s authority]

      la maéng v. to scold

      La Maõ n. Rome, Roman

      la où v. to protest noisily, to boo

      laù 1 n. leaf: laù chuoái banana leaf 2 n. classifier noun, card, form: laù baøi playing card; laù ñôn application form; laù thö letter

      laù chaén n. shield, screen, shutter

      laù thaém n. love message

      laø 1 v. to be, to be equal 2 v. to iron, to press (= uûi): laø quaàn aùo to iron clothes; baøn laø an iron 3 intj. [final particle]; How! 4 conj. then

      laû adj., v. exhausted; to be prone; to droop: meät laû exhausted

      laû lôi adj., v. lascivious; to indulge in, be familiar with

      laû löôùt adj. limp, listless

      laû taû v. to be scattered

      laõ chaõ v. [of tears] to drip

      laï adj. [SV kyø] strange, unusual, extraordinary, odd, foreign; not to be familiar with: ngöôøi laï stranger; Laï quaù! How strange!

      laï ñôøi adj. strange, odd, queer, eccentric: aên noùi laï ñôøi to say something strange

      laï kyø adj. strange: aên maëc quaàn aùo laï kyø quaù to wear strange clothes

      laï luøng adj. strange, unknown, extraordinary, odd

      laï maët adj. strange, unknown [face]: keû laï maët stranger

      laï mieäng adj. strange-tasting, eaten for the first time

      laï tai adj. strange-sounding, heard for the first time

      laï thöôøng adj. unusual, extraordinary

      laùc adj. squint-eyed, cross-eyed

      laùc ñaùc adj. scattered

      laïc 1 v. to be lost, to lose one’s way: laïc ñöôøng/laïc loái to lose one’s way 2 n. (= ñaäu phuïng) peanut, shelled peanut, ground-nut: laïc rang roasted peanuts; daàu laïc peanut oil; bô laïc peanut butter

      laïc böôùc v. to rove, to wander

      laïc caûnh n. paradise

      laïc ñaø n. camel

      laïc ñeà v. to get off the subject, to be irrelevant to the subject

      laïc ñieäu adj. tuneless: haùt laïc ñieäu to sing out of tune

      laïc gioïng adj. off-key

      laïc haäu adj. backward, under-developed

      laïc loaøi adj. alone in a strange land

      laïc loõng adj. alone, lost in a strange place

      laïc nghieäp v. to enjoy one’s work, to be content with one’s lot

      laïc quan adj. optimistic

      laïc quyeân v. to raise funds

      laïc thuù n. pleasure

      laïc vieân n. paradise

      laùch 1 v. to make one’s way 2 n. spleen

      laùch caùch v. to clink, to clatter, to clash, to rattle

      laùch taùch v. to crackle, to crepitate

      laïch n. canal, waterway


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