Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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baûo v. to advise, to counsel

      khuyeân can v. to advise against something, to persuade someone

      khuyeân giaûi v. to comfort, to explain

      khuyeân ngaên v. to advise against something

      khuyeân nhuû v. to advise, to counsel

      khuyeân raên v. to admonish

      khuyeán hoïc v. to encourage learning

      khuyeán khích v. to encourage, to stimulate

      khuyeán noâng v. to encourage agriculture

      khuyeån n. dog (= choù)

      khuyeån maõ n. beast

      khuyeån nho adj. cynical

      khuyeát 1 n. buttonhole, loop [used as a buttonhole] 2 adj. [of position] missing, vacant; [of moon] not full

      khuyeát ñieåm n. shortcoming, defect, error, negative points

      khuyeát tòch adj. absent

      khuynh dieäp n. eucalyptus

      khuynh ñaûo v. to overthrow

      khuynh gia baïi saûn adj. ruinous, bankrupted

      khuynh höôùng n. tendency

      khuyønh v. to spread out one’s arms, to be akimbo

      khuyønh chaân v. to straddle one’s legs

      khuyûu n. elbow: khuyûu tay elbow

      khuîu v. to collapse: ngaõ khuîu to fall and collapse

      khö khö v. to hold tight, to guard jealously, to retain stubbornly

      khöù hoài v., n. to go and come back; round trip

      khöø khöø v. to groan, to moan

      khöû v. to get rid of, to dispose of

      khöû tröø v. to eliminate, to eradicate

      khöùng v. to consent, to accept

      khöôùc v. to refuse, to decline

      khöôùc töø v. to decline

      khöùu giaùc n. sense of smell

      khöôùt adj. tired, worn out

      ki coùp adj., v. stingy; to only collect small things

      ki-loâ n. [Fr. kilogram] kilogram

      ki-loâ meùt n. [Fr. kilometre] kilometer

      kí n. [Fr. kilogram] kilogram

      kì v. to rub [dirt] off

      kì keøo v. to nag, to reproach; to argue about the cost

      kia 1 pron. there, that 2 adj., adv. that, other; before: hoâm kia day before yesterday; tröôùc kia formerly; moät ngaøy kia some day [in the future]

      kia kìa adv. over there

      kìa adv. over there, yonder [more distant than kia]: naêm kìa three years ago; hoâm kìa three days ago

      kích 1 n. halberd 2 n. size, measurement, part of dress under the arm-holes 3 v. to jack

      kích baùc v. to disparage/criticize

      kích ñoäng v. to arouse, to impact

      kích thích v. to excite, to stimulate

      kích thích toá n. hormone

      kích thöôùc n. size, measurements

      kòch n. play, drama, theater: dieãn kòch to perform; ñoùng kòch to have a part in a play; to fake, to pretend; haøi kòch comedy

      kòch baûn n. play script, scenario

      kòch chieán n. fierce fighting

      kòch lieät adj. violent, fierce

      kòch só n. actor, actress

      kòch tröôøng n. the theater

      kieâm v. to cumulate [functions]

      kieâm toaøn v. to complete

      kieám 1 v. [= tìm] to seek, to search for: kieám vieäc laøm to look for work 2 n. sword, foil

      kieám aên v. to make one’s living

      kieám caùch v. to find out a way of doing something

      kieám chaùc v. to make profits

      kieám chuyeän v. to make trouble, to pick a quarrel

      kieám cung n. sword and bow

      kieám thuaät n. swordsmanship, fencing

      kieàm v. to hold back, to restrain

      kieàm cheá v. to keep in check, to restrain, to control

      kieàm toûa v. to restrain, to bind

      kieåm v. to verify, to control, to examine, to inspect [baggage, goods]; to check

      kieåm duyeät v., n. to censor; censorship

      kieåm ñieåm v. to review

      kieåm ñoác v. to manage, to supervise

      kieåm giaù v. to control prices

      kieåm khaûo v. to examine, to investigate

      kieåm laâm n. forestry [service]

      kieåm nhaän v. to control, to stamp visas; daáu kieåm nhaän visa stamp

      kieåm saùt v. to inspect, to check

      kieåm soaùt v. to control, to examine, to check

      kieåm thaûo v. to review one’s work, to criticize: töï kieåm thaûo to be self-critical

      kieåm tra v. to control, to inspect, to examine, to take a census

      kieân adj. strong, solid; patient

      kieân chí n. determination, steadfastness

      kieân coá adj. strong, well-built

      kieân ñònh adj. steadfast, firm: laäp tröôøng kieân ñònh firm attitude

      kieân gan adj. patient, persevering

      kieân nhaãn adj. patient, long-suffering: Haõy kieân nhaãn! Be patient!

      kieân quyeát adj., v. determined; to be determined, with determination: kieân quyeát haønh ñoäng to be determined for action

      kieân taâm v., adj. to be patient; patient, steadfast

      kieân trì v. to hold fast, to keep firmly, to stick to

      kieân trinh adj., v. [of woman] loyal, to be faithful

      kieán n. ant: con ong, caùi kieán small things, small people; ñoâng nhö kieán crowded, numerous

      kieán giaûi n. view, interpretation, insight

      kieán hieäu adj. effective, efficacious

      kieán laäp v. to establish

      kieán nghò n. motion, proposal, resolution

      kieán quoác v. to build up the nation

      kieán taïo v. to create, to establish

      kieán thò adj. seen [and approved]

      kieán thieát v. to build [up], to rebuild, to construct

      kieán thöùc n. knowledge

      kieán truùc sö n. architect

      kieán vaên n. knowledge, learning

      kieän 1 n. bale, package: böu kieän parcel post 2 v. to sue: moät vuï kieän a lawsuit; thaày kieän lawyer; thua kieän to lose one’s case


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