Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt. John Van Auken

Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt - John Van Auken

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of which the body was then composed; yea now is, though encased in a much more hardened matter, as to materiality; which made for the vibrating of same with light, that becomes color, that becomes tone, that becomes activity. Seek then in tone, all of you: Ar-r-r-r-r-ar; that you may know how the emanations, that are termed as the colors of the body, make for the expression then given. With the music came then the dance, that enabled those with the disturbing forces and influences to become more erect, upright in body, in thought, in activity.

      “Then there was the giving by the Prophetess of the seal of life that was set upon each and every one who passed through these experiences, how or in what field of activity the relationships were of an individual to its fellow man in maintaining material existence; being in the world yet not of the world.”

      This “seal of life” may be associated with a very ancient symbol found beneath the Seti Temple in Abydos, one of the most sacred temples in all of Egypt. On one of the pillars in this ancient underground temple is carved the “flower of life” symbol (see illustration 24). This might possibly have been a portion of the seal of life that Cayce’s prophetess set upon each and every one who passed through those ancient temple experiences. Another portion of the seal of life may have been specific to each initiate’s field of activity.

      “These then, made for that as you have in your experiences in the present expressed: First in cleanliness, in purifying of the body, in the washing in blood [a metaphor for self-sacrifice], in water, that you may be purified before yourself first and then before others. The anointing with the incense, making for the raising of that you know as your senses or perception or consciousness of the activities to all the faults, by comparison, as arose among others.

      “From those activities you have that first as your service of preparation, of birth, of consecration, of purification, of those things that later become the hospitalization, the care of the ill in body, in mind; the divinations of those tempted from within and those tempted from without. Little study is made in the present of this phase of man’s experience.

      “The teaching, the preparation, the ministering, the song, the music, the activities that give expression, arise in man’s experience from those activities in the Temple Beautiful.”

      In a strange and curious comment during this reading, Cayce asked a question and answered it:

      “You ask, where is this temple now? Disintegrated and in that sphere you may enter, and some have entered, where these are sealed as with the seven seals of the law in that these experiences now become as those of your activities among your fellow man.”

      What does he mean, “in that sphere you may enter” and “sealed as with the seven seals”? The answer lies in the very source of Cayce’s insights, which is a sphere of awareness beyond daily consciousness, and in the seven spiritual centers hidden within our body temple. We may learn to open these seals and raise ourselves to greater levels of life.

      As Cayce continues this long reading on the temples, he shifts his focus to our times and our opportunities today, and he gets quite “quickened” with the Spirit!

      “Then, in using and in applying and associating same with your activities in that experience, and that manner in which you may use same in the present:

      “So attune yourselves that you may harken, not as to an experience only; but rather live and be the experience in the hearts of those that are seeking to find their way; whether in the troubles of the body, of the mind, or whether they are lost among those turmoils of the cry, ‘This way—That way—Here and there.’ Be the experience to someone to light their lives, their bodies, their minds to your living Lord, your brother, the Christ! For He has promised in His words in your own heart, that keeps the hope, that keeps the fires of your own heart aflame, ‘You finding me may know the joy of the Lord.’

      “As many of you served in the temples, as many experienced those purifications for an active service among their fellow man in an individual experience, so may you purify your minds and your bodies, or purify your bodies that your mind may put on Christ, the garments of a living Lord, that you may be not as ones stumbling, as ones fearful of this or that, but sure and certain in the joys of a risen Lord; that indeed your body in its expressions may be the Temple Beautiful for your living Lord.

      “He your brother, your Christ, hath given that God is God of the living way! He is Life! He is Love. He is Beauty. He is Harmony. He is Music. He is the rhythm of the body in dance that is a service to your God. Though others make slight of your manner of speech, of your body, of your walks, of your ways, hold fast to Him; grudging no one, loving all. For as given, in your preparation, in the indication and the vindication in your service in those ancient temples, self is lost in the love of your fellow man through the joy of the Lord in you.”

      At the end of this reading on the temples, he was asked a series of questions and the answers were quite revealing.

      “Q: In which temple was I most active? What were my activities in same?

      “A: This depends upon the periods in which this may be considered. In the early portion of the activities of the entity, it was in the Temple of Sacrifice or of purification. In the latter portion, when there had been those cleansings of the feet in your own service there, then the activities were in the Temple Beautiful; as a guard to those as they proceeded from one symbol to another in their journey about the Temple.

      “Here it may be well that there be given a concept of what is meant by the journey, or what journey is meant. The globe within the pyramid was in the form of the ova, or the egg in its ovate form. From station to station in the seven phases or seals or stands or places of the activities, they were such as to make each station lead from one to another by ever crossing the one; making the continued web.” Here we may have an answer to the flower of life symbol. It appears like a web yet has distinct points.

      Continuing with the interesting Q & A from other members of this group receiving this psychic reading:

      “Q: What part did I take in services in the Temple Beautiful?

      “A: The announcer with the cymbal and horn.

      “Q: Please give me the information as to whether or not I was in the Temple Beautiful. If so, please give that service which I rendered.

      “A: An observer of those seals wherein the effects of the sojourns in the varied activities were to be seen, or the effects from the planetary sojourn. Hence a keeper of seals there. Interest in astrology, astronomy, arises from same.

      “Q: Was I in the Temple Beautiful and what part did I take in the services?

      “A: In the station where your weakness now appears. Take this home with you and find what you must do!

      “Q: Was I also in the temple? What did I do?

      “A: The priestess.

      “Q: Was I?

      “A: In the records of that given for each in the journey out of the Temple to material application. Or, to put in the parlance of today, a secretary to the stations.

      “Q: I would appreciate as much information concerning the Temple Beautiful as would be of help to me. I have a great inner urge to know more about this Temple and its purpose to man at this time. Does this Temple not have a close connection with Destiny? If so, please give.

      “A: As the entity was the prophetess to those, it would make the indication to the entity of a definite association or connection with destinies. But Destiny, as you have studied and as you have learned is: ‘God hath not willed that any soul should perish but hath with each temptation provided a way of approach.’ Hence man with his free will makes for whether the body is as the temple of the living God or the Temple Beautiful, with its various stations as represented in the various phases of His experience; as is shown in the body itself in all of those urges as

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