Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt. John Van Auken

Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt - John Van Auken

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consecration, through determination, through knowledge, through the attributes that become a portion of same.

      “As you have seen in that you have given, may give, that led the many, that opened the way to many, it, the temple, your temple, your body, your mind, your portion of the God-Consciousness may be aroused and awakened to the abilities within self to assist in those becoming aware of the necessity of arousing to the destinies of the body, the mind, the soul.

      “Q: May I have a message bearing upon that period of time in the Temple Beautiful that may be helpful to me in this experience?

      “A: You in your office ever was as the one that tended, gathered, comforted those as they passed from station or phase or experience. In encouraging, in comforting, know that you in your service now may give that encouraging word, that aid, that comfort, by the touch of your hand, by the sound of your voice, by the sureness of your purpose, by the centralizing of your ideals in Him.

      “Q: Did I take part in the services in the Temple Beautiful?

      “A: In bringing others to their activities there, in aiding those that faltered or made for aggrandizement of self, after their initiation. So, within and without, and in the present as you rise at times to those heights sublime in your visions of peace and harmony, you may bring help to the experience of a soul that is scared, fearful, lacking, or disturbed. So have you seen, and so do you see those things that make for the faltering steps, bringing help to the maimed in the experiences of those that have—as it were—taken hold and yet faltered. Keep your faith.”

      So effective were the procedures and processes in these temples that the sex queen of the Atlanteans, spoken of in the first chapter, experienced a complete 180° turnaround from her lustful ways to a higher calling and service in spiritual-mental activities for the betterment of herself and those around her! We can imagine how difficult it would have been for her to subdue the deeply set habit patterns she had built from her earlier sexual activities. Cayce’s readings explain that the mystical altar fires used in these ancient Egyptian temples to cleanse earthy energies, patterns, and desires from the soul’s body, mind, and heart were very potent. If a soul was truly determined to rid itself of these, then all could be cleansed completely. Cayce said that the previous sex queen found new, uplifting vibrations and consciousness in “operatic airs, the folklore music, and the hymns and psalms.” In this present incarnation he encouraged her to get involved in chorus and to write stories and songs. Curiously, when he finished giving this reading for the one-time queen of sex orgies in Egypt—the Egypt in which he was high priest—he awoke feeling terrible, all upset, and didn’t regain his equilibrium until the next day! He must have relived the challenges of her ancient energies and activities while giving the reading. In this life, she was not overly sexual but was highly creative, with contracts for motion pictures in Hollywood and operas in New York City. Apparently, she had rechanneled her sexual energy into creative outlets.




      When Cayce was asked to describe the earth’s surface in these very ancient times, he replied that this would be difficult for us to comprehend given our present conditions, but he then attempted to give some concept of what it was like so very long ago.

      He began by explaining that the axis poles of the earth were more in the tropical and semitropical regions. Imagine the present cold polar regions of the planet tilted more toward the sun. The Carpathian Mountains (today on the western side of the Black Sea) and the Caucasus Mountains (today on the eastern side of the Black Sea, just north of ancient Eden and the two great rivers of the Euphrates and the Tigris) were then warm, semitropical regions. He said that the now cold Ural Mountains in modern-day Russia and the northern regions of Asia were turned into a tropical land. He said that the desert in the Mongolian land was then a fertile region, populated with migrants from once great Mu and Lemuria in the Pacific.

      Surprisingly, he said that the Nile River entered into the Atlantic Ocean! And what is now the Sahara Desert was a very fertile and inhabited land. Historical climatology supports this view, explaining how the ancient “Nubia Swell” was blocking the Nile from running to the Mediterranean, forcing it through the Sahara and westward to the ocean. Satellite imagery shows the vestige of a river running across northern Africa to the ocean that may have been this ancient Nile.

      In what is America today, Cayce said that “the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States.” He explained, “The Atlantic seaboard formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis.” He said that the Yucatan Peninsula, where Atlantean Iltar first settled with stone records (more on this later), was a temperate zone. He stated that the Andes Mountains and the Pacific coast of South America occupied then a portion of Lemuria. He described how the “oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names.”

      After the prehistoric lands had vanished and the planet had been almost totally cleansed of the First Creation beings and the mayhem they caused, there was a long period, nearly ten thousand years, of very low population on the planet. The remnant groups from the First Creation were scattered across the planet, mostly in the mountains, because of the floodwaters. Lava flows and fissures remained active for some time after the disaster. Then, to repopulate the planet and start anew, a shift in the axis poles of the planet occurred, moving them from the tropical region to nearly where they are today.

      This shift caused many changes. Cayce said that when the axis shifted, many of the surviving people migrated southward, coming out of the mountains. He particularly mentioned that the white and yellow races came “more into that portion of Egypt, India, Persia, and Arabia.” The white race came out of the Carpathian and Caucasus Mountains (this would have included the Ararat Tribe from Mount Ararat, just south of the Caucasus). And the yellow race came out of the Himalayan of Tibet and the Altai Mountains of present-day Mongolia. The black race in the mountains and highlands of Ethiopia, Sudan, and Nubia came down into Egypt. And Cayce added that Atlantean remnants of the red race which had been living in the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France today) came to Egypt.

      In Cayce’s ancient tales, the five races were a primordial decision by the entire soul group of all God’s children who were descending into matter and were making the long, long journey through the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth in this world. It was determined that a kind of division of labor would help shorten the journey; so the total group was separated into subgroups, each dealing directly with one of the five senses of the human body. Each subgroup was to subdue the possessive nature of their dominant sense; so when all were reunited again, everyone would gain by the successes of each group. Cayce directed us to, “Let these [races] represent the attributes of the physical, or the senses and what forms they take, rather than calling them white, black, yellow, red and green, etc. What do they signify in the sensing?” Then he gave this: Sight or vision is the white. Feeling or touch is the red. Taste is the black. Yellow is the “mingling in the hearing.” And brown would be the sense of smell or the olfactory sense.

      We must keep in mind that, according to Cayce’s past-life readings, individual souls may move among the five projected subgroups on the planet—a single soul may experience more than one racial incarnation. Some in Cayce’s files experienced only one race in all their incarnations; some experienced several races. But the mission of each subgroup would not change: mastering of that group’s dominant sense. The racial subgroups projected simultaneously in five specific locations where every location developed an original “Eve” that produced the ideal physical body for each of the five racial forms. (Actually, each race had many ideal “Eves,” because repopulating the planet was a major mission then and they needed many mothers.) The projections were, according to Cayce, the brown in the Andes and the present western shore of South America (this was a portion of Lemuria); the black in Nubia, and thereabouts; the white in the Carpathian and Caucasus

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