Soul & Spirit. Edgar Cayce

Soul & Spirit - Edgar Cayce

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we find the deadening of all the centers of the sensory system, with the vitality of the solar plexus system, with the gland of the medulla oblongata, these then controlling the forces, and the life becomes extinct, with soul and spirit, with the superconscious forces, gone.

      Then, we have as this:

      Spiritual element, the vitality, produces the motive forces of the entity, whether physical or spiritual. Spiritual forces being the life, the reproductive principle; the soul the development principle. As we have manifested, or illustrated, in the physical body in nerve tissue: There becomes that principle of the nerve action and the nerve in action. That is, with the expression of some condition bringing distress in the body, the active principle is the spirit. The nerve is the soul, for development.

       (Q) What happens to the conscious mind forces and physical forces at death?

      (A) The conscious mind forces either are in the soul’s development, and in the superconsciousness, or left with that portion of material forces which goes to the reclaiming, or remoulding, of physical bodies, for indwelling of spiritual entities.

       With What Spirit You Act . . .

       Reading 257-238

       (Q) Did I conduct myself properly with the people I have met so far at the War Department?

      (A) We do not find fault, but this of course should be determined by self—rather than from other sources. Remember, these conditions exist, and keep this ever before thee: The real intent and purpose in declarations call from the spiritual forces that influence which is for good or bad. That, to be sure, is free will. Hence the injunctions as have been so oft given the body—do not appear to be that ye really are not. Be sincere with self and ye will not be false or insincere with others. The spirit of truth brings the outward appearance of that desire first suggested, if the body and mind are in keeping with that as would be pleasing to the influences or forces called God. For, the declaration of each soul sets in motion that spirit. What spirit do ye entertain? Truth, justice, mercy, love, patience, brotherly kindness? Or self, self-praise, self-glory that ye may be wellspoken of materially? These choices are made by the individual. Their results, their effects in the lives of individuals are such as to determine spiritual success, material success, or a well-rounded mental, spiritual and material success. For, the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof. The abilities that have been lent thee, keep inviolate—if ye would be in keeping with His purposes with thee.

      Thou hast the ability to bring truth and light to many. These are then within thine own keeping, according to the manner in which ye conduct thyself before others. With what spirit, with what purpose do ye serve?

       Greater Joy

       Reading 816-3

      Much of that the entity has thought, has experienced, is cherished more from within. Yet, if there were some changes in these directions, there may be a greater joy in the living in this experience. For while that sojourn gives those influences which make for abilities in being able to cope with conditions and experiences in the lives of individuals and groups and masses, if these are held only in self and not given out with that love of service, for the abilities within self to give expressions of the love of a divine Father, they may become stumblingblocks in thine experience. For all force, all manifestations in materiality are the expressions of spirit, and are prompted by same. Are these influences of the divine, or dost thou cherish those that at times may become questioned? Know in what, in whom, thou hast believed, and know whether it be of a constructive or of a growing influence for the spirit of truth or not. For the promise is given to all, “My spirit beareth witness with thy spirit as to whether thou art choosing good or evil in all of thy ways.”

       Reading 1257-1

      Know that the living forces of thy God are active! Not as of stone or wood but as the spirit of truth that casteth out fear, that bringeth peace, that bringeth harmony, that bringeth those things that make for the associations with thy fellow man as a better neighbor, a better sister, a better daughter, a better mother, a better citizen.

       Reading 1265-1

      What, then, is thine ideal? Is it founded in that ye yourself may do, or that in which ye may be the channel through which others may find their association with a living God, a living ideal, a living love, a living faith, a living experience of joy? These be they which are of the truth, and thus grow as does the spirit of truth.


       Spirit Is the Life

       Reading 262-55

      In or from the material standpoint, night and day in the material world are only relative. For, were one to view the earth from an outer sphere there would be only varied shades; or relatively there would be night and day, from the position of the earth in its journey about the source of light. And, as given, these conditions that exist in the material plane are but shadows of the truths in the mental and spiritual plane.

       Reading 262-83

       (Q) Would the conflict between spirit and flesh cause one to be affected physically, to become tired or even ill?

      (A) Relatively so. As He gave, “For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise and walk?” Or again when confronted by that which had become as a disease, as a temperament of the body, as the wantonness of the flesh, He said to the woman, “Where are those thine accusers?—No man, Lord—Neither do I accuse thee; but sin no more.” What took place then in the experience of those individuals spoken to by Life, Light and Immortality? These were concentrated and centralized upon the activity of what? What has ever been the builder, body, mind and spirit? As given, the expressions are in the physical, the motivative force is the spirit, the mind is the builder. What was builded? Those bodies had dwelt as individuals do (as may be illustrated in habit) with the interconsciousness of the necessity of the expression of something within self which brought dis-ease, the natural result of what? An at-variance to the divine law! Hence it may truly be said that to be at-variance may bring sickness, dis-ease, disruption, distress in a physical body. It is true then that the mind may heal entirely by the spoken word, by the laying on of hands, dependent upon the consciousness of the motivative forces in the individual body. Yet those requiring material expression to create a balance may necessitate drug, knife, water, heat, electricity, or any of those forces that are yet what? What is the spirit? The manifestation of God! The Creative Force working in, with and upon what? The awareness, the interconsciousness of the body, the mind, the spirit, as separated in individuals! O that all would gain just that! and not feel, “Yes, I understand—but my desires and my body and my weaknesses and this or that—and I didn’t do it.” Who else did?

      This may be a hard statement for many, but you will eventually come to know it is true: No fault, no hurt comes to self save that thou hast created in thine consciousness, in thine inner self, the cause. For only those that ye love may hurt you.

       Reading 262-119

      Remember, as ye do this, that which has been given; the spirit maketh alive, the mind is the builder, the application is the experience in the individual life.


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