Soul & Spirit. Edgar Cayce

Soul & Spirit - Edgar Cayce

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      (Q) You will also inform him as to the month and year he will locate in the East, and if the ultimate location will not be New York City instead of Baltimore.

      (A) Depends upon the activity of the abilities innate within the entity. Baltimore or New York. As to the place, or as to which of the places, depends upon the application of self, as the abilities that are present within in the activity of the entity. As to what month or period, make that the purport of the entity, if that is necessary for the better development. Think not that because someone is apparently jealous of the abilities, to remove self from such surroundings is to escape that, for such elements are builded within self—see? For, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he! Not what man says, nor what man even makes out like he does! for we are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being; for, as has been given, the Spirit is the life, the Mind is the active forces that, coordinated with the spirit that is of the creative energy, or for God, gives the physical result that is effective in every sense. Get that!

       Reading 345-2

       (Q) How may the entity control same?

      (A) Know better that as has been given aforetime. Know that all power, or all force, is an emanation of One Spirit. Try each, and see whether these emanations are true and in accord with that as has been given, that “My spirit bear witness with your spirit as to whether the truth is that making one free, or does such an emanation bind the mental and spiritual body; for remember, as given, the spiritual is the life; the mental is the builder. Were [If] that emanation from the spirit force [were] manifested, one that binds rather than loosens, then this—as seen—would be an incorrect or improper emanation.

       Reading 349-4

       (Q) What does may horoscope predict for 1928?

      (A) That as has been outlined aforetime for the body; though, as has been given, the will and the application of those conditions as present themselves as urges are the results of application of will, irrespective of that as would be given from the horoscope inflection or urge from same. Rather build that within self with the sure knowledge of life, self, body, mind, spended in the proper direction brings that one sows; for be not deceived, God is not mocked, and what a body—mentally, physically, spiritually—sows, that it reaps! and not something else! Wishes do not bring other than desire. Is desire of that that builds in the proper sense, in the proper order with spirit, soul or mind and body? for the spirit is life; the mind is the builder; the physical is the result. Guide, keep, self aright.

       (Q) Mentally, spiritually and socially?

      (A) Physically, mentally, spiritually and socially, by application. Remembering that as has just been given. The mental, the spiritual, are unseen forces; the activities are the result of mental application; physical conditions—whether pertaining to social, to money, to station in life, to likes and dislikes—are the application of those mental images builded within the body, seated, guided, directed, by the spiritual application of that of the spirit within bearing witness within self to the spirit of the universe, or to God, and the forces as are seen are results! What wilt thou build within thine self!

       Reading 524-2

       (Q) How may the material activities and the spiritual purpose be coordinated?

      (A) That in the material world is a shadow of that in the celestial or spiritual world. Then, the material manifestations of spiritual impulse or activity must be in keeping or in attune with that which has its inception in spiritual things. For, the mind of man is the builder; and if the beginning is in spiritual life, and the mental body sees, acts upon, is motivated only by the spiritual, then the physical result will be in keeping with that thou hast sown. For, what ye sow ye shall reap, and God is not mocked; for the desire, the intent and purpose must be toward that first law as given: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, thine soul, thine body.” If the activities make for the exaltation of the mind, the body, or the position, power, wealth or fame, these are of the earth-earthy. Not that there should not be the material things, but the result of spiritual activity—not the result of the desires for that which the material things bring as power to a soul.

       Reading 585-1

       (Q) Did I remember the message correctly, and what was meant by it?

      (A) A warning of those conditions, that there be not a departing from the way in which self has brought self to an understanding, in its present concept of true mental and spiritual relationships; for, as has been given, Michael is the lord of the Way—and in the ways of understanding, of conception, of bringing about those things that make for the changes in the attitudes in physical, mental or material relationships, is the guide through such spiritual relations; for the spiritual is the life, the light, the mental is the builder, the material and physical are the results of those activities as applied in the material, carnal or physical plane.

       Reading 622-6

      Thus it becomes each soul—in its realization, in its awareness, in its seeking—to know the Author of its ideal—spiritually, mentally, materially. The spiritual is the life, the mental is the builder, the material is the result of that builded through the purposes held by the individual entity.

       Reading 815-3

      If there is builded in the mental forces of the body that there is a hindrance, that there is that which cuts self short in any manner, it is gradually builded so that it becomes a barrier to not only the efficiency of the body. But it should be considered by the body that the sources of supply are—in their elementals, or in their first premise—spiritual in nature; also that the Creative Force (or God) is the motivative force in that which is of an idealistic nature, in whatever form of endeavor the body engages. This is true whether pertaining to the efficient activities as to the psychological effect of advertising upon individuals’ minds or as to the correction of those that have attempted to use their own mental forces in depicting the experiences of life in a play or script for advertising forces upon the radio or the like.

       Reading 900-10

       (Q) As created by God in the first, are souls perfect, and if so, why any need of development?

      (A) In this we find only the answer in this: The evolution of life as may be understood by the finite mind. In the first cause, or principle, all is perfect. In the creation of soul, we find the portion may become a living soul and equal with the Creator. To reach that position, when separated, must pass through all stages of development, that it may be one with the Creator. As we have is this:

      Man. In the beginning, we find the spirit existent in all living force. When such force becomes inanimate in finite forces [it is] called dead; not necessarily losing its usefulness, either to Creator, or created, in material world. In that of creation of man, we find all the elements in a living, moving, world, or an element in itself; yet without that experience as of a first cause, yet endowed with all the various modifications of elements or forces manifested in each. For first there is the spirit, then soul (man we are speaking of), then mind with its various modifications and with its various incentives, with its various ramifications, if you please, and the will the balance in the force that may make all or lose all.

      In the developing, then, that the man may be one with the Father, necessary that the soul pass, with its companion the will, through all the various stages of development, until the will is lost

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