The Essential Maurice Leblanc Collection. Морис Леблан

The Essential Maurice Leblanc Collection - Морис Леблан

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      "Absolutely certain," said Wilson, as though he himself had clearly perceived the long series of operations which would lead his friend to the result announced.

      Holmlock Shears smiled:

      "Wilson, who knows what he is talking about, is there to confirm what I say." And he went on, "Of course, I have not all the cards in my hands, because the case is already a good many months old. I have not the factors, the clues upon which I am accustomed to base my inquiries."

      "Such as mud-stains and cigarette-ashes," said Wilson, with an air of importance.

      "But, in addition to the remarkable conclusions arrived at by M. Ganimard, I have at my service all the articles written on the subject, all the evidence collected and, consequently, a few ideas of my own regarding the mystery."

      "A few views suggested to us either by analysis or hypothesis," added Wilson, sententiously.

      "Would it be indiscreet," said Arsne Lupin, in the deferential tone which he adopted toward Shears, "would it be indiscreet to ask what general opinion you have been able to form?"

      It was really most stimulating to see those two men seated together, with their elbows on the table, arguing solemnly and dispassionately, as though they were trying to solve a steep problem or to come to an agreement on some controversial point. And this was coupled with a very delicate irony, which both of them, as experts and artists, thoroughly enjoyed. As for Wilson, he was in the seventh heaven.

      Shears slowly filled his pipe, lit it and said:

      "I consider that this case is infinitely less complicated than it appears at first sight."

      "Very much less," echoed Wilson, faithfully.

      "I say the case, for, in my opinion, there is but one case. The death of Baron d'Hautrec, the story of the ring and--don't let us forget that--the mystery of number 514, series 23, are only the different aspects of what we may call the puzzle of the blonde lady. Now, in my opinion, what lies before me is simply to discover the link which connects these three phases of the same story, the particular fact which proves the uniformity of the three methods. Ganimard, who is a little superficial in his judgments, sees this uniformity in the faculty of disappearing, in the power of coming and going unseen. This intervention of miracles does not satisfy me."


      "Well, according to me," said Shears, decidedly, "the characteristic shared by the three incidents lies in your manifest and evident, although hitherto unperceived intention to have the affair performed on a stage which you have previously selected. This points to something more than a plan on your part: a necessity rather, a _sine qu non_ of success."

      "Could you give a few particulars?"

      "Easily. For instance, from the commencement of your contest with M. Gerbois, it was _evident_ that Matre Detinan's flat was the place selected by you, the inevitable place at which you were all to meet. No place seemed quite as safe to you, so much so that you made what one might almost call a public appointment there with the blonde lady and Mlle. Gerbois."

      "The daughter of the professor," explained Wilson.

      "Let us now speak of the blue diamond. Did you try to get hold of it during all the years that Baron d'Hautrec had it in his possession? No. But the baron moves into his brother's house: six months later, Antoinette Brhat appears upon the scene and the first attempt is made.... You fail to secure the diamond and the sale takes place, amid great excitement, at the Htel Drouot. Is the sale free? Is the richest bidder sure of getting the diamond? Not at all. At the moment when Herschmann is about to become the owner, a lady has a threatening letter thrust into his hand and the diamond goes to the Comtesse de Crozon, who has been worked upon and influenced by the same lady. Does it vanish at once? No: you lack the facilities. So an interval ensues. But the countess moves to her country-house. This is what you were waiting for. The ring disappears."

      "To reappear in the tooth-powder of Bleichen, the consul," objected Lupin. "How odd!"

      "Come, come!" said Shears, striking the table with his fist. "Tell that to the marines. You can take in fools with that, but not an old fox like me."

      "What do you mean?"

      Shears took his time, as though he wished to save up his effect. Then he said:

      "The blue diamond found in the tooth-powder is an imitation diamond. The real one you kept."

      Arsne Lupin was silent for a moment and then, with his eyes fixed on the Englishman, said very simply:

      "You're a great man, sir."

      "Isn't he?" said Wilson, emphatically and gaping with admiration.

      "Yes," said Lupin, "everything becomes cleared up and appears in its true sense. Not one of the examining magistrates, not one of the special reporters who have been exciting themselves about these cases has come half as near the truth. I look upon you as a marvel of insight and logic."

      "Pooh!" said the Englishman, flattered at the compliment paid him by so great an expert. "It only needed a little thought."

      "It needed to know how to use one's thought; and there are so few who do know. But, now that the field of surmise has been narrowed and the ground swept clear...."

      "Well, now, all that I have to do is to discover why the three cases were enacted at 25, Rue Clapeyron, at 134, Avenue Henri-Martin and within the walls of the Chteau de Crozon. The whole case lies there. The rest is mere talk and child's play. Don't you agree?"

      "I agree."

      "In that case, M. Lupin, am I not right in saying that I shall have finished my business in ten days?"

      "In ten days, yes, the whole truth will be known."

      "And you will be arrested."



      "For me to be arrested there would have to be a conjunction of such unlikely circumstances, a series of such stupefying pieces of ill-luck, that I cannot admit the possibility."

      "What neither circumstances nor luck may be able to effect, M. Lupin, can be brought about by one man's will and persistence."

      "If the will and persistence of another man do not oppose an invincible obstacle to that plan, Mr. Shears."

      "There is no such thing as an invincible obstacle, M. Lupin."

      The two exchanged a penetrating glance, free from provocation on either side, but calm and fearless. It was the clash of two swords about to open the combat. It sounded clear and frank.

      "Joy!" cried Lupin. "Here's a man at last! An adversary is a _rara avis_ at any time; and this one is Holmlock Shears! We shall have some sport."

      "You're not afraid?" asked Wilson.

      "Very nearly, Mr. Wilson," said Lupin, rising, "and the proof is that I am going to hurry to make good my retreat ... else I might risk being caught napping. Ten days, we said, Mr. Shears?"

      "Ten days. This is Sunday. It will all be over by Wednesday week."

      "And I shall be under lock and key?"

      "Without the slightest doubt."

      "By Jove! And I was congratulating myself on my quiet life! No bothers, a good, steady little business, the police sent to the right about and a comforting sense of the general sympathy that surrounds me.... We shall have to change all this! It is the reverse of the medal.... After sunshine comes rain.... This is no time for laughing! Good-bye."

      "Look sharp!" said Wilson, full of solicitude on behalf of a person whom Shears inspired with such obvious respect. "Don't

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