Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor

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      Guarded Hearts



      Curing the Bio-Stasis

      Neurosis Disorder


      James Philip Beyor

      Move Publications

      Copyright © 2016 by James Bèyor

      ISBN: 978-1-4566-2696-9

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

      Published in eBook format by Move Publication

      Digital Reproduction of Cover and Interior Graphics by Lori Terpening

      Edited by Cathy Fuss

      Original Illustrations by James P. Beyor

      Converted by

      For Jane L. Goodrich





      Explorer and Dear Friend

      Cathy Fuss

      Whose unending questions and sensitive advice,

      proved necessary to slow down a pressing

      knowing/feeling process

      enough to make this work possible.

      Accolades on high!


      Within all Human Beings there exists a First Voice.

      Second Voice is an artifact composed of

      promise Extensions that are Agreed to be.

      The mind is distorted through the extreme use of only two senses.

      As a Bio-logical guardian,

      the Five Senses are perfect in every way.


      is the lack of a Human Parallel of Consciousness,

      which leaves us to function with binary restriction;

      To Be or Not to Be.

      All that joins life to Self comes through Question,

      for we think only when we Doubt;

      for Thought is not Agreement but is Doubt Resolved.


      we exist as a severed Self

      unhealed and guarded, our Knowledge is a product of serious Error,

      a Stasis/Neurosis Mind in False Momentum;

      trapped in a Primary Bio-Stigma Agreement

      afraid and alone, a Biblical Hupo-Stasis.

      The Real Self is the outgrowth of Dimensional Self-Awareness.

      Without the Binary Neurosis

      of agreed Symbols Dominance

      there is no blame.

      Without Bio-Stigma

      Biological Genesis Healing will avow

      our stream of Consciousness

      To bring us To Feel and To Know

      which is the source and the purpose of our Genesis awareness.


      Bridging the gap between your symbolic meanings and mine. Curing the biological binary infraction, the curse of the splitting of the five senses.

      Credo: To reinstate the Genesis Biological Real function with its direct knowing, living truth; its complete sensory communication; its full biological harmonious state of being and doing. To educate the Genesis feeling mind back to its original form and full direct knowing capacity, away from its symbols stasis. To awaken all the senses to their full and true biological functions. To cease and desist from limiting our interaction with the world by using only one or two senses instead of the five or six the Genesis mind is in total compliance with at all times. To restore the human essence of a sound heart and a clarified mind. To encourage humanity to wake up, which will dissolve the armor plate of binary neurosis and revive the unguarded heart and the direct knowing mind of the tender Genesis child.

      The mind’s bio-energy feeling matrix flow is compromised. The human mind is shutting down, crawling out of the centuries of symbols stasis. Trying to fix this biological stigma with the same poison that induced it will always fail. Symbols and agreements have poisoned the mind and bound it in a mental paradox guarded by the last reason held, a malady that is not easy to remedy. The only antidote is the direct knowing of the Genesis child in all of us, our inner voice, our inner awareness, our direct knowing. How can we agree our way out of our agreements? Has anyone ever asked this question?

      “No knowledge of that which should be,

      will ever come from the knowledge that is.”

      Albert Einstein

      To awaken the Genesis mind from years of symbols pretending, to awaken from agreeing with so many binary all or nothing word objectives subservience is hard to imagine, but necessary for survival. To be able to take back the Genesis child in all of us is to uncover and remove binary symbols truth from the hands of the empowering few who control the deadly symbols state of the remembered mind. Symbols come from a made-up, pretend state of mind which depends upon the imprinted word set in the human mind. The back door of the human mind is memory. It serves to create a deadly mass deception as people scramble for bit parts and favored roles.

      It is time to educate the human feeling energy matrix dynamics. What is involved? How do we accomplish this feat of magic, to dislodge our current social structure which accepted all or nothing intent based binary truths-for-our-doing? There is no living truth invested in it, for symbols can not and are not expected to feel anything. The truth of our doing is death.

      We are taught to accept this death and to allow others to get trapped so they too will die. Social implication is being forced upon the human creature even though feelings hold no allegiance to an impractical working knowledge. The human creature realm is a dimensional being state. The living truth, also called a bio-truth, is an innate and sovereign dynamic friend.

      Axiom: We spend years imprinting the human mind with symbols, calling it an education.

      The human mind compiles and extrapolates everything we do, everything we say and everything we feel about what we say and do into a composite mass, a bulk message, called the emotional messenger. Knocking on our cerebral door, this courier, this runner, comes to us only to find the bio-will in a deep black, confusing sleep. There is barely enough energy to hear the footsteps outside the guarded entrance gates, let alone open the door. The mind is made weak by non-dynamic use. It is calloused by loss of the brain’s neural interconnected functions. The Genesis mind actually shuts down the synaptic pathways to our biological alarm system.

      A “guarded heart” is not a closed heart, but one that is on emotional hold. It exists in a self-made purgatory of sorts, waiting for the chance to reestablish the universal clarity necessary for its own ability to be fully realized, to be able to see what it must see. Its hidden fears can then be revealed when it is safe to peek over the symbols labyrinth wall. The human being constantly feeds the energy draining Minotaur patrolling and protecting the deep black recesses of the trusting, befuddled mind. The way out of the labyrinthine trap was exposed by the man named Christ.

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