Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor

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defined the bio-stigma cause as idolatry. Symbols worship has the agreed effect of blinding the eyes and deafening the ears of the masses. In the Biblical Matthew 10:35 the Christ suggested that “variance” would take us out of our deluded trust invested in the man-made fear-ridden stasis. That was his purpose in coming, not to bring peace. Peace resides within. It already exists and must only be uncovered.

      Axiom: That we have ignored or substituted both Genesis knowing and bio-Genesis feeling for want of symbols control and feeling abatement is very sad, indeed.

      Variance keeps the agreement process from taking over the mind of man. This is the only solution then and now. STOP agreeing. Think. Feel. Educate your feelings, not the symbols plated mind. WAKE UP! Fear is our biological friend. It is a recurring bio-redundant feature of the Genesis protected mind, not to be confused with symbolic, man-made fear which is merely a menagerie of weapons made for human degradation and destruction. Said loud and clear, the God of our biology is in us and is the living truth that protects and guides us always, if we trust it. It is time to come out of hiding.

      The man-made pretend mind keeps closing, which insures that the symbolic mind dies from the inside out. The biological innate creature being has introspective self sight as well as a simultaneous outside view of the world around it. The human being is mentally interactive based on the living direct feeling knowing truth born into it. The child in us speaks the language of a dimensional Genesis, the energy set in a dynamic flow of bio-feeling, a living truth.

      The symbolic mind is already on binary alternative overload. It is in a symbols compression. It is a developing bio-stigma, a biological mental stasis. If we realize what the binary word implants are doing in our heads, we might also realize what they are doing to us. The eyes and the ears became favored off-set carriers of written/verbal pretend symbols and words. Evil can enter when any one sense is not communicating with all of the others. When the five senses are not of one accord, no sixth sense or Genesis clarity is available, which is an engraved invitation to evil, in and of itself.

      Axiom: Man is proud of his binary symbols, so proud that he is willing to die for them.

      We were forced into a symbols remembering state as a child. We were not given a choice. We were graded, not on real learning, but on how well we remembered to repeat back what the symbols credentialed teacher taught for an intended mindset. Gold stars were given to the trusting ones who could parakeet word phrases line for line without question. Living truth was never considered. Is that not a brain washing, when people are forced to mindlessly obey? Where are all those kids and what are they doing now? Most have social bit parts, live nine to five repetitious lives for which they are paid menial wages. They do not question or want to be bothered with any question which will wake the living mind from its easy boredom. They are busy teaching others not to question, reinforcing obedience and remembering. Complaining is acceptable entertainment. We are the befuddled recipient, as were our parents, of pretend knowing, settling for symbolic premise. We are told no one needs to be afraid if they stay inside the safety of the symbols circle.

      As long as you intend to agree and do, your mind remains thoughtless and doubtless. The living truth is a participatory event, not a mindless symbols backdrop which says obey and follow and blame away any fear you have. It is paramount symbols obedience and unbroken agreement which insures that the poisonous spell works well. Bio-stasis is a disease of the misused and overused eyes and ears for brain manipulation. The side effects of the symbols black sleep stasis are deadly. Let’s find out what happens to the living aspect of the non-remembered Genesis human working mind.

      Axiom: The human biological mind is asphyxiating in a sea of pretense as the living truth in man suffers genetic extinction.

      Are we cursed by the God that made us? In a very strange way, yes, without a doubt by free choice. Considering all the real biological options, man chose to synthetically alter the brain’s primary function for controlling data. Was this an accident? Many men have stepped forward to tell the tale of what the agreed symbols man would become. One man, 2,000 years ago, said it was a serious mistake to live by this standard of persuasion.

      The mental problem that is loaded into the memory mind is devoted to the intake of the eyes and the ears only. The feeling direct knowing voice of the Genesis guardian was pushed aside, along with all of the senses, inducing a dormancy of use resulting in a biological stasis. A biological stigma occurred. The human mind was shutting itself down. Mankind fell into a black sleep.

      The dimensional direct knowing thinker was reduced to a binary symbols remembering addict. Through acted out doing, a cold-blooded thug-mind predator was born. Mankind became an agreed mass, afraid and armor plated, weapons ready and mad. Victims were anyone who stood in the way of its anger and fear. The man who was sent to tell us of the impending doom was murdered in cold blood over 2,000 years ago. What has changed? We agree mindlessly and are allowed to continue our dead-pan lives.

      Axiom: All symbols came from a make-believe naming of things.

      Before symbols there was only direct knowing. After symbols, the eyes received the light of written nothingness and the ears the sound of spoken nothingness. Man began to choose to live with the nothingness by following and agreeing with all the made-to-order pretenses and binary symbols truth. Because of binary symbols truth, the dimensional living bio-truth is held captive in us awaiting release. We are very nervous and anxious because of this biological fact. Genesis is constantly taunting us.

      Emotions are the key to the symbols abyss. Still obvious today, organized religious symbols idolatry threw away the living truth of what the man Christ stood for. We continue to worship the stick of wood that he was nailed to, said to be holy, but an idol nevertheless. Why worship the symbol of the death of the man instead of the life and teachings of the man. The wise freedoms spoken by Jesus were tossed out centuries ago by word pushing pundits who never once addressed the real historical Christ and what he stood for. With binary symbols pushing they protected their rights to occupy profitable binary roles in the symbols based fear miasma.

      The armored plated all or nothing slugs that run the symbols mind-game, always do it from some hidden room, into which no one is allowed but well paid, devoted hirelings. We will never know the hidden forces that lurk below the demarcation of our symbols absolution. We allow it with our ignorance. We claim it as our right! Biological death will be swift and quick just as will be the dawning of your very own Genesis mystery awaking. Go ahead take your new feelings for a test run. Grasp one axiom a day—watch and wait and listen and see if there is any truth.

      Axiom: We are always in some kind of all or nothing conciliatory rage.

      How do you know what you know? Where did that knowing come from? Do you want to know about the living truth? It is not because someone can agree with you or because you agree with someone. It is not because you remember what to say from years of being taught what to repeat. It is not a feel good thing that masks fear, nor is it a feel bad thing where fear takes us over. No guilt trips involved, no fear in sight, and no empowered symbolic rights to push or force on others. No “all or nothings” bent into a binary agreement legal bind. There is only one real truth and it is alive.

      Direct knowing is breathed back into the creature being. Having the ability to feel, is thus a living truth. To deny it, we die from the inside out. To disregard it, we become afraid, for what is alive feeds us dimensionally balanced energy, the feelings, we need to survive. We are merely distant strangers exploring our own mind as we simultaneously gaze upon others who are doing the same thing. All men and women feel the same direct knowing, but, educating the guarded heart is not an easy task, nor should it be.

      There is no fear for those who are willing to engage the Genesis bio-energy drive-line. Biologically the mind is freed from the extreme over use of word symbols concentrations. If the only knowing you have is knowing how to control the symbols imprinted in your mind, what seems to you to be an ability, is merely a trap that you and everyone else has become ensnared in. If you agree with it you are in a symbols stasis degradation state of mind. Bio-stigma commands the agreed, remembered brain’s function. Full blown bio-stasis depends on it.

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