Prison Puzzle Pieces 2. Dave Basham

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2 - Dave Basham

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      There are a lot of inmates in this joint that I gained a lot of respect for. With the training I got from my Inmate Mentor, I knew a lot of what these guys had to deal with in order to get by in this place. I also realized that there was a whole heck of a lot more that I would never know. I could appreciate their convict codes. I could appreciate that they had the common sense to make exceptions to them at times. It is a strange world that exists behind these walls. At times they had to take care of business that was in violation of institution policies. The inmates knew the rules and knew they would be fine if they followed them.

      An example of a time someone broke a rule was when they had smuggled cheese into the unit in preparation for a celebration. The guy was supposed to make someone else hold the cheese until the day the celebration rolled around. He chose not to do that. By holding it himself, he was able to eat some of it whenever he wanted some. Unfortunately for him, because of his reputation, it was likely for his cell to be inspected. His cell was inspected. The cheese was confiscated for evidence. He was taken to the hole. The celebration pulled off but without the cheese. The consequence for him not following their code was to be beaten. He did not try to stay in seg to avoid the beating. He did not try to assault an officer in order to get sent to Oak Park to be locked up in a box and avoid his beating. When he was released from seg, it was phrased to me that he came in and took it like a man. Instead of being looked down on, he gained credibility because of accepting the consequences rather than trying to find a way out of it.


      Because of how the gang leaders thought of me, they wanted me to have more power. They wanted to see me get promotions, so that I could lead others in adapting my style. One day, the man that headed up instituting the protection order, approached me and told me that he had information that he would give me if it could get me promoted to sergeant. I told him that becoming a sergeant was strictly done by seniority and that I would probably not be around long enough for that to happen. I said if he wanted to inform me of what it was, I would deal with it appropriately. He declined. He said that the information was mine only if it would get me promoted, but that after it went down, he would let me know that was it. He assured me that no one was in danger.

      Months later, half a year or more, it went down. A group of officers had been bringing in marijuana. One guy had started bringing it in. Inmates that weren’t getting any found out about it and wanted some. The officer was told that if he didn’t bring some in for them that they would snitch on him. More and more inmates found out and wanted his pot. The officer took in another officer to help with his business. This kept growing. More officers became involved. Many more knew of it and kept their mouths shut. This was all happening on third watch, the 2pm to 10pm shift.

      On my watch, 6am to 2pm, the smell of pot was intense in the unit. It was so bad that I would invite officers from other units to come into my unit and walk through inhaling deeply so they could get high. Obviously a slight exaggeration, but you could almost always smell the pot somewhere in the unit. Just walking through the cell block, you knew we had a major problem.

      At one point, the institution had enough evidence that when the officer that had started this smuggling endeavor came in, the police were there, cuffed him up and hauled him out. Instantly another officer that had been involved decided he was too sick to work and went home, never to be seen again. This effectively stopped this flow of drugs.

      The inmate that had approached me about being a sergeant told me that this was the information that I would’ve received. Only he told me that there were four others involved and that one of them was a sergeant.



      The power went out in two cells next to each other on a Friday night. The captain directed the officer reporting the situation to put in a work order. This meant that an electrician would check out the problem on Monday.

      The next day, Saturday, because of the perceived long delay in getting the power back on, we were forced to either move the inmates to different cells or just continue to have to deal with them being upset.

      The electricians had explained to us that the most likely cause of power outage in a cell would be due to sparking. Sparking is when someone tries to create sparks off of an outlet to try to light a cigarette or to create some other type of a fire. They said that all cells were rewired with reset buttons and that whenever there was a power surge powerful enough to bypass the cell reset button, a stronger breaker in the tunnel underneath the cellblocks would be set off.

      It is possible that inmates in both cells were sparking. However, there were times when power went out in one cell that it would go out in an adjoining cell.

      The inmates in one of the cells were major trouble makers. I could definitely see them sparking and then bitching about having no power.

      My solution; do just as the lieutenant said; wait until Monday. If they have to sit through a weekend with no power, because they were sparking or had altered some electronics, tough luck. Let them sit there. If they become disruptive, send them to the hole. This is not a hotel. They are not paying us. Tax payers are paying for their housing and for people to watch them. I could not begin to count how many times the power had legitimately gone out in places I have lived or worked and the problems it had caused. I just had to deal with it. Here, they created the problem themselves and get coddled.

      An example of a sparking device found in a cell was a pencil that had two wires taped to the end of it.


      A form of extortion, if you do it right, is gambling. Or as I call it, preying on those that think they will actually come out ahead. OK, a few might, but a lot of others are losing in order to make someone a winner. Over time, only a few may come out ahead.

      A couple of gamblers running football boards were found out due to their hooch making. We saw these guys with hooch making materials. When their cell was shaken down, hooch made from fruit was found. Upon shaking down the cell, two different football boards were found with 18 playing on one and 17 playing on the other. An “Owe Me” list was found, gambling tickets and an address book with 2 pages of guys listed that were involved in the gambling.

      A different inmate was caught typing up a list titled “Master Sheet” with 34 monikers on it. At the bottom was typed “33 people = $66.00.” Many gambling boards were found in this cell.

      A group of guys were caught gambling at a table on the flag. They had a container full of about 800 cards that had been marked with a magic marker. These were being used as poker chips.

      Gambling has always created problems in prisons and always will.

      Gambling was getting quite refined in this place. An inmate was caught walking around with some papers. An officer asked to see them. One sheet had nicknames and numbers on it. The other sheet had the heading “House Rules.” These were rules for gambling that the inmates in the block had established.


      An inmate was let out of his cell to go on a visit. His cellmate took this as an opportunity to go socialize. When the officer asked him why he was out of his cell, he said he wanted to get bread. This was not a valid excuse. However, it does bring up a major point. We had a major problem with inmates making hooch, getting drunk and creating problems. The institution was supplying them with everything they needed to be able to brew like crazy. We grouped the institutions worst inmates in one cellblock. We had food brought to them in the cell hall. We even had numerous extra bins of bread brought into the block in the evening so they could have extra hooch making supplies. The goodie goodie mambi pambi people that come up with these ideas really don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground; not that I have a strong negative opinion about some of the people that make decisions in this place.


      The warden

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