Prison Puzzle Pieces 2. Dave Basham

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2 - Dave Basham

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The inmate was holding a glass with an orange liquid in it.

      “What’s in the glass?”


      The officer asked for the glass, but the inmate refused to give it to him. The officer asked three more times what was in the glass. The answer continued to be, “Coffee.” The Watch Commander and A-Team were summoned to the cell.

      “Set the glass down on the desk.”

      He refused, took a drink and handed it to the other inmate.

      “Do not empty the glass into the toilet.”

      “Go fuck yourself.” He emptied the glass into the toilet.

      When the A-Team arrived, the inmate became angrier and even more inappropriate with his vocabulary. He told the officer that he was going to kick his ass when he got out and that he was a faggot. He looked at the other officer and told him that he was going to kick his ass too.

      They were both taken to seg.


      I observed an inmate smoking while passing by his cell. There was the strong smell of marijuana. Another inmate was in the cell with him. When the inmate that was smoking saw me, he tossed the joint in the toilet and flushed. I directed the inmate not to flush the toilet again and called for the sergeant to report to my location. The inmate flushed the toilet again. By flushing the toilet again, he disobeyed a direct order. This would get him more time in the hole than being charged with possessing and smoking pot. The sarge arrived with another officer and had the inmates escorted to the Security Center. From there they would be given a urine analysis test before their trip to seg.

      In shaking down the smoker’s cell, we found a sparking device and graphite.

      In the other inmate’s cell was found a home made battery pack, tattoo paraphernalia and football picks.

      These “boys just want to have (illegal) fun.”


      The sergeant was passing out canteen slips. An inmate was standing, facing his sink and running water when she came by. When he heard her at his door, he turned around immediately.

      He was acting suspicious, so she said, “What are you doing?”


      She stepped inside the cell to see what he was up to. He jumped in front of her to block her view. She told him to step aside and he complied. She saw a pitcher of something orange in his sink and said, “Are you making hooch?”

      “Yes. I’m not going to lie.”

      She called to have him escorted out and then gave him a directive to not pour out the hooch.

      He poured it out into the toilet and rinsed out the container.

      Another officer appeared on the scene and directed the inmate not to flush the toilet.

      The inmate reached down to flush.

      The officer gave several more loud directives not to flush the toilet.

      He flushed the toilet.

      After the inmate was removed to segregation, they found a brewing container with large chunks of fruit cocktail, oranges and bread in it.

      These guys think they are smart by flushing things down the toilet. The institutions policies take this into account. They will generally get more time in seg for disobeying an order than they would for many other violations like hooch.


      "I’m on PCP,” was the comment from an inmate to a couple of officers.

      “How are you feeling?” asked an officer.

      There was no reply.

      “Did you take PCP?” the officer asked to clarify what the inmate said.


      “Do you feel like hurting yourself?”

      “No. I feel like hurting others.” He stated that he did not have anyone specific in mind.

      He was locked in his cell and later taken to segregation.

      It never ceased to amaze me how much contraband these guys were able to get into the prison. It just showed that a lot more could be done to tighten up security around this place. Public opinion is one of the biggest problems. Having all visits conducted behind the glass and by phone would be the first step I would take. But the public would consider that too harsh of treatment for these poor felons.


      The sergeant had just released the top gallery for their flag time. She was in the bubble. There is a camera mounted outside of the bubble that we can control its position and zoom from inside the bubble. She was surveying the galleries with the camera looking for anything out of the ordinary.

      She saw two inmates up in the stairway area. All she could see was their feet, so she zoomed in and was able to make out the face of one of them.

      During this time, we had plastic garbage bags tied to the railing on each tier so inmates could toss their trash in them. She saw one of the inmates carefully place a paper bag in the large plastic trash bag. He then emptied his trash on top of it.

      She summoned two officers to check it out. The paper bag had a plastic bag inside of it. It contained about two gallons of hooch.

      The sarge found the inmate at a table on the back flag playing cards and had him removed from the unit.

      If someone is into doing something they are not supposed to be doing, there are probably more violations than just that one. When she checked his cell, she found an altered razor inside the light junction box on the ceiling. In his locker were drawings of Hitler and an eagle with a Nazi sign on it.


      During a time that B-West had been double bunked, we had to feed the inmates in the cell block. When an inmate came out to pick up his meal, an officer saw him reach into the box of sugar packets and take a handful. A couple of sugar packets could be handed out to him, but he was not allowed to reach into the box and take what he wanted.

      The officer that caught him counted 47 packets. He asked him what he was doing with 47 sugar packets. The inmate said, “I want to make some coffee.” The thief was locked up in an empty cell. When the officer shook down his cell, he found another 48 sugar packets.

      How often do you put close to 100 sugar packets in your coffee?

      Dude didn’t want to make hooch; he just wanted to be able to chew his coffee.


      Several empty bottles with hooch residue were found hidden behind the vent cover in a vent in the back of a cell. Later the inmate was complaining that his wedding ring was missing.

      The sarge asked him what he meant by “missing.”

      The inmate stated that the ring was in the room before it was shaken down and now it was gone.

      “Where did you keep it?”

      “It was on the floor.” He stated he dropped it on the floor and left it there.

      “Why would you leave your wedding ring on the floor?”

      “I planned on picking it up later.”

      The sarge suggested that he look around for the ring and in the future he should not leave items of personal value lying on the floor.


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