Payback. Harvey Cleggett

Payback - Harvey Cleggett

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the initial laceration and crushing of brain tissue by the projectile, as well as the subsequent cavitation. High-velocity objects create rotations, generating shock waves that result in stretch injuries. In many instances the cavity may be three to four times greater in diameter than the missile itself. When the missile is a hollow point, the resultant cavity is much larger. Despite the gyroscopic spin of the bullet along its axis being sufficient to stabilize it in the air, the spin is insufficient to keep it on track when it enters the denser medium of body tissue.

      “In this instance as soon as the bullet passed into the victim’s head, it began to wobble. Its cross-sectional area became larger, the drag force increased and because it was hollow point it rapidly expanded. This all contributed to the damage within the victim’s brain. As a consequence, due to the considerable build up of pressure within the skull, brain tissue ejected from both the entrance and exit wounds.

      “Robert told me he believes the killer used a Glock.” Gerald clasped his hands together, often a sign he was about to wrap up with a summary. “So, what we have here gentlemen is the bullet entering the skull, causing a shitload of damage to the brain tissue on the way through and leaving a barn door cavity on the way out.”

      Both detectives looked at each other, acknowledging this was the only detail they had come for, but refrained from saying so. Despite the mountain of technical detail, they were grateful for his efforts.

      Changing subjects Gerald said, “Now to the victim’s blood alcohol content.” Ballard and John sat upright in their chairs. “It was high.”

      John repeated his impersonation of a schoolboy answering a question by raising and lowering his hand. “We saw in the crime scene video five or so empty cans and a bottle of Johnnie on the office desk. If he’d drunk most of it himself, I’d suggest there’s a point three in front of the reading.”

      Gerald looked impressed. “Zero point three two to be exact John. Stomach contents are yet to be fully analysed, but it was a mixture of beer and spirits with very little food. However, I would suggest he was not a heavy drinker as his liver was in good condition. Either way I’m waiting on the toxicology and serology results.”

      Ballard decided to challenge his own theory. “Could the victim have been so drunk the only thing holding him up when he was on the chair was the rope around his neck?”

      Gerald, unaware of Ballard’s theory about Mario twisting away from the killer through fear, looked puzzled.

      “Yes. By no means impossible. It would’ve been very painful, but yes he could have wobbled about on the chair still upright, whereas if not suspended by the rope, he may have fallen down. Having said that I’ve seen plenty of individuals displaying sobriety with a .32 reading.”

      Ballard nodded, but was satisfied his psychological torture theory was sound.

      Gerald stood up without warning. “Time for the picture show gentlemen. Let’s start over here shall we?” He led them to the first series of photographs in which Mario was fully clothed. From there X-rays of the body were taken, as well as a series of photos of the head, with one showing the angle of the bullet as it travelled through the skull.

      Gerald depicted this by inserting a thin piece of plastic, similar to a long knitting needle, through the entry point above the right eye, extending it out the cavity at the back of the skull. The subsequent profile photos showed the bullet’s trajectory; simple but effective, a signature of Gerald’s work.

      Both men commented on this fact; Gerald suppressed a satisfied smile. “All part of the service. You’ll also note the powder burns on the victim’s forehead. The shooter was up close and personal. Now do either of you have any questions before I go?”

      Ballard placed a hand on Gerald’s shoulder. “No. You’ve provided us with everything except the identity of the killer. If you come up with that any time soon, be sure to give us a call.”

      This time Gerald did smile, but without real humour. “Make sure you get him as soon as you can. None of us like animals like that roaming loose in our streets.”

      Both detectives agreed as they led him out of the room and back along the corridor. At the security door they turned and shook his hand. With that Gerald hurried away to what would be another complex autopsy and for the relatives and victims involved, a traumatic chapter in their lives.




      Arriving back at the office, both men found Delwyn in the conference room viewing the crime scene video, her expression indicating she was troubled by what she saw. For the next fifteen minutes they gave her an update on the day’s progress, including the salient points associated with Gerald’s autopsy report. Following that they suggested further actions that needed to be taken, including reinterviewing Mario’s family along with his two workers. Ballard emphasised it was here the breakthrough, if one existed, would occur.

      Delwyn agreed, then checking her watch, muttered she had to attend a media briefing with the Assistant Commissioner. Gathering her folder and bottle of water, she bolted out the door, calling out encouragement over her shoulder. John looked at Ballard, shaking his head. “You wouldn’t catch me doing that job for all the money in the world. She earns every dollar I’m telling you.”

      Ballard stood up. “Wait here John. I want to assign some background research to Susan, see what magic she can come up with.”

      Senior Constable Susan Deakin was the newest member of John’s unit and one of the most intuitive detectives Ballard had ever worked with. Fresh out of Investigator Training, she displayed an almost Sherlock Holmes ability to accumulate and analyse facts. With a capacity to rapidly absorb information from a brief of evidence, or dig into background evidence applicable to a case, she was a rising star with a great future as a member of Homicide.

      At first Ballard and John were concerned her attractiveness and single status may pose problems in the squad. What they didn’t count on was her unshakable determination to prove herself, a trait often associated with red heads, of which she was a proud member. A number of squad mates found out the hard way she could mix it with the men while still maintaining her obvious femininity. Further to that, it wasn’t long before word got out she was in a committed relationship with a uniformed officer. From that point on she was just another member of the unit, albeit one who at times wore short dresses, oblivious to the glances from other members.

      Ballard ushered her into the conference room as John raised a hand in greeting.

      “Hello Susan. We need a lead. Anything to get momentum on this case.” Over the next five minutes he gave a concise briefing of the actions undertaken so far.

      Susan wrote copious notes in her day book, asking probing questions at pertinent points, including one from left field. “Could this be a relationship gone sour, say Mario bedding the shooter’s girlfriend?”

      Ballard and John hesitated, not having considered the crime could be the result of a romantic liaison gone wrong.

      Susan shrugged. “Cleopatra? Look at the havoc she caused? Failed romances will do it every time. Crimes of passion over women can be incredible motivators in the wrong minds.”

      The two senior detectives sat shaking their heads, not wanting to concede such base motivation could result in this brutal act, but mutually agreeing it had to be considered.

      Ballard was the first to respond. “Susan, sometimes these investigations need a woman’s perspective. I want you to do what you do best. Check Mario’s bank accounts for unusual withdrawals, mobile phone records for any patterns. Include his wife in this. I wouldn’t think she had the strength to do the actual deed, but she may have arranged for someone else to do it for her. See if she’s taken out any insurance policies on Mario. Sweat the two workers with Bobby, see what comes up there. Check on recent customers. Did any

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