Payback. Harvey Cleggett

Payback - Harvey Cleggett

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she hurried off to begin work.

      John called out as she was about to leave. “Don’t forget to go home at some point.”

      Ballard ran his fingers through his hair. “I think we’ve unleashed a bloodhound.” Jotting down several notes he said, “I’ll update the Case Narrative if you knock over some of the forms. Half an hour should see me out.”

      John paused. “Yep. We knew today would be fact finding. I’ll pull a police car and head home as soon as I’m done.” Grinning wickedly he added, “Oh, don’t forget to say hello to Nat for me.”

      Ballard waved a dismissive hand in mock disgust.

      Both men went to their desks, logging onto their respective systems, ensuring every pertinent fact collected during the day was recorded for the intelligence of the detectives working the case. A briefing would be conducted in the morning to bring them up to speed.

      John left thirty minutes later with Ballard finishing shortly after. Picking up the telephone he dialled Natalie’s mobile. “Hello Nat. I’ll be there in twenty minutes, say around 6.45. Did you miss me?”

      “Darling, every minute of every day I miss you. You’ve turned my ultra simple life upside down and I love it.”

      “Me too. See you soon.”

      He sat for a moment looking at the photos of his son, daughter and Natalie on his desk. He reached forward, briefly touching all three, feeling yet again the stab of pain caused by the separation from his daughter, Laura. He gazed out of the window and down into the grounds of the Melbourne Grammar school, watching several boys playing cricket on the oval. He wondered which one of them may be Australia’s next Prime Minister; the school having produced three since 1858.

      Breaking from his reverie he crossed to his locker, grabbing a fresh towel and his toiletries before heading for the wash room. Five minutes later, face rinsed, teeth cleaned and hair combed along with a splash of aftershave, he was ready to meet his future wife.

      Just as he was about to head downstairs he hesitated, returning to his desk to ring his sister. “Hi Sis. Recover from this morning?” He held the phone away from his ear as she responded. Grinning he said, “Glad to hear it. Now the reason I’m calling… things are looking a bit grim here so I won’t be home for a day or two. Are you staying over?” Kathryn confirmed she was as she loved having the farm to herself, which included long sessions of strength training in the gym.

      “Well young farmer girl, would you ring Alan D and ask him to bring his ride-on over for five or six hours mowing. Get him to put the bill on my tab? I’ll be at Natalie’s tonight, tomorrow night and perhaps even the next. Take care and yes, before you remind me, I’ll give Nat your love.”

      Waving goodbye to the remaining detectives, he headed to his car.

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