Drama High: Culture Clash. L. Divine
of papers on his desk. His smile is reserved, but I feel more caution in his eyes than usual. Maybe Ms. Toni had the same conversation she had with me about him and me associating with each other on a friendly basis. I think she’s overreacting, but what can I say? I know how these folks up here are, and with them being the only two teachers of color on the lily-white faculty, I can’t say that I blame her. I just wish she had a little more faith in me.
“Don’t remind me,” Mickey says. As she takes her backpack off of her shoulders and passes it to Nigel to carry, I notice a new picture keychain hanging with our old photo from homecoming.
“What’s this?” I ask, taking a look at the photo. It’s a picture of Mickey, Nigel, Chance, Nellie, Rah, and me from the Valentine’s Day dance last Friday.
“What do you mean? You have the same one, remember?” she says, fingering the same set of photos hanging from my backpack. I’m glad there’s a picture to prove we were all in attendance at the dance because I don’t remember any of it—another side effect from the dream sharing thanks to Misty. And from the smiles on our faces it looks like we had a good time.
“My bad, girl. You know I’m sleep deprived.” Luckily I’m not anymore, but I have to blame my memory loss on something, and that’s part of the truth.
“We’ll see you in third period, Jayd. We have a meeting with the principal at break,” Nigel says as the final bell rings. I glance at Mr. A, who has his pencil and attendance sheet ready to mark the latecomers.
“Holla,” Mickey says as she and her man casually stroll toward their first-period class. I missed Mickey being on the main campus briefly before I went back and changed the past, including Mickey deciding to take the principal’s suggestion for her to attend the continuation school across the football field. She talked with Nigel about the administration bullying her, and they’ve decided to stand up to the powers that be, together. I’m glad she decided to stay and fight. We have to stick together in this wilderness. Otherwise, they will pluck us out one by one, with us girls being the first on their exit list. I’m not leaving this campus until I have a diploma in my hand, and I hope Mickey feels the same way.
First period’s not as chill as it used to be with Mr. Donald, but with Mr. Adewale we’re actually learning Spanish. Even the new kid on the block, Emilio, is impressed by Mr. Adewale’s command of the foreign language. I don’t know why Emilio’s in Spanish class since he can speak his first tongue fluently. But I enjoy the attention he gives me.
Emilio and I didn’t get to talk much in first period because Mr. A decided it would be fun to have a pop quiz on Chapter One, which he told us to study thoroughly last week. It was a challenge, but I think I did okay. I can’t speak for the rest of the class. But when we walked out a few moments ago, I heard other students calling Mr. A everything but a child of God.
“Miss Jackson, please pass these out for me when you get settled,” Mrs. Malone says as I walk into my second-period class, pointing to a stack of papers at the corner of her desk. I hang my backpack on the corner of my chair and claim the papers while the rest of the class files in before the bell rings.
“What’s this?” Alia, my favorite English classmate, asks. “Damn, another paper already? The semester just started a couple of weeks ago.” I agree. But there’s no rest for the weary and we are definitely worn out on our AP track. After the AP exams in a few weeks, everything will hopefully calm down.
“Oh, Miss Cole,” Mrs. Malone says to Alia. “You’re a very talented writer. You shouldn’t have any complaints.” She rises from her seat as the bell rings and props herself up on the corner of her desk, ready to begin class. I place the last handout on my desk and sit down next to Alia, who’s already started copying the daily notes from the board.
“Good morning, class. Today’s quote is from one of my favorite writers, John Updike. Charlotte, would you mind reciting it, please?” The bland-looking white girl puts on her glasses and reads from the whiteboard. Out of all the students in this class, she’s my least favorite.
“‘Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.’” The class continues copying the words from the board while reflecting on what was just said. Mrs. Malone has a peaceful order to her class that I look forward to on a daily basis. After a few moments of silence, everyone puts their pens down and waits for our teacher to speak.
“Do you think this quote is true, that dreams really do come true?” After the question lingers in the air for a moment, I take the initiative and answer, since everyone else is apparently still asleep this morning.
“Yes, I do. But not because he said it.” I already know from our reading of some of his short stories that Updike is some old white man. And most of the ideas he has aren’t really that original. Mrs. Malone looks at me knowingly, ready to challenge my opinions. That’s why I like her. For a middle-aged white woman, she’s pretty cool when it comes to literary stuff.
“Dig deeper, Jayd,” she says, repeating her mantra. If I had a dime for every time she said that I’d be a rich woman by now.
“Well, take for example the dream of becoming the first black president. If Obama hadn’t had the thought, he wouldn’t have been able to picture it as his reality,” I say, causing most eyes to roll. It’s Black History Month, but you wouldn’t know it at this school until the end of the month. Every year they hold a voluntary assembly during lunch, merging the announcement of the Cultural Awareness Festival with the end of Black History Month. Works my nerves every year. Out of protest, I usually don’t attend.
“Good, Jayd, but go even further than that. And take race out of it, because I know that’s what you’re thinking.” Easy for her to say. I hate when Mrs. Malone pretends she can read our minds, even if she’s right. Who does she think she is, Mama?
“I don’t agree with Updike,” Charlotte says. “First off, I think he’s wrong to say that nature incites us to have dreams. I think it’s our daily experiences that make us dream. Nature has nothing to do with that.” I marvel at Charlotte’s ignorance. Some people are so clueless.
“How can nature have nothing to with that, if it’s a daily experience? Nature is in everything, including our daily lives.” The rest of the class watch Charlotte and me go back and forth in a tennis match of words. For them, it’s nothing new. Charlotte and I are the most vocal participants on our AP track.
“Jayd, please. You think nature really gives a damn whether or not you dream?” She can cuss in class all day. And as long as she doesn’t go too far with it, Mrs. Malone won’t check her. Now let me say some shit like that and I’ll automatically be reprimanded for being the angry black girl in the room, fo sho.
“Here we go,” Alia whispers to me, making me smile. If it weren’t for her comic relief, I’d probably tolerate Charlotte’s ass much less than I already do.
“Nature controls grass and trees and whatnot, not our psyches. My daddy says that dreams are merely an indication that we have achieved deep sleep—rapid eye movement—nothing more.” Charlotte’s father is some pseudo shrink who’s famous for his books on the power of the mind to help you get rich. She thinks she’s hot shit. I can’t stand her ass on a good day.
“Well, your daddy’s wrong,” I say, making the class laugh—all except for Charlotte, of course. “Nature’s in all things. We can’t be separate from creation because we are a part of it, including our minds.”
“That’s a very interesting perspective, Jayd. Why do you think we are a part of nature?” Mrs. Malone asks, looking at me curiously like I’m about to say something profound.
“Because we didn’t create ourselves. And not only that, every element in the Earth can be found inside of our bodies. We are mostly water, so is the Earth.” Before I can continue, Charlotte interrupts my flow.
“Because we are part of the evolutionary process doesn’t mean that nature controls our thoughts. That’s such a primitive idea.” Both the rude interruption and the insult warrant