The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey

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will humanity work with Nature and not against her, and thus, indeed, will the very earth be made new. “And there shall be a new heaven and a new earth.”

      Dr. Carey and I together revised and enlarged The Tree of Life, and as co-authors published God-Man, The Word Made Flesh, together with a large physiological chart giving much data on occult physiology, and indicating the positions of the seven great nerve centers or chakras, otherwise the Seven Churches of Asia. This work has seen three editions. It is temporarily out of print awaiting the completion of a mass of new material which will be added to it.

      Dr. Carey also published two other books, The Chemistry of Life, and The Chemistry and Wonders of the Human Body.

      Returning to the states from his trip to Australia, he went to San Diego to lecture, and on the 17th day of November, 1924, stepped forth from his physical vehicle. His wish that it be cremated was fulfilled. The Grand Army, of which he was a member, had charge of the services.

      To those who ask the question, “Why did not the cell food and his belief in physical regeneration cause him to live longer,” I will say that the answer has already been given. He found the key to physical regeneration only after he had passed seventy. The process is not of one life, one incarnation, but of many. Only those unfamiliar with this subject ask that question. He lived, at that, longer than the average person, even though beginning life with a very sensitive, delicate body. Constantly engaged in strenuous work, he accomplished more at seventy years of age along that line than the average man of fifty, and he traveled and lectured up to the very last.

      Dr. Carey’s mentality was of a mercurial type, Mercury and the Sun having been in Virgo at birth, therefore he was critical and analytical. When lecturing, he would make a tremendously iconoclastic statement relative to some astounding fact and, without explaining, soar on his Mercury wings to more lofty heights. Resting for a moment, his audience would be blinded by another flash from the mighty sword of Truth; but he left it to them to fill in the intervening space, and very few could. His flights into mental ether where facts are born were so lofty that his journey was a lonely one. His was a truly scientific mind which nothing but facts could satisfy, and he demanded facts of others.

      In his early forties he gave up smoking and never took liquor in any form whatsoever, as he realized what effect they both had on the delicate tissues, membranes and glands of the body which the Scriptures call “THE TEMPLE OF GOD.” In this incarnation he did the best he could to utilize and work out the truths he had contacted.

      Many people all over the country tell me that the information which Dr. Carey gave forth in his writings and lectures have been the means of opening up an entirely new vista of life to them, and they bless him for it. We, too, bless him, and radio our gratitude to him in the realm of the unseen where he is waiting. When the time is ripe and the astrological moment arrives which will produce the vibration necessary for his reappearance in the objective, may he come forth again in physical manifestation to go on with the work he loved so well. Requiescat in pace!



      “And I will write upon him the name of my God.” “And I will write upon him my new name.”—Revelation.

      Man struggling up to the sunlight,

      Up from the mire and clay,

      Fighting through wars and jungles,

      And sometimes learning to pray—

      And sometimes a king with a scepter,

      And sometimes a slave with a hod;

      Some people call it Karma,

      And others call it God.

      A beggar ragged and hungry,

      A prince in purple and gold,

      A palace gilded and garnished,

      A cottage humble and old—

      One’s hopes are blighted in blooming,

      One gathers the ripened pod—

      Some call it Fate or Destiny,

      And others call it God.

      Glimmering waters and breakers,

      Far on the horizon’s rim,

      White sails and sea-gulls glinting

      Away till the sight grows dim,

      And shells, spirit-painted with glory,

      Where seaweeds beckon and nod—

      Some people call it Ocean,

      And others call it God.

      Cathedrals and domes uplifting,

      Spires pointing up to the sun,

      Images, altars and arches,

      Where kneeling and penance are done—

      From organs grand anthems are swelling,

      Where the true and faithful plod—

      Some call it Superstition,

      While others call it God.

      Visions of beauty and splendor,

      Forms of a long-lost race,

      Sounds of faces and voices,

      From the fourth dimension of space—

      And on through the universe boundless,

      Our thoughts go lightning shod—

      Some call it Imagination,

      And others call it God.

      Acids and alkalies acting,

      Proceeding and acting again,

      Operating, transmuting, fomenting,

      In throes and spasms of pain—

      Uniting, reacting, creating,

      Like souls “passing under the rod”—

      Some people call it Chemistry,

      And others call it God.

      Vibration of Etheric Substance,

      Causing light through regions of space,

      A girdle of Something, enfolding,

      And binding together the race—

      And words without wires transmitted,

      “Ariel”—winged, spirit-sandaled and shod—

      Some call it Electricity,

      And others call it God.

      Earth redeemed and made glorious,

      Lighted by Heaven within,

      Men and angels face to face,

      With never a thought of sin—

      Lion and lamb together,

      In flowers that sweeten the sod—

      Some of us call it Brotherhood,

      And others call it God.

      And now the sixth sense is opened,

      And we have rent the veil,

      And we no longer wander,

      We have ransomed the “Holy Grail.”

      Through all of life’s phases and changes,

      Along all new paths to be trod,

      We will recognize only one power—

      One present, Omnipotent God.

      Note: There have been so many requests for this much admired poem from the pen of Dr. Carey that it is believed its publication herein will be appreciated by his friends.


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