The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey

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      Acid and Alkali acting,

      Proceeding and acting again.

      Operating, transmuting, fomenting

      In throes and spasms of pain—

      Uniting, reacting, creating,

      Like souls “passing under the rod”—

      Some people call it Chemistry,

      And others call it God.

      BIOCHEMISTRY means that chemistry of life, or the union of inorganic and organic substances whereby new compounds are formed.

      In its relation to so-called disease this system uses the inorganic salts, known as cell-salts, or tissue builders.

      The constituent parts of man’s body are perfect principles,—namely, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, lime, iron, potash, soda, silica, magnesia, etc. These elements, gases, etc., are perfect per se, but may be endlessly diversified in combination as may the planks, bricks or stones with which a building is to be erected.

      A shadow can not be removed by chemicals; neither can disease be removed by poison. There is nothing (no thing) to be removed in either case; but there is a deficiency to be supplied. The shadow may be removed by supplying light to the space covered by the shadow.

      So symptoms, called disease, disappear or cease to manifest when the food called for is furnished.

      The human body is a receptacle or a storage battery, and will always run well while the chemicals are present in proper quantity and combination, as surely as an automobile will run when charged and supplied with the necessary ingredients to vibrate or cause motion.

      The cell-salts are found in all our foods, and are thus carried into the blood, where they carry on the process of life, and by the law of chemical affinity keep the human form, bodily functions, materialized. When a deficiency occurs in any of these workers through a non-assimilation of food, poor action of liver or digestive process, dematerialization of the body commences. So disease is a deficiency in some of the chemical constituents that carry on the chemistry of life and not an entity.

      Having learned that disease is not a thing, but a condition due to lack of some inorganic constituent of the blood, it follows naturally that the proper method of cure is to supply the blood with that which is lacking. In the treatment of disease the use of anything not a constituent of the blood is unnecessary.

      Dr. Charles W. Littlefield, analytical chemist, says:

      “The twelve mineral salts are, in a very real sense, the material basis of the organs and tissues of the body and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity. Experiments prove that the various tissue cells will rapidly disintegrate in the absence of the proper proportion of these salts in the circulating fluid. Whereas the maintenance of this proportion insures healthy growth and perpetual renewal.

      “These mineral salts are, therefore, the physical basis of all healing. Regardless of the school employed, if these are absent from the blood and tissues, no permanent cure is possible.”


      In this strenuous age of reconstruction, while God’s creative compounds are forming a new race in the morning of a new age, all who desire physical regeneration should strive by every means within their reach to build new tissue, nerve fluids and brain cells, thus literally making “new bottles for the new wine.” For be it known to all men that the word “wine” as used in Scripture, means blood when used in connection with man. It also means the sap of trees and juice of vegetables or fruit.

      The parable of turning water into wine at the marriage of Cana in Galilee is a literal statement of a process taking place every heart-beat in the human organism.

      Galilee means a circle of water or fluid—the circulatory system. Cana means a dividing place—the lungs. In the Greek, “a place of reeds,” or cells of lungs that vibrate sound.

      Biochemists have shown that food does not form blood, but simply furnishes the mineral base by setting free the inorganic or cell-salts contained in all food-stuff. The organic part, oil, fibrin, albumen, etc., contained in food is burned or digested in the stomach and intestinal tract to furnish motive power to operate the human machine and draw air into lungs, thence into arteries; i.e., air carriers.

      Therefore, it is clearly proved that air (spirit) unites with the minerals and forms blood, proving that the oil, albumen, etc., found in blood, is created every breath at the “marriage in Cana of Galilee.”

      Air was called water or pure sea, viz: Virgin Mar-y. So we see how water is changed into wine—blood—every moment.

      In the new age, we will need perfect bodies to correspond with the higher vibration, or motion of the new blood, for “old bottles (bodies) can not contain the new wine.”

      Another allegorical statement typifying the same truth reads, “And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth,” i.e., a new mind and a new body.

      Biochemistry may well say with Walt Whitman: “To the sick lying on their backs I bring help, and to the strong, upright man I bring more needed help.” To be grouchy, cross, irritable, despondent or easily discouraged, is prima facie evidence that the fluids of the stomach, liver and brain are not vibrating at normal rate, the rate that results in equilibrium or health. Health cannot be qualified; i.e., poor health; or good health. There must be either health or dishealth; ease or disease. We do not say poor ease or good ease. We say ease or disease, viz., not at ease.

      A sufficient amount of the cell-salts of the body, properly combined and taken as food—not simply to cure some ache, pain or exudation—forms blood that materializes in healthy fluids, flesh arid bone tissue.

      We should take the tissue cell-salts as one uses health foods, not simply to change not-health to health, but to keep the rate of blood vibration in the tone of health all the time.


      The microscope increases the rate of motion of the cells of the retina and we see things that were occulted to the natural rate of vibration of sight cells. Increase the rate of activity of brain cells by supplying more of the dynamic molecules of the blood known as mineral or cell-salts of lime, potash, sodium, iron, magnesia, silica; and we see, mentally, truths that we could not sense at lower or natural rates of motion, although the lower rate may manifest ordinary health.

      Natural man, or natural things, must be raised from the level of nature to super-natural, in order to realize new concepts that lie waiting for recognition above the solar plexus; that is, above the animal or natural man.

      The positive pole, or being, must be “lifted up” from the kingdom of earth, animal desire below the solar plexus, to the pineal gland which connects the cerebellum, the temple of the Spiritual Ego, with the optic thalamus, the third eye.

      By this regenerative process millions of dormant cells of the brain are resurrected and set in operation, and then man no longer “sees through a glass darkly,” but with the eye of spiritual understanding.

      To those who object to linking chemistry with astrology, the writer has this to say:

      The Cosmic Law is not in the least disturbed by negative statements of the ignorant individual. Those investigators of natural phenomena, who delve deeply to find truth, pay little heed to the dabbler who says, “I can’t understand how the zodiacal signs can have any relation to the cell-salts of the human body.” The sole reason that he “cannot understand” is because he never tried to understand.

      A little earnest, patient study

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