Pushkin. T. Binyon J.

Pushkin - T. Binyon J.

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names will be inscribed!51

      The epistle, which has been called ‘the most optimistic verse in Pushkin’s entire poetry’,52 circulated widely in manuscript, together with ‘Fairy Tales’, ‘The Country’ and the epigrams on Arakcheev; according to Yakushkin ‘there was scarcely a more or less literate ensign in the army who did not know them by heart’.53

      Here, having crossed Kokushkin Bridge,

      Supporting his arse on the granite,

      Aleksandr Sergeich Pushkin himself

      Stands with Monsieur Onegin.

      Scorning to glance

      At the citadel of fateful power,

      He has proudly turned his posterior to the fortress:

      Don’t spit in the well, dear chap. (III, 165)

       4 ST PETERSBURG 1817–20

      II: Onegin’s Day

      I love thee, Peter’s creation,

      Love thy stern, harmonious air,

      The Neva’s majestic flow,

      The granite of her embankments,

      Thy railings’ iron pattern,

      Thy pensive nights’

      Translucent twilight, moonless glimmer,

      When in my room

      I write and read without a lamp,

      And distinct are the sleeping piles

      Of the empty streets, and bright

      The Admiralty’s spire,

      And, not admitting nocturnal dark

      To the golden heavens,

      Dawn to replace dusk

      Hastens, giving to night but half an hour.

      I love your cruel winter’s

      Still air and frost,

      The flight of sleighs along the broad Neva,

      Maidens’ faces brighter than roses,

      The brilliance, hubbub and chatter of balls,

      And at the bachelor banquet

      The hiss of foaming beakers

      And the blue flame of punch.

      The Bronze Horseman, 43–66

      THE PETERSBURG THROUGH WHICH the hero of Eugene Onegin moves in the first chapter of the poem is not fictional: it is the Petersburg of Pushkin. Eugene’s friends and acquaintances, his amusements and diversions, his interests and infatuations are also Pushkin’s. This ‘description of the fashionable life of a St Petersburg young man at the end of 1819, reminiscent of Beppo,

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