The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova

The Key to Eternal Life - Trayana Harizanova

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I visited the Convent near Limassol, where there was a miraculous icon (I have already told you about this). This time I prayed for about 15 minutes and gradually began to feel that the Holy Virgin Mary had possessed my body and controlled it. On the way out of the monastery, I took holy water with me. When I left with the car, 8 pigeons appeared in front of me on the road, as in the fairy tales. I immediately stopped the car, waited a few minutes and they flew. A few days later, when I met my Master, I asked him to interpret my vision in front of the icon.


      – For the first time I see such an interesting picture. The Virgin Mary protects you, she gives you a lot of energy, and pigeons are a very good sign.

      I also asked if he had ever seen his body running like a skeleton in front of his car.


      – In 1998, my wife and I saw something similar. She is also clairvoyant, but I am much stronger than she is. I have been devoting my energy to our planet for 18 years, which is why I live on the island of Cyprus. It is always warm here and there is no snow. I have already completed my task very successfully. By distributing my energy every day, I saved the planet from destruction. That was my mission.

      I listened to Igor with great attention. Such a difficult task and such a great miracle – to save the whole planet from destruction and to support it with your own energy every day. And people don’t even know anything about it. This is called MISSION! I told him that I had dreamed of my father Hristo (now deceased), how I felt about him and how he was walking next to me, and Igor explained to me that now everything will appear in my dreams, as I am developing spiritually. I felt inside and I knew that one day I would also help people, as Igor does, but at this stage I was not ready yet and I had to work on it. He also told me that he had worked and worked for many years to acquire such abilities. We talked about the earthquake and tsunami that threaten Cyprus and because many of my friends and acquaintances did not believe these predictions, but one day they will understand what it means to lose everything and only then will they begin to appreciate what they have been given. He also told me:

      – Learn to think correctly, everyone around you is materialistic, everyone thinks only of money.

      Then he added:

      – All Divine forces look at us from heaven we are like ants to them. Yes, they look at us like ants, Trayana…

* * *

      A few days later, Igor told me the great icons of St. Matryona, on St. Luke and St. Xenia of St. Petersburg had been brought to the Russian Church of St. George in Limassol and that the doors of the church will be open for only five days. In Russia, you cannot get to these icons easily you have to line up for hours to see them. These icons make miracles. I and my friend Natalia managed to go, we prayed and got a lot of energy.

      There were mostly Russians in the church. When I prayed in front of the icon of St. Matryona, divine forces told Igor that I needed knowledge that I should read books and listen to what he is telling me. I went to St. George’s Church every day and was charged with very strong energy. I knew that these icons were not brought to Cyprus by accident. The last day I stood in front of the icons for hours and felt how powerful energy was pouring into my body. The next day a miracle happened: my menstruation cycle returned back to normal. The last one was a year ago, but it stopped due to stress and depression from my financial losses. On October 27th, 2012, another miracle happened. I prayed, I believed and it happened. Yes, anything is possible – you just have to truly believe… Then, at the beginning of the year, Igor said it would be so. And now he told me that if we hadn’t met, he wouldn’t have cured me and I couldn’t have children. He told me this the next day – on October 28th, 2012. This man is my ANGEL – Saviour, the Great Teacher, the Master, the man who energetically healed all diseases in my physical body, destroyed all the negative energy in it. He didn’t give that much of his energy to anyone else! He also destroyed all the negative energy of all the men I had a relationship with. During intimate relationships with different people, you energetically attract their karma too. Igor also cleared me of this energy so that I could rise in the spiritual realm. I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me to the Great Teacher with such Divine energy, capable of destroying everything negative in a person.

      In one of our conversations, Igor told me that in 2012 he received so much energy that he can now cure any disease, including paralysis in people with spinal problems. He showed me a picture on his computer painted by his daughter, with a picture of a dolphin and two sea angels. Her talent has developed a lot in the last two years.

      I asked:

      – Does your family know about your abilities and God’s gift? Do they know what miracles you’re doing?

      – No, no one knows. I told them three years ago, but then they never believed me.

      About this he shared with me for the first time.

      – So I’m the only person who immediately believes in your abilities and everything you talk about? Are you happy, are you happy that I’m telling people about it?

      – Of course! Better, let someone else talk about me and my abilities than myself…

* * *

      A few days later, I went to play sports on the beach and there I saw a friend of mine. We have known each other since 2006, but we hadn’t seen each other for a long time… We talked. She shared her misfortune: her mother was very ill and could not get out of bed. She underwent spinal surgery, but was still unable to walk. I immediately told her about Igor, about his great abilities and qualities. She told me that at times she felt a huge wave approaching from the sea, like a tsunami. I immediately told her that there would indeed be a tsunami in Cyprus. The next day, Igor and I went to see their mother, who had been immobile for more than a year. He gave her a session and then said that the spinal disease was a result of the past due to financial problems with her father… He positively said that in a month she would be able to walk with a cane, and in two or three months she would throw the cane and walk like everyone else. This was in November 2012. Her mother didn’t believe him much…

      She had lost all hope of being able to walk. He told her that after a few sessions everything would be fine, she just had to believe.

      I asked Igor:

      – Why do I have a severe headache for two days?

      – Because you are purified from negative thoughts.

      – I have the feeling that steam is coming out of my head.

      – Yes, the purification is constant, layer by layer.

      Once again I was convinced that from Igor’s energy I also began to feel and anticipate. My intuition hadn’t let me down: just to think of something, and it was happening. Or that I just know that what I’m thinking is true, not otherwise (I hadn’t told anyone about it yet).

      I will never forget November 3th, 2012, when Igor told me that the Divine Powers told him that he was the second man on Earth after Jesus Christ, that he had a mission to save people, and that something like this was passed on to him for the first time. I was shocked and just repeated: “I knew, I knew! I have always told people that you heal with your hand, as Jesus Christ did, that your hand is like a “laser.” Deep in my heart and soul I felt everything that concerned Igor and his gift, I was feeling sad about the fact that some people did not understand him and did not believe him.

      Then I reminded him:

      – Do you remember how a few months ago, when we were in front of the Apollonia Hotel on the sea, I told you that I had been given information that in your past life you were Jesus Christ, that in this life God taught you only 15 years, not 30, as Jesus Christ taught, because now the energy is different?

      – I remember you were telling me about it … – Yes, but then the Divine Powers didn’t answer you when you asked them

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