The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova

The Key to Eternal Life - Trayana Harizanova

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forced me to commit.

      Destroying my Ego was Igor’s biggest session. By the way, this was a very interesting period in my life. The transition from the dark pit – into the light reality.

      Now it all seems like a fairy tale, but it was all real what happened to me.

      As I have already explained, Igor treated me in stages so that the energy could work fully and we could observe and note all the positive results in my life. Everything negative was destroyed and, at the same time, I worked diligently on myself, treating my character very strictly. I changed my way of thinking and got rid of the bad habits formed during my childhood. The more I changed for the better, the better came into my life. I began to help very seriously ill people who needed Divine energy.

* * *

      Here is an example: Igor saved the life of Raina from Blagoevgrad (town in Bulgaria), a woman with whom I lived in one of the flat complexes and often went to the swimming pool together.

      She once told me about her health problems: she often suffocated, did not dare to sleep because she was afraid that she would not wake up. Together with her, we visited the church of St. Elias Profitis, where I introduced her to Igor. After the session, he told her:

      – Your soul was heading to Heaven, I managed to catch it by a thread at the last moment, as a hot air balloon was caught by a rope and returned it to your body. You were leaving, and I can certainly say that I saved your life.

      Raina herself sensed this situation. That’s how we got closer with her. In return, she helped some of her colleagues who also needed help. One of her colleagues found herself in the same situation and Igor returned her soul to her body in the same way. This way we helped the seriously ill, especially those who needed not only treatment of the body, but also salvation of their soul.

      The talent to heal with the hand like a laser that Igor has does not come to everyone – it is a gift of God that must be earned… How many people like him do you know who are able to heal forever a person’s physical body?!

      The treatment of my varicose veins took about a month, and after complete healing, a channel for financial well-being opened (money problems had affected my veins). Yes, there were many sessions and the process was long. All this happened because with my thoughts I blocked the process of fear, stress and depression.

      As for the money, Igor explained it to me like this:

      – The money comes from two sources – from God and from Mammon. In order to benefit from God, you, Trayana, must develop spiritually, then you cannot worry: the money will find you! In life, everything is in full synchronization: spiritual development opens the door to the material world.

      Igor also said:


      There were days when I didn’t have a penny. I went through a lot: no money, no job. I had friends who helped me with money and food until I got back on my feet.

      I had to go through a lot in Cyprus.

      My friend K., with whom we lived together for three years, often helped me financially. She herself had gone through tests and she knew what it meant not to have… Friends and acquaintances helped me, they did not leave me in this difficult period. I am wholeheartedly grateful to GOD for these tests. They made me strong and confident. I have been shown that there is nothing shameful in poverty if one continues to be honest and sincere.

      It can happen to anyone that they will not or will not be able to cope with the difficulties, but many people are afraid and ashamed to admit that they have nothing or that they cannot do something. They put on a “mask”, hide under it, and create an inferiority complex, out of embarrassment to tell others the truth…

      My cleansing from the power of Mammon would also be long, but not having money helped me a lot. It gave me the opportunity to be myself, to give me more free time to develop creatively, to write a book and, of course, to fight the bad habits of my character as I freed myself from my Ego.

      When people are busy making a lot of money, they do not pay attention to the small joys in life, they do not see that life itself can be wonderful, and therefore it (life) needs neither money nor gold. GOD created us in a HEAVENLY PARADISE, but, unfortunately, very few people notice and appreciate him. Most people prefer to live in CHAOS and strive to make more and more money. The competition between them is huge!

      In life, we must move in parallel: between the SPIRITUAL AND THE MATERIAL – this is how the world is arranged in the third dimension.

      We healed the veins, we destroyed my Ego – we rest. We observe how the energy works in my body. In the following days, I was very nervous, worried and anxious. I didn’t know then that it was a natural process. Negative energy is not cleared immediately: you clean one, immediately something else “pops up” that needs to be cleared. And so layer after layer.

* * *

      Once my friend Natalie from Poland and I were at the Kelaki Monastery.

      While I was praying in front of the miraculous icon, Igor had a vision in which a huge ego of mine appeared – the greatest of all: excessive pride… He told me where I got it from. In the 18th century, I was a noble lady in Moscow. I was very rich, I played piano and everything in my life was wonderful. Then I created the Ego of ARROGANCE.

      I asked him:

      – Why is this Ego manifesting only now? I thought you had cleared me of the Ego.

      I felt that something was wrong with me, that someone was still controlling my body. Igor explained to me that the doors open one after the other, or layer by layer. So the time has come for this Ego to appear as well. I got it. I stood in front of the icon and prayed to God to show me the right way so that I could clear all the negative energy that had accumulated in me over the years. I prayed so much that finally the greatest energy monster appeared, which had settled in my body, ruled it, forced me not to be the real “I” – THE EGO OF THE EXCESSIVE PRIDE AND ARROGANCE.

      Igor, my Spiritual Master, not only healed me, but also taught me how to get rid of bad qualities forever in order to become perfect! This is a difficult struggle, and the most serious struggle is the struggle with one’s own Ego. Most people do not have enough ENERGY and WILL to fight it. It is much easier for them to live the old way: with lies, with deception, with hypocrisy, with malice, with greed, and so on. The ego has it in every person. Such is GOD’S PLAN. Our task on Earth is to fight the Ego and our Higher Self to win.

      Of course, I apologized to Igor for being so nervous and very offended. In fact, it was not me, but my Ego.

      Igor’s ego was long gone, as a SPIRITUAL TEACHER – MASTER, he had long since freed himself from it. He fought it all alone and won.

      To my apology, he replied:

      – I didn’t want to argue with you – I saw that you were like a zombie from this Ego.

      This was also one of the most interesting stages of my treatment. I was sure I could handle it on my own! I had to free myself from pride, from malice, from resentment. On July 31st 2012, on the phone, my mother told me that she almost died three days ago. A piece of bread fell into her trachea, she could not breathe, became all blue and barely survived. I immediately called Igor and asked him why this happened?

      He answered me like this:

      – Your mother was almost gone, but thanks to you, GOD saved her life. Your faith in GOD, your spiritual development has saved her. Now go to church and thank God for that.

      I immediately rushed to the church of St. Elias Profitis and on my knees, I prayed and thanked God for saving my mother’s life. I prayed to Him to forgive me for all the sins and mistakes I had made, willingly or unwillingly. For a long time, every day, I thanked God for saving my mother’s life.

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