The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova

The Key to Eternal Life - Trayana Harizanova

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      “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4: 4—7).

      The Apostle Paul writes, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (Heb. 11: 6).

* * *

      Here is an example of how our planet is protected… My Master told me that on February 15th, 2013, a meteorite fell near the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia. The power of the explosion could have been 30 times greater than the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima in 1945. This meteorite did not explode just because the people of Russia had created the dome of “First Love” from one end of the ocean to the other to protect Russia and planet Earth from a GLOBAL DISASTER.

      “No one died.” They were only wounded by broken windows and falling debris. For the past three years, I’ve been protecting the Earth from all the meteorites and asteroids that fly around the planet. So we are completely safe. No celestial object can harm the planet and humanity. Igor told me about this case on February 18th, 2013, and it became so interesting to me that I immediately started looking for information about the meteorite in the Russian news.

      “On February 15th, 2013 at 9:22 local time (7:22 Moscow time) a meteorite flew over the territory of the Chelyabinsk region at the speed of sound in the direction of Chelyabinsk – Chebarkul – Satka.

      A loud explosion, an air shock wave, light electromagnetic radiation and seismic acoustic interference accompanied its passage.

      The lightning was seen in neighbouring areas, as well as in neighbouring Kazakhstan. The shock wave shattered the windows of more than 7,000 buildings. There were no casualties, but more than 1,600 people were injured by shattered windows, and 52 were hospitalized.

      (“15 февраля 2013 года в 9:22 по местному времени (7:22 мск) над территорией Челябинской области пролетел метеорит со сверхзвуковой скоростью по направлению Челябинск – Чебаркуль – Сатка. Его прохождение сопровождалось сильным взрывом, воздушной ударной волной, световым и электромагнитным излучением, сейсмическим и акустическим возмущением.

      Вспышка света была видна и в соседних регионах, а также в сопредельном Казахстане. Ударная волна выбила стекла более чем в семи тысячах зданий.

      ЧП обошлось без человеческих жертв, но постра- дали более 1,6 тысячи человек, главным образом, из-за порезов стеклами выбитых окон, 52 человека были госпитализированы”. )

      I thought, “Lord God! These people have not understood anything, they are just thinking about money!” This is how the world works: materialism has swallowed people’s consciousness.

      I immediately remembered Igor’s account of the fact that 300,000 years ago we were copied by beings from the planet Satan (Nibiru) and that we were an experiment on our planet. I just said out loud:

      – How can people don’t understand that the Key is in themselves!

      Igor answered:

      – From the reptiles remain only two functions: to live and to multiply, and all other talents and gifts of God are destroyed. Everything that happens here on Earth is our tests. This was done on purpose so that at this level of development – in the third dimension, we can realize that we are PART OF THE COSMIC MIND OCEAN, who repeats in itself the structure of the universe, perfecting itself to the level of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and uniting itself with the Spiritual unity of God, creating the beginning of the beginnings. – Of course, I realise everything… I myself go through this stage of spiritual training, but now at a higher level. Thank you – My Master, who’s with his energy helping me.

      The New Energy is already on the planet. People began to change for the better. For example, the Bulgarian Minister of Finance resigned, probably not wanting to participate in corruption. They also elected a new Patriarch in Sofia.

      Bulgaria needs a spiritual awakening, because there are only 2% spiritually elevated people, all the others develop only materially. We need Hope, Faith and Love. The materialism absorbed Bulgaria. Vanga said, “Love will save the world!”

      People want to have money first and then believe…

      First there must be FAITH IN GOD, and only then God will open all the doors to the material world. There are two ways to make money: from God and from the Dark Forces (dishonest way). Those who have chosen the Dark Path, God will soon clear them and will remain only believers in God. Right now, as I write this book, I am following this path and developing spiritually…

      Spirituality does not mean that you have to go to church all the time. The church is God’s temple, where one can pray and light a candle to commemorate the souls of our deceased loved ones, but in our time churches have become a source of income. They are opened only for liturgies and on holidays. Developing spirituality means believing in our Creator – to develop creatively, to develop our talents and abilities for the common good and, most importantly, to learn to THINK POSITIVELY.

      Statistics show that nowadays people have forgotten about spirituality, or more precisely, they do not want to develop spiritually. They don’t have time for that because they only think about how to make money? For thousands of years, the material world has completely cleansed them of the idea of spiritual development.

      The time has come for truth and revelation. People will have to reconsider their ideas about God and the Supreme Mind. This is natural, because everything they know about the structure of the universe, putting it mildly, is NOT TRUE, but a complete delusion. All this knowledge was presented to us as a mixture of religious dogmas and scientific errors, which affected the spiritual evolution of those who were destined (created) to expand the space of the Higher Mind. As for my tests, which I went through spiritually every day, in the material world, they became more and more difficult and I had to deal with them every day. There were times when I needed a lot of money to pay bills and pay off debts. My income was not enough or late. In general, the situation was dramatic, but I stubbornly believed that everything would be fine and I said to myself: “Stop, everyone will wait. I know and I believe that everything will be fine.”

      I can definitely say that the more I developed spiritually and believed in God, the more difficult my tests became.

      The higher I was climbing the spiral, the harder and more complicated my life was becoming.

      Believe my experience: the more you develop spiritually, believe, pray and think positively, the more often it happens that in those moments when it seems to you that all the doors are closed, God paves the way for you. So, thanks to the energy of my Master, who helped me to be stronger and more confident, I rediscovered myself.

      Igor not only helped me with his Divine energy, but also watched me move up the spiral. Over the last few weeks,

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