The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova

The Key to Eternal Life - Trayana Harizanova

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For example, when work was not going well, I stayed calm. There was no tension, nerves and intolerance. I believed that tomorrow would bring me more work than today.

      It is very important to believe in tomorrow. Every thought of mine created MY FUTURE TOMORROW. It was a great achievement for me, because I knew that everything that happened to me was my tests and trials and I had to go through them. My Master praised me and said that the Divine Powers had given him the following: GREAT TEACHER, HUMBLE STUDENT!

      – Yes, of course, I am modest. I worked all week to pay for the accommodation and maintenance of my car. I don’t need a lot of money to move forward.

      – You, Trayana, will receive millions of books to write, there will be several.

      – I would like my books to be interesting and, most of all, easily understandable for the people.

      – Today, Trayana, you have a completely different energy, you think completely differently, well done!

      – Yes, I feel positive and confident. And other people told me today that they feel my positive energy.

      – Yes, in terms of the energy of your vibrations you have already reached Vanga.

      – How about energy?

      – You have reached it energetically. He said nothing more.

      Many indicators lately have told me that I am getting stronger and stronger. The important thing is that I learned to think only positively and optimistically, regardless of the situation.

      A few days later we met again with my Master and he shared with me information that may not yet be known to the world.

      Igor gave me important and secret information about our planet Earth.

      Quantum transition december 21st, 2012 the beginning of the transition

      The earth must pass from the third dimension to the fifth. All people on Earth live in two dimensions – the third and the fourth. The fourth dimension we visit when we sleep, i.e. our soul visits the etheric world. Our deceased are in this world, where their souls also exist, and we meet them in our dreams. We dream and observe various events and situations that are related to us or our loved ones. We also see pictures from the future.

      Very often, they are symbolic. These pictures need to be deciphered and explained. Dreams can come true the next day, or they can in five years.

      The peak of the Quantum Transition lasted until 2016, but during this period, humanity did not ascend to the 5th dimension. The main task is to clear all the negativity that we have created in our lives and on the planet Earth. The whole process of transition to Higher Dimensions will take a period of about 200 years.

      Now the planet has become brighter and more people “Woke up.” Such people are becoming more and more, but with the scale of the entire planet are not many. Of the seven billion people living on Earth, only 2—3% have woken up, the rest are asleep. Therefore, the whole process of ascension of the planet goes in stages.

      A group of human angels from the Great Centre of the Sun live on Earth. Their mission is the ascension of the planet Earth to the 5thdimension (Paradise). These human angels have extensive experience in such planetary ascensions. They have already raised nine such planets in different dimensions, Galaxies and Universes.

      Eight of them were successful. These people are not only the TREASURE of our planet, they are the true protectors of the universe. Their knowledge and experience increase energy and the Process of Ascension in the 5th dimension depends on them. No one knows anything about them, their names are unknown, but they are doing their Great Work and working in the name of the UNIVERSAL TREASURE QUIETLY AND WITHOUT SHOWINESS.

      I immediately asked:

      – These 12 Masters who are here on Earth, and who have such strong energy, is it true that four of them (three men and one woman) have energy stronger than the others?

      – Yes.

      – How interesting! No one on Earth knows about this. Thanks to you, I learned so many interesting things.

      – Yes, exactly…

      – And when will all people find out about your abilities? I think the time has come.

      – Soon, very soon… When in Russia people find out about my abilities, I will be invited to the government to meet with President Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. They will offer me to work for the government, but I will tell them, “I’m sorry, but I serve God – he is my Master and I only serve him.”

      I remembered Vanga “s words again (from the book “Prophecies and Wisdom” by Zhenya Kostadinova) that a handsome and strong man will come to spread the New Spiritual Teaching, thanks to which human souls will be able to purify themselves. It will spread around the world, but has not yet appeared. This is what Vanga said in the years 1970—1980. Now I can safely say that this man is Igor Ivanov, I know him and his task is to spread the spiritual teachings of the White Brotherhood around the world. Igor’s energy purifies people’s souls and they repent of their sins. Thanks to him, they get better. (Igor certainly doesn’t look young at the moment, but I know he will soon be younger and will always look 35 years old.)

      Vanga also said that all the apostles are already on Earth that the time of the Holy Spirit has already begun. The greatest mission has fallen on the shoulders of the Apostle Andrew – he is paving the way for Christ to come to this world again.

      Vanga says, “Christ will return again. The New Age has come and all the religions that have existed on the planet for 3—4 thousand years will disappear because they are no longer needed and interfere with the Pleiades who sent us Christ. The Pleiades take care of us.

      – In what dimension do the Pleiades live?

      – In the 12th dimension, where the SERAPHIMS and CHERUBIMS live, the superior angels. The Pleiades, who live in the 12th dimension, have returned from the future to the past to correct the mistakes they made before on Earth. I have also returned from the future to the past to save planet Earth from a planetary catastrophe. I came from the FEDERATION OF OUR GALAXY – THE MILKY WAY. There, in the sixth dimension, sits the Government of our Galaxy. I am God who descended into the material body of the third dimension to save planet Earth from planetary catastrophe and to raise Gaia in the fifth dimension, to the place where life is in Paradise – forever.

      When Igor stopped talking, I just looked at him and I felt and couldn’t say anything. Yes, I know how much energy and strength he gives to our planet. Every morning he gets up at 05.30, goes to the sea to meditate and so it is every day for many years.

      His mission is to protect the planet and give it energy. That is why he lives in Cyprus. It is always warm here and the climate allows this mission to be carried out (no snow, no ice). Yes, the Great Teacher – the Godman or, more precisely, the Miracleworker.

      I myself am an example of how he shares his strong energy with me every day. As a Master and Teacher, he constantly supported me and watched me deal with daily difficulties, more precisely, with my Ego, which constantly hindered me. I realised that he was the only person who could energetically help me. When I was offended, when I was angry or dissatisfied, I knew that this was my Ego. The tests in Cyprus were for my good.

      There were times when he stopped helping me because I had to go through fire and water myself to cope. At that time, my Ego was getting angry, but I was strong and I was able to fight it. These are TESTS OF PERFECTION to go up the spiral. Every day my mind awoke more and more with the purity of the vibrations. I once asked Igor:

      – How many people have as strong and pure energy as us?

      – There are no other such people in Cyprus, only we are with you…

      Then I understood why so many of my relatives, friends and colleagues were constantly looking

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