Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Tina M. Henkin

Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria - Tina M. Henkin

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how an origin region containing parS sites bound by the P...Figure 1.21 The E. coli chromosome has four structured regions called macrodom...Figure 1.22 The MinCDE and nucleoid occlusion systems control placement of the...Figure 1.23 Timing of DNA replication during the cell cycle, with two differen...Figure 1.24 Replication creates hemimethylated DNA. (A) The A in the sequence ...Figure 1.25 Model showing the possible functional consequences of SeqA binding...Figure 1.26 (A) Supercoiled DNA. (B) Twisting of the ends in opposite directio...Figure 1.27 Action of the two types of topoisomerases. The type I topoisomeras...

      3 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 RNA precursors. (A) A ribonucleoside triphosphate (rNTP) (the form ...Figure 2.2 Secondary structure in an RNA. (A) The RNA folds back on itself to ...Figure 2.3 The structure of bacterial RNA polymerase. The core enzyme is compo...Figure 2.4 Crystal structure of bacterial RNA polymerase and σ interact...Figure 2.5 RNA transcription. (A) The polymerization reaction, in whi...Figure 2.6 (A) Typical structure of a σ70 bacterial...Figure 2.7 Transcription begins at a promoter and ends at a transcription te...Figure 2.8 Overview of transcription. (A) The transcription cycle. Ea...Figure 2.9 Transcription initiation. (A) Binding of σ to RNA p... Figure 2.10 Interactions between RNA polymerase subunits and promoter elements...Figure 2.11 Abortive transcription and RNA polymerase escape from the promoter...Figure 2.12 The transcription elongation complex (TEC). During elongation, nuc...Figure 2.13 Backtracked transcription elongation complex (TEC). Backward movem...Figure 2.14 Transcription termination at a factor-independent termination site...Figure 2.15 Model for factor-dependent transcription termination at a ...Figure 2.16 Precursor of rRNA. The precursor transcript (top) contains ...Figure 2.17 Structure of mature tRNAs. (A) Standard clover leaf ...Figure 2.18 Pathways for RNA degradation. RNA transcripts that are gene...Figure 2.19 Two amino acids joined by a peptide bond. The bond connects...Figure 2.20 Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of ...Figure 2.21 The composition of a bacterial ribosome containing one copy...Figure 2.22 Crystal structures of a tRNA and the ribosome. (A) ...Figure 2.23 Overview of translation. (A) The ribosomal A (amino...Figure 2.24 Aminoacylation of a tRNA by its cognate aminoacyl-tRNA syn...Figure 2.25 Complementary pairing between a tRNA anticodon and an mRNA...Figure 2.26 Conversion of methionine (Met) to N-formyl-methionin...Figure 2.27 Structure of a typical bacterial translational initiation r...Figure 2.28 Initiation of translation. (1) The IF3 factor binds ...Figure 2.29 The peptidyltransferase reaction catalyzes dissociation of ...Figure 2.30 Termination of translation at a nonsense codon. In the abse...Figure 2.31 Removal of the N-terminal formyl group by peptide deformyla...Figure 2.32 trans-Translation by transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA)...Figure 2.33 Wobble pairing between the anticodon on the tRNA and the ...Figure 2.34 Structure of a polycistronic mRNA. (A) The coding ...Figure 2.35 Model for translational coupling in a polycistronic mRNA...Figure 2.36 Polarity in transcription of a polycistronic mRNA transcr...Figure 2.37 Chaperonins. The GroEL (Hsp60)-type chaperonin multimers ...Figure 2.38 Protein transport systems. (A) Cutaway view of the...Figure 2.39 Schematic representation of the type I, II, III, and IV ...Figure 2.40 Structure and function of a typical autotransporter. A ...Figure 2.41 Comparison of the Firmicute-type injectosome ...Figure 2.42 The sortase A pathway. (A) Typical sortase sub...Figure 2.43 (A) The two general types of transcriptional r...Figure 2.44 Relationship between gene structure in DNA and the co...Figure 2.45 Transcriptional and translational fusions to express ...

      4 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Detection of auxotrophic mutants. Cells were scraped with a loop fr...Figure 3.2 The number of mutants in a culture is not proportional to the numbe...Figure 3.3 The Luria and Delbrück experiment. In experiment 1, a single flask ...Figure 3.4 Mutants are clonal. In experiment 1, cells were spread onto a plate...Figure 3.5 The number of cell divisions (7) equals the total number of cells I...Figure 3.6 The fraction of mutants increases as a culture multiplies, and the ...Figure 3.7 Transitions versus transversions. The mutations are shown in gold s...Figure 3.8 (A) A mispairing during

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