Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Tina M. Henkin

Snyder and Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria - Tina M. Henkin

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The 23S rRNA is the peptidyltransferase enzyme, which joins amino acids into protein on the ribosome. The 23S rRNA therefore acts as a ribozyme, an RNA enzyme (see below). The 16S RNA lacks enzymatic activity but plays crucial roles in initiation and termination of translation, as well as in decoding of the sequence of the mRNA.

      The rRNAs and tRNAs make up the bulk of the RNA in cells because of their central role in protein synthesis. In a rapidly growing bacterial cell, much of the total RNA synthesis is devoted to making these RNAs. Also, the rRNAs and tRNAs are far more resistant to degradation than mRNA. With this combination of a high synthesis rate and high stability, the rRNAs and tRNAs together can amount to more than 95% of the total RNA in a rapidly growing bacterial cell.

      Molecular Phylogeny

      The translation apparatus is the most highly conserved of all the cellular components. The structures of ribosomes, translation factors, aaRS enzymes, tRNAs, and the genetic code itself have changed remarkably little in billions of years of evolution. This is why these components have been used extensively in molecular phylogeny. By comparing the sequences of the rRNAs and other components of the translation apparatus and determining how much they have diverged, it has been possible to establish phylogenetic trees that include all organisms on Earth. The high level of conservation probably also explains why so many different antibiotics target the translation apparatus compared to other cellular components. An antibiotic designed to inhibit translation in one type of bacteria will probably inhibit translation in many other types of bacteria.

      The conservation of components of the translation apparatus is so high that “rooted” evolutionary trees can be made that include eukaryotes and archaea (see the introduction). Such trees are usually not too different from what has been obtained from physiological and other comparisons, but there are sometimes surprises. Also, the sequence of the translation elongation factors led to the suggestion that the archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes than they are to other bacteria, prompting the change of their name to archaea from the original designation “archaebacteria.”

      Many of the initiation and elongation factors in bacteria have counterparts in archaea and eukaryotes. Nevertheless, the major differences in the translation apparatus come in the translation initiation factors. While bacteria have only three initiation factors (some of them have more than one form), archaea and eukaryotes have many more. As is the case with other cellular functions, archaea share more of their initiation factors with eukaryotes than they do with bacteria. Also, some of the initiation factors, while conserved, seem to have somewhat different functions in the three kingdoms of life. These differences may reflect differences in the initiation sites for translation.


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“Schematic illustration of the precursor of rRNA. The precursor transcript (top) contains the 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNAs, as well as one or more tRNAs. RNases cut the individual rRNAs and tRNAs out of the precursor after it is synthesized.”

      The faster a cell grows, the more protein it needs to make. Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis; therefore, cells can increase their growth rate only if they increase the number of ribosomes. In most bacteria, the coding sequences for the rRNAs are repeated in several copies in the genome. Duplication of these genes leads to higher rates of rRNA synthesis in these bacteria. Although the precursor RNAs encoded by these different copies produce identical rRNAs, the rRNA gene clusters often contain different tRNAs and spacer regions.


Schematic illustration of the structure of mature tRNAs. (A) Standard clover leaf representation of tRNA, showing the base pairing that holds the molecule together and some of the standard modifications. (B) Folding of tRNA into its tertiary structure. The discriminator base immediately upstream of the CCA, is important for tRNA recognition by the correct aminoacyltRNA synthetase.

      Different classes of RNAs have very

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