Tommy’s house. Marina Nitsinska

Tommy’s house - Marina Nitsinska

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as often as possible. She knew every object in the room in detail. A toy or game, pen or pencil, marker or eraser – the girl could tell a story about any subject.

      When Tommy was in a good mood and ready to play with her, she chose costumes for them to play some roles in their home theatre.

      “Tommy, I will be a Princess and you’ll play a pirate.. no, you’ll be a hero who will save me! …or you’ll free me from an evil wizard’s castle! Here is my sparkling gown! Where is your prince’s suit?”

      “Lill, we have already played this game. Let’s make another one for a change! Maybe lotto? Or the sea battle?”

      “It is very complicated and boring for me. Tommy, please!”

      “Oh, my building kit is here, I haven’t finished construction of the airport yet. Will you help me?”

      “I don’t know… I can only help with decoration… Do you want your airport to be luxurious?”

      “What?! Are you kidding? Lilly, this is the airport! Have you ever seen a luxurious airport?”

      “Why not create it right now?”

      “No. I’ll build the best airport myself, without your silly decoration.”

      “You won’t! And it’s not silly!

      What makes you think that your airport will be the best?!”

      “I know for sure, because I’m the best constructor!”

      “Ahahaha! Who said it?”

      “My mum! She says that I’m the best! Don’t dare to laugh! And don’t speak to me like that.”

      “Ok. Tommy, will we play today?”

      “Lill, let’s make your theatre performance.

      Put on your dress, and I will find my sword.”

      “And fetch my crown, please!”

      “Have you ever seen anybody hidden in the wizard’s castle as a prisoner, still wearing a crown?!”

      “You are too down-to-earth!

      Have you ever seen a princess without a golden or at least silver crown?!!”

      “Wear whatever you want, Lill!”

      “Hurry up! I’ve already dressed up!”

      “I’m not going to save you without my sword! Wait a minute!”

      Ten minutes later they prepared decorations made of chairs, blankets, and some stuff from the room, and started their play. It was quite exciting.

      Tommy was surprised with Lilly’s creativity and her ability to invent new scenarios. She was free to express her feelings.


      entertainment [_entəteɪnmənt] – развлечение, веселье

      stationery [steɪʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] – канцелярские принадлежности

      liquid melody [lɪkwɪd] [melədɪ] – плавная мелодия

      to evoke [ɪvəuk] – пробуждать, вызывать

      sketchbook [skeʧbuk] – альбом для


      crayons [kreɪɔnz] – цветные карандаши, мелки

      to reveal [rɪvi_l] – открывать, показывать, обнаруживать

      to be astonished at smth [əstɔnɪʃt] – поражаться, крайне удивляться чему-либо

      to depict [dɪpɪkt] – изображать, рисовать, описывать

      evil wizard’s castle [i_v(ə)l] [wɪzədz] [kɑ_sl] – замок злого волшебника, колдуна

      sparkling gown [spɑ_klɪŋ] [gaun] – блестящее платье

      building kit [bɪldɪŋ] [kɪt] – конструктор

      luxurious [lʌgʒu(ə)rɪəs] – роскошный

      sword [sɔ d] – меч, шпага

      to fetch [feʧ] – принести, сходить за чем-либо

      down-to-earth [_dauntuɜθ] – приземлённый, практичный


      Here are several expressions from the text. Give Russian equivalents to them.

      An object of one’s pride; to arouse some feelings; to make somebody smile/cry; to place oneself; to express somebody’s ideas, feelings; to come into one’s head; to be astonished at something; to know something in detail; to be in a good/bad mood; dare (not) do something.

      II Make up sentences of your own with the expressions from exercise I.

      III Complete the crossword puzzle.


      1. Paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing. (noun)

      4. A pad or book of drawing paper for sketching on. (noun)

      6. A dress, usually a long one, which women wear on formal occasions. (noun)

      7. The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment. (noun)

      10. A pencil or stick of coloured chalk or wax, used for drawing. (noun)


      2. To bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind. (verb)

      3. To cause or allow (something) to be seen. (verb)

      5. Extremely comfortable or elegant, especially when involving great expense. (adj)

      8. To go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone. (verb)

      9. A weapon with a handle and a long sharp blade. (noun)

      11. A man who has magical power, especially in legends and fairy tales. (noun)

      12. To show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form. (verb)

      IV Translate the sentences, paying attention to Present Perfect Tense.

      1. Дети уже удобно устроились на полу в игровой, они ждут начала их любимого мультфильма.

      2. Дэвид еще не играл со своими друзьями в прятки в этом просторном доме. Здесь

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